Smartwatches, commonly associated with fitness tracking, could also serve as valuable tools in psychiatry. According to a study published in Cell and led by Mark Gerstein, data from wearable devices has the potential to improve the understanding of psychiatric illnesses and their genetic components.Elvira Eberhardt / Ulm University, FSJD-CERCA
The international EU project IMPROVA, with key contributions from Ulm University, has developed an eHealth platform aimed at improving the mental health of adolescents. An 18-month field study involving schools in four countries, including Germany, will assess its effectiveness through comprehensive surveys involving students, parents, and teachers.21.05.2024
The development of non-invasive treatments for mental health disorders has become increasingly significant. One such promising advancement comes from Syntropic Medical, led by founder Mark Caffrey. The start-up uses a new kind of brain stimulation that relies on light.Syntropic Medical GmbH
Syntropic Medical, a pioneering neurotech start-up, has received a substantial seven-figure investment to advance its revolutionary approach to treating mental health disorders using flickering light therapy.Pressmaster
People with an anxiety disorder often feel restricted in their everyday lives. However, even when they are at the point of wanting help, finding a therapy place involves a long wait. During this challenging time, the Mindable app can help.jm_video
A team led by Dr. Thomas Lang, psychology professor at Constructor University, has developed an app that patients can use to bridge waiting times to receive therapy.Routine Health GmbH
The loss of an arm or leg has a huge impact on quality of life. In addition to the restrictions that an amputation means for daily activities, those affected often suffer from phantom pain, which is difficult to treat.Peer Erfle/IMT
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the recipients of its prestigious Starting Grants. Among them is a researcher from the Technical University of Braunschweig: Dr. Thomas Winkler will receive €1.5 million for his research on modular organ-on-chip technology to better understand neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.University of Plymouth
A study published in Nature Communications suggests transcranial ultrasound stimulation can be used in a targeted way to change specific types of activity within the brain for up to an hour after intervention.MPI CBS
Using a novel approach of precision neuroimaging and high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), neuroscientists and physicists at MPI CBS in Leipzig (Germany) and anatomist Menno Witter from the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim (Norway) have now ventured into the depths of the human memory system.diego_cervo
The Center for Responsible Research and Innovation (CeRRi) within the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, working with the University of Ottawa in Canada, the National Paraplegic Hospital in Toledo, Spain and the University Medical Center Göttingen in Germany, has developed recommended actions for implementing technological solutions to treat mental illnesses.Benjamin Mosch
A team from the LWL Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, has investigated the brain changes that are related to the disorder.University of Malaga
International researchers –from the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and Spain– work together to develop an app that improves physical and emotional well-being in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D).Mostphotos
With a shortage of therapists, help with mental health problems is being sought from digital interventions, where elements of psychological treatment are offered via computer programs or mobile applications. According to a study, smart devices can help identify people with symptoms of depression and anxiety.Markus Bernards
Multimodal therapies should be promoted on a larger scale in the German healthcare system, in line with the National Disease Management Guidelines.01.04.2019
All information from our body and the environment converges in our brain and is transformed into reactions in milliseconds. It is essential for medicine and research to know what our switching centre looks like. Functional methods are used to observe it more closely during work.