Multi-Organ Chips – The Patients of Tomorrow?

Multi-Organ Chips – The Patients of Tomorrow?

Interview with Dr. Uwe Marx, Physician, Human Biologist, and Founder of TissUse GmbH


Bild: Dr. Uwe Marx; Copyright: TissUse GmbH

Dr. Uwe Marx

Image: Man and woman in the lab presenting a multi-organ chip; Copyright: TissUse GmbH

The laboratories of TissUse GmbH are already working with 2- and 4-organ chips. For the future a Human-on-a-Chip-System is planned, which combines all important organs in an empathy- and unconscious miniaturized organism on the chip.

Image: Computer model of a multi-organ chip; Copyright: TissUse GmbH

Computer model of a multi-organ chip

Image: Katja Laska; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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