3D scanner for customized in-ear hearables

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Exoskeletons in physiotherapy – Improving mobility and quality of life


Exoskeletons are by no means anything new, but this area is still on the move – and this is not just true for patients who can use exoskeletons in rehabilitation, physiotherapy or in everyday life to support their mobility. The technology is also constantly evolving, as developments in robotics and assistive systems never stand still.
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Automated imaging during operations – How a self-propelled C-arm relieves the OR staff


The OR is the most cost-intensive area of any hospital, so efficiency is the ultimate goal here. But this becomes difficult when large devices are included in sugery, for example intraoperative imaging devices such as a C-arm: Preparing and setting them up costs time, during which the surgical staff cannot work and during which the patients still lie on the table.
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Learning to walk again with HAL training


Our video report provides an exciting insight into the work with a "Cyborg", the active exoskeleton HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) and how the training system makes it possible to relearn lost movement skills in a targeted manner.
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Imaging procedures: The use of robots in radiology


How can high-precision robotics and advanced imaging be effectively combined? The KUKA system offers a solution. It creates digital twins of patients and thus supports the planning of treatments down to the smallest detail. Alternatively, the ORION robot enables millimetre-precise patient positioning and is therefore perfectly suited for high-precision and personalized therapies in radiology.
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photo: astronaut in the space; Copyright: DLR


How we benefit from space medicine on Earth


Many of us don't even realize how much impact space medicine research has had on the development of cutting-edge medical technologies used on Earth. Telemedicine, robotics and miniaturization in particular have made great strides through innovations for space.
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3D scanner for customized in-ear hearables


In-ear hearing aids are all the rage, but customizing them is often complex and not entirely risk-free. AKmira Optronics GmbH has developed an alternative solution with its AKuris 3D scanner. The scanner enables completely non-contact measurement of the ear canal - safely, precisely and easily.
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A man holds a Huawei smartwatch in his hand at a stand at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Smart health monitoring for your pocket with Huawei


At MEDICA 2024, Huawei shows how modern blood pressure measurement can work in everyday life. A medically certified smartwatch enables accurate and user-friendly health monitoring that is ideal for continuous use in everyday life.
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A look inside a machine for laboratory analysis of samples; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Smarter Labs with diagnostic tools by BioVendor


At MEDICA, BioVendor introduces their latest diagnostic technology, including their precise CLIA system, Microblot-Array for streamlined multiplex diagnostics, and the GENOVESA cloud platform for bioinformatics.
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A man gives a lecture to an audience on a stage at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Healthcare politics at the heart of the action – German Hospital Conference


The German Hospital Conference is an institution at MEDICA: For years, this conference has been bringing together decision-makers from German hospitals and associations from this sector for a professional exchange.
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A presenter and four female entrepreneurs sit on stage during a talk at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

"Connecting Women Leaders in Healthcare" – at MEDICA 2024


The MEDICA INNOVATION FORUM has been the meeting place for topics from areas such as AI, mobile health, wearables and robotics for years. At MEDICA 2024, the forum also brought together female leaders from the healthcare sector for the first time.
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A white flexible wound dressing on the foot of a mannequin; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Fast dressing and safe healing: wound care with Pedilay


Wound care is being further optimized with solutions for flexible dressings, intuitive handling and efficient care for chronic and acute wounds. At MEDICA, KOB GmbH is presenting its new wound care product Pedilay.
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Hospital of the Future – Tomorrow’s hospital at MEDICA 2024 already


At MEDICA 2024, the Hospital of the Future showcases pioneering digitalization solutions for hospitals.
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A driver sits in a modern car, above the dashboard is a screen with a graph on it; copyright: beta-web Gmbh/Messe Düsseldorf

The future of safe driving: Automotive Health at MEDICA 2024


Visitors of MEDICA 2024 can experience the latest technologies for promoting driving safety and health in Hall 12.
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A trade show stand at MEDICA 2024 of the exhibitor Shell Case with many different carrying cases and visitors at the booth; copyright: beta-web GmbH/Messe Düsseldorf

Custom carrying cases by Shell Case


Yuval Spector, CEO as well as case design and manufacturing expert at Shell Case, describes how his company approaches complex engineering challenges with creativity and curiosity. He also advises medical device manufacturers on when it makes sense to approach them to design and manufacture a custom case.
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A man at a stand at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair wears a diagnostic instrument around his head; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

