Breast cancer detection with AI-powered tool

Image: Researcher in a white coat standing in a laboratory; Copyright: Markus Fischer/Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

Markus Fischer/Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

AI for the precise characterization of breast cancer stages


A new study by the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) shows how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the categorisation of breast cancer stages.
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Image: Two women in specialist medical clothing operate a mammography system; Copyright: lakobchuk


Mammography: Transpara supports early breast cancer detection with AI


The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into medical diagnostics has brought about transformative changes, particularly in the early detection of breast cancer. One innovative solution: Transpara.
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Image: Two doctors are holding an infrared temperature thermometer gun, which can take thermal infrared images of breasts analysing possible breast cancer tumors; Copyright: Nazarbayev University

Nazarbayev University

Early breast cancer detection with AI-powered tool


In a new development, NTU Singapore researchers have introduced PINN, a state-of-the-art computer program that utilizes AI and heat-imaging technology to detect early breast cancer swiftly and accurately.
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Image: Radiologist does mammograms for woman to check for breast cancer; Copyright: astakhovyaroslav


AI can identify women with high risk of breast cancer screenings


The use of AI makes it possible for women with a high risk of breast cancer to be identified in mammography screening examinations so that the cancer can be caught earlier. An international research group led from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden can now show that the method is effective in different European countries.
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Image: Mammography snapshot of a patient's breasts on the monitor with mammography test; Copyright: ORION_production


AI model to improve accuracy of breast cancer tumor removal


A new clinical and research partnership has created an AI model that can predict whether or not cancerous tissue has been fully removed from the body during breast cancer surgery.
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Image: Woman with blonde hair and a light blue blouse smiles at the camera. There are trees in the background; Copyright: Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet

Breast cancer: more cases detected with the help of AI


One radiologist supported by AI detected more cases of breast cancer in screening mammography than two radiologists working together, reports the ScreenTrustCAD study from Karolinska Institutet in The Lancet Digital Health.
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Image: A mammogram image of a breast on a screen; Copyright: ORION_production


AI-supported mammography screening is found to be safe


Mammography screening supported by artificial intelligence (AI) is a safe alternative to today’s conventional double reading by radiologists and can reduce heavy workloads for doctors.
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Image: Michal Rawlik (left), first author of the publication, and Marco Stampanoni pose at a table in an office space; Copyright: Paul Scherrer Institut

Paul Scherrer Institut

Improvement of the CT: earlier detection of breast cancer


A team of researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and ETH Zurich, together with the Baden Cantonal Hospital (KSB) and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), has succeeded in refining mammography, x-ray imaging technique used to detect tumours in their early stages, to produce considerably more reliable results and be less unpleasant for the patient.
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Image: A mammologist feels the lymph nodes in a patient's armpits; Copyright: Zinkevych_D


Breast cancer: international expert recommendations on removal of lymph nodes


Researchers from Heidelberg University Hospital and the University of Lucerne as well as international scientists, patient representatives and European cancer societies have pooled scientific data and their expert knowledge on the surgical management of lymph nodes in breast cancer.
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Image: Scientist works with medical test tube to analyze green liquid; Copyright: DC_Studio


Diagnosing breast cancer through liquid biopsy


Breast cancer diagnosis usually includes invasive testing with tissue biopsies. The samples have to be extracted from the cancerous tissue or cells. To make the process easier on the patients, the project LIBIMEDOTS is currently developing a different approach with liquid biopsy technology.
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