The Virtual Patient Avatar from Philips is being used for the first time at the Neurocenter at Bonn University Hospital. It displays patients' vital signs in a simplified way using colors, shapes and animations.30.08.2024
As part of the international “PAINLESS” project, researchers at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) have developed a non-invasive brain stimulation method for treating pain in cancer patients.16.07.2024
Premature babies lying in incubators in intensive care units are often heavily wired. Researchers are striving to make this environment more comfortable for everyone involved, in particular by wirelessly monitoring the heart and breathing. The aim is to optimize neonatal intensive care by studying and improving the baby's sensory experience.16.05.2024
The new sensor from Fraunhofer IPM measures the oxygen content in the air we breathe precisely and quickly, which significantly improves patient monitoring.15.02.2024
Discovering new methods to enhance the recovery process for ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients is crucial in improving their overall outcomes. A recent study conducted in Tokyo, Japan, sheds light on the efficacy of early mobilization, supported by mobile patient lifts, in facilitating patient recovery.19.01.2024
The European Union is providing €3.57 million in funding for the "ArtPlac" research project, aimed at developing innovative medical technology for the treatment of premature and newborn infants in neonatal intensive care.19.12.2023
"After the procedure, Jonah was a different child, the improvement was immediate. He turned 180 degrees in the right direction," says his mother Ania. On June 22 of this year, the boy underwent an effective procedure in the cardiac catheterization laboratory at the Heart and Diabetes Center NRW (HDZ NRW) in Bad Oeynhausen when he was just six months old.13.11.2023
Bambi Medical introduces the Bambi Belt, a wearable device designed for newborns that transforms vital sign monitoring in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). By eliminating wires, it significantly improves comfort for these vulnerable patients. As this is Bambi Medical’s debut at MEDICA, we seized the opportunity to learn more about the Bambi Belt’s numerous advantages.09.08.2023
Robinder Khemani, MD, MsCI, Attending Physician in Pediatric Intensive Care at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, is using machine learning to improve the outcomes of children put on ventilators.19.07.2023
Many hospitals use the adsorber CytoSorb to purify the blood of seriously ill patients in order to trap inflammatory substances and prevent the life-threatening cytokine storm. MHH researchers have now found in a meta-study that the treatment does not reduce mortality and may even cause harm.30.06.2023
All information can be accessed directly where it is needed - at the hospital bedside. The intelligent assistance system "Mona" offers exactly that. With it, the start-up Clinomic is implementing what intensive care physicians and nursing staff want.20.06.2023
The University Hospital of Bonn (UKB) is the first hospital in the world to examine and monitor children receiving ECMO therapy with a mobile magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. This was possible thanks to a funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.13.04.2023
The neonatology team at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) has conducted the world's first study of children receiving ECMO therapy using the mobile magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The procedure, known as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), involves oxygenating the blood outside the body.22.03.2023
Researchers from the University of Tsukuba showed the association between the concentration of evaporated alcohol from alcohol-based disinfectants used for incubators and the amount of alcohol absorbed by premature infants.17.03.2023
Building a hospital is a large project that involves many experts and countless workers and contractors. They are all coordinated to reach a common goal: a building that serves the wellbeing of patients. MEDICA exhibitor Axis Medical has a lot of experience with this – read more in our interview!24.02.2023
Changing the tune of hospital medical devices could improve public health, according to researchers at McMaster University and Vanderbilt University.10.02.2023
Current patient simulators are mostly mannequins that can simulate vital functions via built-in electronics but are otherwise lifeless. An android patient could bring a breath of fresh air to training in the future. It can help hospital staff to better recognize delirium in patients and thus increase patient safety.13.12.2022
Old shell, new interior: Since October 2022, the core-renovated intensive care unit at St. Marien Hospital in Siegen has been back in use after a one-year renovation period. The latest technology and a modern room concept ensure better medical care. Reason enough for MEDICA-tradefair.com to take a look at the ward.07.04.2022
Patients at the intensive care unit are not always able to communicate with their environment, even if they are conscious. The BG University Hospital Bergmannsheil in Bochum, Germany, now aims to enable them to communicate using an eye-tracking system. Learn in our video interview how this system works, how it was established and what obstacles still need to be overcome.09.02.2022
The flight system "FALKE" (German for "falcon") could improve care during MCI events (mass casualty incidents). Using different camera systems and AI, it could be able to determine nature and amount of the different injuries. It could also measure the vital signs of injured persons to help the control center gain a better overview of the situation.04.01.2022