BrainTrip’s virtual neuroscientist: AI meets neurology


At MEDICA 2024, BrainTrip showcased their solution "NeuroAI" to improve brain health diagnostics. The technology uses AI and machine learning to enhance early detection of neurological conditions such as dementia and stroke. With its advanced analysis capabilities, it enables healthcare professionals to work faster, and more precisely.
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A woman is wearing wearable headgear, the lumen glasses for people with visual impairments, and walking around at the MEDICA start-up; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Seeing with AI and automotive technology – .lumen


.lumen specializes not only in the medical sector, but also in the automotive sector. And the software start-up will be demonstrating how these two areas fit together at MEDICA 2024: they will be presenting their .lumen Glasses in the MEDICA START-UP PARK. This wearable allows people with visual impairments to navigate their surroundings independently - just like a self-driving car.
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Two men at a stand at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair, one interviewing the other; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Modern orthoses: High-tech for mobility and rehabilitation


Join us on our tour of Hall 4 at MEDICA and hear from some of the exhibitors how innovative orthoses keep people moving all over the world.
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Two men walk through a hall at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair, one is interviewing the other; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Point-of-care tests – the future of on-site diagnostics


In our video tour from Hall 3 at MEDICA 2024, we talk to some manufacturers who specialize in these indispensable diagnostic tools.
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Taking the right pills at the right time


Automated packaging systems can make medication intake much easier. Patients who have to take several tablets at different times of the day often face the challenge of dosing their medication correctly. Incorrect doses can have serious consequences.
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Image: Medical staff talking to a patient in an ambulance; Copyright: Magnus Andersson

Magnus Andersson

Video support in stroke care: Enhancing early diagnosis


A study led by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, demonstrates that real-time video streaming from ambulances to stroke specialists can significantly reduce treatment times for acute stroke patients, improving their chances of recovery. By enabling early diagnosis and direct transport to the optimal hospital, this approach supports faster and more effective stroke care.
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The Virtual Patient Avatar: All vital signs at a glance


The Virtual Patient Avatar from Philips is being used for the first time at the Neurocenter at Bonn University Hospital. It displays patients' vital signs in a simplified way using colors, shapes and animations.
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Empathic incubator: almost like in the womb


Premature babies lying in incubators in intensive care units are often heavily wired. Researchers are striving to make this environment more comfortable for everyone involved, in particular by wirelessly monitoring the heart and breathing. The aim is to optimize neonatal intensive care by studying and improving the baby's sensory experience.
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Image: modular field hospital; Copyright: Mohammed Ghannam/MSF

Mohammed Ghannam/MSF

The Modular Field Hospital of Médecins Sans Frontières


The Modular Field Hospital from Médecins Sans Frontières enables fast and flexible medical aid in crisis areas. The tent camp is quick to set up, adaptable and yet offers working conditions that are similar to those in standard hospitals, despite extreme restrictions.
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Image: A doctor performs a training operation with the help of AI, wearing a special cap and vest with sensors; Copyright: MEDICA

Artificial intelligence: the new member of the surgical team


In the "Digital Scrubs" project, researchers from medicine, IT and industry are working on improving working conditions for surgeons by visualizing the operating team's alertness and signs of stress in real time. For this, artificial intelligence and biometric sensors are being used in the operating room.
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Image: Running feet; Copyright: envato

Ding-dong: Now you're walking properly!


The start-up CERITER has developed a wearable that analyzes patients' gait in real time and immediately signals to them with audio signals whether they are walking correctly. The company uses a platform to make the results of the gait analysis and active support for therapy available in a clearly structured manner.
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Photo: an artificial parrot; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

AI assistants enhancing patient care


Chatbots are already integrated into many areas of our daily lives. Could what is already being used for customer inquiries for insurance companies and the like also work in a medical context?
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Photo:two green boxes on a table ; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Technological solutions to combat the chronic staff shortage


The shortage of skilled workers is a far-reaching challenge, especially in the healthcare sector. At MEDICA 2023, we were on the lookout for creative solutions.
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MEDICA 2024 – Where healthcare is going


Delve into the world of medical technology! The whole industry will meet at MEDICA in Düsseldorf 11-14 November 2024. Experience high-tech products, meet world market leaders, hidden champions and start-ups or visit the top-class forums and conferences. Regardless what you are looking for: you will find it at MEDICA 2024!
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Green Hospital – Saving resources through waste management


A lot of energy, water and other resources are consumed in the daily operation of a hospital. At the same time, hospitals generate high CO2 emissions and a large amount of waste, which must be disposed of safely and hygienically. There is potential for hospitals to make savings here if they take a close look at their waste disposal and optimize it.
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Assistance technologies for the care sector


The care sector is facing major challenges: Demographic change, the shortage of skilled workers and the physical demands of the profession will make it increasingly difficult to maintain good care in the future. The CareTech OWL research network at Bielefeld University aims to find solutions to this.
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Virtual nursing training in the OR


