Walking is an issue of mind over matter – how robots assist rehabilitation

Walking is an issue of mind over matter – how robots assist rehabilitation


Image: triangular table at which three patients do various robotic rehabilitation exercises; Copyright: Hocoma, Switzerland

Robotic devices close the gap between the increased need for rehabilitation and the lack of personnel in the area.

Robots give power where none exists

Image: Therapist helps patient walk between two handrails; Copyright: panthermedia.net/Andriy Popov

Movements that have to be repeated thousands of times cost the patient and therapist a lot of strength.

Of exoskeletons, robotic arms and service robots

Supplement versus replacement

Image: Close-up of a robotic therapy device for the arm; Copyright: Hocoma, Switzerland

In end-effector-based robotics, only the last link in the movement chain is guided, for example the wrist. The patient must move the rest of his arm completely independently. This trains coordination right from the start.

Image: Robot arm from KUKA, next to it a woman in a doctor's coat; Copyright: KUKA Deutschland GmbH

Robots are versatile in the medical field – in rehabilitation as well as in surgery or for ultrasound.

Less physical work, more guidance

Image: Therapist kneels laughing next to a girl on a treadmill with robotic therapy device for the legs; Copyright: Hocoma, Switzerland

Robotic assisted therapy systems should always be used under the supervision of a competent therapist. The human being is supplemented by the robot, not replaced.

Bild: Elena Blume; Copyright: P. Schmitz

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