Robotics have made their way into many areas in healthcare. So far, intensive care units had not utilized robotic systems. Now there is an application that facilitates ICU care tasks.03.01.2022
Patients waiting for a donor organ must have a lot of patience and a bit of luck. Aging and a rise in chronic disease prevalence means the need for donor organs is much greater than the number that is available. To help those who need organ transplants, scientists must create new technologies.03.01.2022
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is often a last resort treatment for patients with acute respiratory failure. The method uses an external pump to circulate blood through an artificial lung back into the bloodstream. However, the use of ECMO for long-term support is not possible for patients with chronic respiratory failure.03.01.2022
The shortage of donor organs is a major global issue. An aging population, a reluctance towards organ donation, and logistical challenges related to organ shipping play an important role in this setting. Machine perfusion can be a way to expand and preserve the donor pool for eligible transplant recipients.16.11.2021
In situations such as a pandemic, intensive care medicine is challenged as rarely before. In particular, the technical requirements must be right in order to treat intensive care patients as effectively and efficiently as possible. At MEDICA 2021, we will learn what has happened in the industry during the pandemic and where the journey is headed.01.06.2021
The sooner diagnosis can be made during an emergency, the faster the patient receives help. While most diagnostics still take place at the hospital, emergency physicians use more and more mobile devices directly at the deployment site. This is how they can save precious time. We take a look at some point-of-care applications in our Topic of the Month.01.06.2021
Making an informed and immediate treatment decision near or at the patient’s bedside – point-of-care testing (also known as POCT) makes this possible. Unlike stationary devices, special exam rooms or other service infrastructure, POC diagnostic devices offer a multitude of benefits including more flexibility, faster results, and lower costs.25.05.2021
Diseases can affect the lungs in different ways that can be challenging. If the lungs are badly damaged and artificial ventilation (also called artificial respiration) is no longer effective, an ECMO machine comes into play. Right now, artificial lungs reside outside the body and cannot be implanted.12.05.2021
A current research project develops a system designed to support critical care physicians in the future. The research project "A Learning and Interoperable Smart Expert System for Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (ELISE)" uses data collected via machine learning algorithms to assist diagnostic decision-making.01.03.2021
All hospitalized patients are susceptible to contracting a nosocomial infection, with ICU patients being particularly at risk. The effects of these hospital-acquired infections are often more dangerous than the original reason for the in-patient hospitalization. The "PACMAN" project is now testing an antimicrobial coating for frequently used contact surfaces at high risk of pathogen transmission.22.10.2020
Whether it is a routine surgery or a personalized surgical intervention that perhaps has never been done before: There is always a residual risk involved. That’s why hospitals monitor and supervise patient care before, during, and after surgery to be ready for immediate intervention if needed.03.08.2020
In recent months, its central importance for the healthcare system has become more visible in the public eye due to the corona pandemic: the Intensive Care Unit. Patients who are in a critical condition due to illness, injury or surgery are cared for here by numerous high-tech devices. In addition, more digital solutions are being introduced.03.08.2020
No other hospital area features as much high-tech equipment as the intensive care unit. Each acute care hospital bed has four to ten devices that continuously monitor all patient vital signs and can replace nearly any organ. This creates big data that is often not used effectively. Yet it also holds promise and huge potential.03.08.2020
Delirium occurs in 30 to 80 percent of patients in intensive care units. This cerebral impairment not only causes mental confusion and emotional disruption but also drastically increases the mortality risk of patients. A controlled circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycle is the prerequisite for delirium prevention. This is where the new VitalMinds concept from Philips comes in.02.06.2020
Stroke can affect anyone – older as well as younger people. The minutes after the stroke determine whether disability or death is the result. Only if acute care, inpatient treatment and rehabilitation are carried out in a targeted and effective manner, the chances are greater that only minor damage remains or that impairments even recede.02.06.2020
"Time is brain!" – a fundamental rule in stroke care because time is of the essence when brain regions are undersupplied with oxygen and glucose. If circulation is not restored quickly, brain damage can be permanent. However, the key point here is not just to "be fast", but also to "use the time to treat stroke effectively".03.06.2019
For most people, enjoying a good quality of life means having the ability to move freely, safely and independently. Intensive and costly rehabilitation is needed if this is no longer an option after a stroke for example. We are introducing some projects that deliver innovative robotic solutions.