In the operating room, every move has to be precise. This applies not only to the surgical staff but also to the surgical assistants. Whether it's sterile products or consumables, the proper handling of them is essential for a smooth workflow.
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Market authorization for digital medical devices – anything but simple


At MEDICA 2023, we spoke to exhibitors who advise manufacturers of digital medical devices during the authorization process or who are launching digital medical devices on the market themselves. In the video, you can find out what is particularly important in the authorization process and where the stumbling blocks lie.
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Photo: a woman sits in front of a computer screen and looks at an MRI image; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Smart software for MRI examinations


The start-up relios.vision GmbH has developed the SmartContrast software. Using artificial intelligence, it can reduce the dose of contrast agent used in MRI examinations of the brain by two thirds.
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Laboratory equipment – fit for the future with more sustainability


We spoke to exhibitors at MEDICA 2023 who are driving sustainability in laboratory operations with their products. Watch the video to find out what levers are available here and which products can already be manufactured sustainably today.
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A man with a beard is interviewed, in the background several 3D printed products; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

3D printing on the assembly line – iFactory 3D GmbH


3D printing enables the individual production of single pieces and small series at low cost. However, it also has a disadvantage: printing takes a relatively long time and it is not possible to produce several pieces in succession with a single printer. At the MEDICA START-UP PARK at MEDICA 2023, we met a company that automates 3D printing. Find out how in the interview with iFactory 3D GmbH.
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NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst in conversation with an exhibitor wearing the FRENZ Brainband; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Precision sensing technology for enhanced sleep quality – Earable


A good night’s sleep is a personal experience. The FRENZ Brainband by Earable is a wearable driven by AI, designed to cater to your unique sleep requirements. It combines real-time data analysis, intelligent audio content, and cutting-edge technology to ensure users are well-rested. We did not want to miss the chance to talk to Earable about their newest developments.
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Two men in suits in an exhibition hall at MEDICA, one interviewing the other; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

On the move at MEDICA 2023 – PHYSIO TECH highlight tour


PHYSIO TECH is one of the five Spheres of MEDICA. Here, visitors will find products and exhibitors relating to physiotherapy, rehabilitation and sport – in other words, everything that keeps people fit and moving. But this topic is no longer about colorful training aids made of plastic or rubber; smart applications and robotics have long since found their way here too.
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A woman interviews a female exhibitor at a stand at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair, with an exoskeleton between them; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Innovative and accessible exoskeleton development – Project MARCH


Project MARCH, a student team from TU Delft, is developing exoskeleton technology to improve the lives of people with paraplegia. Through an interdisciplinary approach and a commitment to innovation, they create designs that combine advanced technology with practical functionality. As they came to MEDICA 2023 as an exhibitor, we took the opportunity to interview them.
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A woman with a microphone interviews a man in a suit at a trade fair stand; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Smartly crafting medical adhesives – Avery Dennison


Avery Dennison, a global powerhouse in materials science, is advancing the field of medical adhesives, both for wound and surgical care as well as for wearables. With a multidisciplinary team and a dedication to addressing current industry challenges, they deliver solutions that not only meet the practical needs of medical applications but also enhance the comfort for patients.
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A woman interviews a man in a suit in front of a trade fair stand at MEDICA; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

USA, what's new? – Highlight tour at the US Pavilion


MEDICA connects medical technology companies and their customers from around the globe. In 2023, more than hundred US companies exhibit at the US pavilion in hall 16, for example. For our highlight video tour, we paid the pavilion a visit. Join us to learn who is behind the organization of the pavilion and what some of the exhibitors are showcasing at MEDICA.
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A woman interviews a man in a suit at a stand at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

ROBERT, the robot in rehab – Life Science Robotics


At MEDICA 2023, the Danish company Life Science Robotics presents ROBERT. On the one hand, this robotic arm can relieve medical staff in rehabilitation and physiotherapy. On the other hand, it can also help patients achieve better results and get fit again faster. Find out how this works and what makes ROBERT so special in our video interview with Keld Thorsen, CEO.
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A man in a suit being interviewed, the MEDICA medical technology trade fair logo on the microphone; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Rehabilitation through specialized treadmill technology – WOODWAY


WOODWAY, a leader in treadmill innovation for medical rehabilitation, brings over 40 years of expertise to MEDICA 2023. They consistently deliver tailored, state-of-the-art solutions for optimal fitness and rehabilitation results. In our interview, discover WOODWAY's specialized equipment and their unique treadmill technology.
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Robotic assistance for safe patient positioning – with BizLink Robotic Solutions France


