Printed life – possibilities and limits of bioprinting

Printed life – possibilities and limits of bioprinting


More organ transplants, fewer animal experiments

Image: Board with the inscription "Organ donation"; Copyright: PantherMedia/Birgit Reitz-Hofmann

There are too few organ donors to meet the demand for donated organs.

Life from the nozzle

Image: Young man looks at 3D printer up close; Copyright: PantherMedia/stockasso

"Cells are highly sensitive"

Image: 3D printer at work; Copyright: PantherMedia/guteksk7

Instead of the usual material used for 3D printing – plastic, metal or ceramic – bioprinting uses cells in combination with biocompatible material.

Of successes and records

Image: Illustrations of various 3D-printed prostheses, implants and organs; Copyright: PantherMedia/annyart

Artificial knee joints, foot prostheses, dental implants – the applications of 3D printing in medicine are numerous. Will it soon include the production of entire organs?

Cautious optimism for the organ from the printer

Image: Elena Blume; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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