Vincent Besnard, Software Development Manager, tells us about the recent developments in medical robotics from the point of view of BizLink. The company has been an expert for safe patient positioning during proton therapy for years now. At MEDICA 2023, they present their new robotic platform PULSAR.
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Two men in suits in an exhibition hall at MEDICA, one interviewing the other; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Breath the spirit of MEDICA 2023 – Highlight tour with Director Christian Grosser


Topics like artificial Intelligence, automation and robotics, and sustainability are shaking the medical industry – and both MEDICA and COMPAMED reflect that. We are walking through the trade show halls of MEDICA with Christian Grosser, Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, to talk about this: What are his impressions of this year’s MEDICA and COMPAMED?
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A large picture on a stand wall at MEDICA, showing a newborn baby and the logo of exhibitor Bambi Medical; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Wireless revolution in neonatal monitoring – Bambi Medical


Bambi Medical introduces the Bambi Belt, a wearable device designed for newborns that transforms vital sign monitoring in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). By eliminating wires, it significantly improves comfort for these vulnerable patients. As this is Bambi Medical’s debut at MEDICA, we seized the opportunity to learn more about the Bambi Belt’s numerous advantages.
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A man in a suit is interviewed at a trade fair stand, one hand holds a MEDICA microphone; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Using magnetic waves to treat many ailments – Biomag Medical


Electric current and magnetic waves have long been used to treat various illnesses. One of the pioneers of this method is the Czech company Biomag Medical. Their devices produce pulsating magnetic waves that can be used to treat the target region in the body more precisely. We took the opportunity at MEDICA 2023 to find out more about this technology in our video interview.
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A man in a suit walks through the MEDICA exhibition hall with a microphone; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

eHealth, mHealth, AI, and much more – Highlight tour in the MEDICA START-UP PARK


Every year, the MEDICA START-UP PARK attracts a lot of visitors. Young, up-and-coming companies present their products here – often for the first time ever. This stand has already been the starting point for the success stories of some companies that are now internationally active. At MEDICA 2023, we are once again taking the opportunity to talk to promising start-ups.
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Image: Woman is wearing a ring-shaped wearable that transmits data to a smartphone; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

Telemedicine: how remote treatment can improve care


In the MEDICA DEEP DIVE, we look at the state of telemedicine today. Join us as our experts talk live about exciting practical applications and provide a glimpse into the future.
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Image: Head of a mannequin, where different sensors are attached with cables; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

Sensors: collecting data for monitoring and diagnostics


Sensors allow the health status of patients to be recorded in real time. As a result, they enable faster diagnostics, even away from the doctor's office and clinic.
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Image: A man is looking at a screen with imaging data; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

AI in diagnostics: a trustworthy companion


In our MEDICA DEEP DIVE, we address AI solutions for imaging in practice and talk about how trust in AI technologies can be ensured. Be there live when our experts share their knowledge!
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Image: Model of a human skull with a square-shaped hole, that contains a model of the brain. Next to it is the arm of a surgical robot holding an instrument; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

Robots in the OR: flexible, precise, tireless


Robots promise a precision and accuracy in the OR that human hands cannot achieve. But even if they relieve the surgeon in many places, control ultimately remains with the human being.
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From under one roof: x-ray equipment and its software


We visited Oehm & Rehbein. The German company offers everything from a single source. In the interview, Managing Director Bernd Oehm tells us why this pays off and what the experts in X-ray equipment are currently working on.
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MRI in a class of its own


Better images in less time – the new MRI at Cologne-Porz Hospital uses artificial intelligence to produce the most perfect images possible from inside the body. The flexible receiver coils play an important role in this, as they also significantly improve patient comfort.
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Product design in medical technology


Good design not only pleases the eye or the hand. It also guarantees intuitive and safe use and a long service life. Especially in medical technology, this can make a big difference – for staff as well as patients. Medical designers are therefore in great demand. At MEDICA 2022, we talked to two of them about their profession.
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Sustainable hospital – Cardiac catheter in the raw material cycle


Particularly in hospitals, a lot of waste is generated due to the large number of disposable products. In the case of cardiac catheters, this is doubly annoying, as they contain precious metals such as platinum and copper. A pilot project has therefore been launched at the Heart and Diabetes Center NRW to return used catheters to the raw materials cycle.
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Intensive care unit rethought: Latest technology and architecture at St. Marien Hospital


Old shell, new interior: Since October 2022, the core-renovated intensive care unit at St. Marien Hospital in Siegen has been back in use after a one-year renovation period. The latest technology and a modern room concept ensure better medical care. Reason enough for MEDICA-tradefair.com to take a look at the ward.
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Epilepsy: Automatically detecting and documenting seizures with AI


Up to now, the detection of epileptic seizures has been difficult and – especially in the case of minor seizures – inadequate. This is about to change with monikit. In the future, the sensor device and artificial intelligence will be used to collect comprehensive data and thus improve the care of those affected.
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Listening for arrhythmias – Cardiokol ltd


Atrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke – especially in people older than 65. The Israel company Cardiokol offers software applications that enable mass tele-screening for AF. At MEDICA 2022, we met Co-Founder Eli Attar for a video interview. He explained to us how the solution of the company works.
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Electrical stimulation for clinical and home use – EGZOTech Sp. z.o.o.


Supporting patients in their rehabilitation and relieving physiotherapists – this is what EGZOTech from Poland wants to achieve with its EMS-based technologies. At MEDICA 2022, they explain to us how the company wants to make this possible.
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Robots – helping hand in the hospital


Robots have already been part of our everyday live for some time now, whether in our private life or at many workplaces. But how can the automatic helpers be helpful as an assistant in everyday hospital life? We got to know some great ideas at MEDICA 2022.
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Laboratory: how smart gadgets support everyday work


At MEDICA 2022, you can see why smart assistants are needed in the laboratory and which gadgets have made it into everyday laboratory work, thus reducing the workload of the specialists there and increasing efficiency.
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Helpful hands redefined – Stäubli Tec-Systems GmbH


Medical robots are on the advance: Highly precise, rigid or flexible, they also have to meet the criteria for sterile surgical conditions. At MEDICA 2022, we visit the stand of Stäubli Tec Systems and see for ourselves why robots can be the helping hand of surgeons.
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Setting new standards in mobile X-ray – Solutions for tomorrow AB


Instead of bringing the patient to the X-ray unit, would it not be better to bring the X-ray unit to the patient? Solutions for tomorrow is a med-tech company creating innovative products that change the X-ray experience for hospitals, clinics and patients. At MEDICA 2022, we took a look at it.
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Safe and clean – Steelco S.p.A.


Safe reprocessing of medical instruments is particularly important in laboratory or hospital operations. It is good to have a reliable partner who does not shy away from any challenge: Steelco S.p.A. offers efficient and versatile solutions for even the most specific customer requirements of equipment and systems for washing, disinfection, and sterilization. We learn more at MEDICA 2022.
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Home for medical technology – Highlight tour at the joint stand of NRW


North Rhine-Westphalia offers good conditions as a location for medical technology companies. We spoke to Refined Laser Systems GmbH, United Robotics Group GmbH and weLLgo Medical Products GmbH during our tour of the NRW joint stand in Hall 3 / C80.
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Safety for healthcare professionals – Owen Mumford Ltd.


Occupational accidents also happen in medicine. One of the most common are injuries with cannulas and needles. These are not only painful, but also carry a risk of infection. At MEDICA 2022, Owen Mumford will be showing solutions for safe drug administration and blood collection. In the video interview, we also learn more about the company's sustainability goals.
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Printed electronics for healthcare – Henkel AG


Henkel is a name that many do not necessarily associate with medical technology. Nevertheless, the company can make an important contribution to digital healthcare. In our video interview, we find out what exactly this contribution looks like and why Henkel is exhibiting at MEDICA 2022.
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Together for the newest technology – Highlight tour at the Fraunhofer joint stand


Several Fraunhofer institutes present their latest technology in the field of medical technology and health at MEDICA 2022. Automation processes, polymers and digital networking are just some of the topics to be found at the stand. We talked to some of the institutes during our highlight tour.
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Devices to wear today – Highlight tour at WT | Wearable Technologies Show


Small and large, visible and invisible, for pain relief, for monitoring chronic diseases or as a support in everyday life – wearables come in many forms today. At MEDICA, the WT | Wearable Technologies Show has established itself as a joint stand for exhibitors from this sector. We talked to some of them on our tour.
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The artificial eye – imaging and AI


Four eyes see more than two – but do artificial eyes also see more than real ones? In any case, radiologists will increasingly rely on the support of algorithms in the future. These programs do not tire, even when looking at countless images. At MEDICA 2022, we met companies that already rely on AI in imaging.
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In the think tank – Tour at MEDICA START-UP PARK


For young companies there is a central contact point at MEDICA: the MEDICA START-UP PARK. Start-ups are given the opportunity here to present their ideas around the healthcare of the future and to get in touch with potential partners and investors. We talked to some of the start-ups during our highlight tour.
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Pain therapy without medication – AURIMOD GmbH


Chronic pain is a worldwide problem that continues to limit 30 percent of those affected despite treatment. With VIVO, AURIMOD GmbH is setting a new standard in pain treatment. In our video interview, we learn how this small device attached to the ear can provide pain relief.
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Virtual treatment relieves therapists – Gamification for a successful therapy


Immerse yourself into strange worlds, solve tasks, experience adventures – computer games look especially realistic in Virtual Reality. Medicine is also making good use of virtual worlds: With CUREO, the CUREosity GmbH from Düsseldorf has developed a VR system for physiotherapy and Ergotherapy.
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Fibers for fibers – Textile implants repair the body


We are nowadays already able to weave implants out of artificial fibers that can replace tissue or heal injuries. Different materials like polymers or nitinol are used to create flexible shapes. But the materials and their uses can still be improved.
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Sonography training – Inexpensive models from the 3D printer


Many medical disciplines rely on the tenet "Practice makes perfect". Sonography diagnostics is one of them. Unfortunately, constant training can be difficult, as patients with specific diseases are not present at a hospital all the time. The University Hospital Bonn is creating a solution for this problem: 3D printed models of joints and arteries are used in training.
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What intensive care patients really need – Communication via eye-tracking systems


Patients at the intensive care unit are not always able to communicate with their environment, even if they are conscious. The BG University Hospital Bergmannsheil in Bochum, Germany, now aims to enable them to communicate using an eye-tracking system. Learn in our video interview how this system works, how it was established and what obstacles still need to be overcome.
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Dermatologist consultation via app – The successful start-up dermanostic


The start-up dermanostic, multiple-time exhibitor in the MEDICA START-UP PARK, unites telemedicine with dermatology: patients can upload images of skin diseases via app and receive specialist consultation. This not only helps to reduce direct contacts during the Corona pandemic, but also benefits areas without dermatologist offices.
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Mass accidents – Measuring vital signs from the air with "FALKE"


The flight system "FALKE" (German for "falcon") could improve care during MCI events (mass casualty incidents). Using different camera systems and AI, it could be able to determine nature and amount of the different injuries. It could also measure the vital signs of injured persons to help the control center gain a better overview of the situation.
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Affair of the heart: MRI – Detecting coronary heart disease hazard patterns


The University Hospital Düsseldorf is researching a new method of heart imaging in the MRI: It can detect the early formation of coronary heart disease and show associated lesions before they cause any symptoms. A contrast agent containing fluorine atoms is used for this. We learn more about this method in the video interview with Prof. Ulrich Flögel and Dr. Florian Bönner.
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Mysterious patterns – Infrared thermography for sports medicine performance diagnostics


Using a high-resolution infrared camera, sports scientists from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have discovered how blood flow in the human skin changes during exercise. They now want to exactly quantify these changes with machine vision and thus gain knowledge for performance diagnostics and beyond.
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Digital and automated laboratory – Robots as multifunctional helpers


A lot of laboratory tasks require high precision on one hand, on the other they tend to be repetitive and tiring. While humans can only work for a limited time here while staying effective, robots are able to work without taking a break. The start-up bAhead wants to make collaborative robots, CoBots, adaptable helpers with the help of AI. We learn more from CEO & Founder Rainer Treptow.
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Digitalization in orthopedic technology – A craft is changing


Orthopedic auxiliary means are mostly still produced in manual labor today. But orthopedic technology is also trying out new ways by using tools like 3D scanners, digital models and 3D printing. Nadja Singer from Ottobock explains in our video interview how this changes the production of auxiliary means.
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Hybrid rehabilitation – Interview with Titanis Sp. z o.o.


Many people have delayed necessary therapies during the Corona pandemic, also in rehabilitation. But a regular treatment is especially important here to recover lost abilities and maintain existing ones. Hybrid, digital products that connect therapists and patients online can help. We learn more about this at MEDICA 2021 at the stand of Titanis Sp. z o.o.
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The colors of MEDICA 2021


2020 MEDICA could only take place online, 2021 it returned as an on-site event to the trade fair halls. At four days, visitors could finally experience numerous new technologies and ideas from areas like health-IT, robotics, laboratory medicine, imaging, surgery or physiotherapy and orthopaedic technology again. See our most beautiful impressions of MEDICA 2021 here!
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Cardiology in the cloud – Interview with Cardiomatics Sp. z o.o.


Analyzing ECG data means long, tiresome work for cardiologists, as they have to look for small indications of disease in a stream of data and recognize them correctly. Cardiomatics now brings them support from the cloud. We learn more about the AI that supports the diagnosis at MEDICA 2021.
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Relief through suitable nursing beds – Interview with Völker GmbH


Everyday life in nursing care is often stressful. Nursing beds can help to make the day as pleasant as possible for staff and patients. Yvonne Risch, Managing Director of Völker GmbH, explains at MEDICA 2021 what influence nursing beds and other furniture can have.
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Telemedicine at MEDICA 2021 - Boom through Corona?


Telemedicine offers a wide range of technical applications for almost all medical situations: patients no longer have to visit the doctor's office in person, pharmacies can keep a close eye on medication dosages, and sensors prevent patient falls in nursing care. Has the industry received a boost through the Corona pandemic? We find out at MEDICA 2021.
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Clear signals in uncertain times – Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH


The Corona pandemic has put the brakes on the medical industry worldwide through logistic problems and contact restrictions. But despite the crisis, opportunities are still created and companies are still able to develop. We learn more about this at the stand of Zimmer MedizinSysteme at MEDICA 2021.
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The laboratory industry between Corona and AI


The laboratory industry is currently in commotion: the whole world is watching when it comes to news from the Corona pandemic. But tests and the sequencing of new variants are not the only stress factors: robotics, networking and AI are finding their ways into laboratories and turn existing processes upside down. We talked to some of the exhibitors at MEDICA 2021 about this.
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Dermatologist via app – Interview with dermanostic GmbH


Skin diseases can be recognized early, as they do not require invasive diagnostics. But still, many people do not visit a dermatologist – be it simply for time reasons, because they forget a check-up appointment or because they avoid doctors' offices during the corona pandemic. At MEDICA 2021, we learn how an app creates a connection between patient and dermatologist and makes diagnosis easier.
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Ventilation in the ICU - Treatment of COVID patients


In situations such as a pandemic, intensive care medicine is challenged as rarely before. In particular, the technical requirements must be right in order to treat intensive care patients as effectively and efficiently as possible. At MEDICA 2021, we will learn what has happened in the industry during the pandemic and where the journey is headed.
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Precision work in the operating room – Minimally invasive surgery at MEDICA 2021


The smaller the surgery, the more precise it has to be. That's why surgeons need high-precision technology for minimally invasive procedures. Robots are often already used in the OR to perform surgery with millimeter precision. At MEDICA 2021, we learn more about the status quo of technology that enables minimally invasive procedures.
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Neonatology MRI for the youngest – Interview with Neoscan Solutions GmbH


To detect impairments in infants as early as possible, physicians often use MRI. However, with conventional models, infants usually need to be sedated and transported to other departments. Neoscan Solutions have developed an MRI specifically for neonatology. We learn more about it at MEDICA 2021.
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MEDICA and COMPAMED 2021: Relaunch as hybrid events


In 2020, MEDICA and COMPAMED took place as pure online events due to the corona pandemic. In 2021, the fairs will be arranged as hybrid events: on-site in Düsseldorf and complemented with additional online services. We talked to Christian Grosser, Project Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, about this relaunch.
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LampSeq – Scalable and cost-effective mass test


Vaccinations and tests once again enable safe gatherings during the Corona pandemic. But unfortunately, existing test technologies are not suitable for every situation: A lot of time is lost for example due to testing at schools and the workplace. Now the University Hospital Bonn has developed a new kind of test which has numerous advantages over existing technologies.
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Machine Vision – The new navigation for spine surgery


Precise, extremely quick and accurate – a new kind of navigation device in the OR uses a highly-developed camera technology to guide the surgeon through difficult procedures – directly in the OR. Prof. Ulf Liljenqvist, Chief Medical Director of the Clinic for Spinal Surgery at the St. Franziskus Hospital Münster, talks about his experiences in using the device.
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Deep Brain Stimulation – Measuring electrodes against Parkinson's disease


We cannot heal Parkinson’s disease yet, all we can do is alleviate the symptoms. One possibility to do this are implantable electrodes that stimulate part of the brain and counteract the characteristic tremor. In our video, Prof. Cordula Matthies and Prof. Jens Volkmann from the University Hospital Würzburg explain how this stimulation can be targeted better with a new electrode generation.
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Staff communication via app – Rescue Center uses smart way of information


Staying in touch with your staff always, everywhere: The Malteser Hilfsdienst (a relief organization in the healthcare sector) in Mainz, Germany, use an app to keep their staff up to date. Learn more about the advantages of the app, especially for shift duty and the healthcare sector, how the app IK-up! works and how employees can contribute to topics in our video interview.
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Simulators for learning success – VR in surgical training


The most important resource in surgical education is the hands-on experience young surgeons are able to get in the OR. But the possibilities to perform surgery on real patients are very limited, and these situations cause insecurity and stress in beginners.
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Smart implant – Healing fractures autonomously with smart materials


Lower leg fractures put a great strain on patients due to their long healing process. In the future, an intelligent implant could control how the bone grows together again and thus optimize the healing process. In our video, you can learn from the developers at Saarland University how this works and what role artificial intelligence plays here.
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Mobile hygiene robot in the hospital – The cleaning force of the future


One of the most time-consuming tasks in a hospital is the disinfection of often-used surfaces like light switches or door handles. This is especially important during the corona pandemic. The "DeKonBot" by Fraunhofer IPA could support hospital staff here in the future. Learn in our video interview with Dr. Birgit Graf how the robot works.
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Digital twin heart – Computer model for an optimized therapy success


Heart surgery is difficult even for experienced surgeons and therapeutical success is not always certain. Physicians need to rely on their experience when choosing and planning the correct intervention. A computer model could help them in the future: The digital twin heart could be fed with patient data and then simulate whether an intervention will be successful.
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Tissue Engineering and Bioprinting – From artificial heart valves and printed humans


Drug research and artificial skin replacement - these are the areas in which tissue engineering and bioprinting are already used today. What else could be possible in the future? We asked Dr. Nadine Nottrodt from Fraunhofer ILT and Prof. Sabine Neuß-Stein from RWTH Aachen University Hospital!
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Green Hospital - Sustainability at the University Hospital Bonn


Large hospital complexes such as the University Hospital Bonn can save millions when they implement well thought-out energy-saving measures. Michael Körber reports how the UKB is already implementing this with the help of combined heat and power units and a comprehensive sustainability concept. Manuel Merges describes how these projects were also possible with the help of external financing.
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The medical technology industry and the pandemic – a close look at market numbers


Does the medical technology industry profit from the corona pandemic? Partly yes, but at large, it also suffers through this crisis. This is one of the topics that the industry association SPECTARIS addresses during virtual.MEDICA 2020. Marcus Kuhlmann talks about this and other topics in our video interview.
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In the intensive care unit: Together against COVID-19


The coronavirus is pushing healthcare systems worldwide to their limits. The number of infections continues to rise – and with it the number of people who need intensive medical treatment and artificial respiration. However, the number of ventilators is limited. Solutions to support intensive care units are needed – quickly. We have taken a closer look at some of them.
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Disinfection methods of hospital drinking water - Fully automatic legionella prevention


Besides hand hygiene, drinking water hygiene is also on the to-do list of every hospital. A lot of money is invested to clean water pipes and to destroy legionella germs. An alternative solution for mechanical and thermal control is water disinfection using an automatic machine.
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Medical products made of collagen - Biocompatible, elastic, stable


Regenerative medicine often relies on implants and materials that support healing in our body. Collagen has a special significance here. It is compatible to the body and offers an excellent environment for the growing of new cells. In our video, we took a look on where collagen and collagen products for medicine come from.
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Sensors for safety – JUTTA supports caregivers


Caregivers are unable to provide around-the-clock care and supervision. That's where JUTTA, the sensor-based technical support system comes in! It stands for Just-in-Time-Assistance. The system is used in the Dementia Shared Living Community Neukirchen-Vluyn. Sensors detect the motions of people in need of care in their living environment and provide valuable information to caregivers.
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AI in the hospital – Possibilities and limits


A hospital generates several thousands of gigabytes of data each day. The growing flood of data is no longer manageable for doctors. The great hope: artificial intelligence. Radiology is the main beneficiary. Dr. Felix Nensa from Essen University Hospital and Dr. Peter Langkafel from the Digital Health Factory tell us more about the possibilities and limits of learning machines.
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Motors for motor skills – Robotics in rehabilitation


Rehabilitation is hard work – for the patient as well as for the therapist. Thousands of repetitions are necessary in order for previously known movement sequences to solidify again in the brain. This requires enormous physical effort and a lot of concentration. At MEDICA 2019 we will find out to what extent robotics can help here!
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Hightech solutions for hygiene, disinfection and sterilisation


Hightech solutions for hygiene in the medical sector have been getting better and faster. There are not only machines that can disinfect everything by themselves, but there are portable and handy sterilisation solutions as well. At MEDICA 2019 you can find everything that is up-and-coming around medical hygiene.
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Innovative, modern, sustainable – medical consumables of today


Modern and innovative medical consumables of today – from bandages to surgical gloves. Sustainability and environmentally friendly recycling are also in the focus here. At MEDICA 2019, we will find out which innovative products the medical market currently offers!
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Smart Hospital - the hospital of the future


Digitalization offers many opportunities for the hospital of the future. The Smart Hospital focuses on networking and short distances and stands for targeted and efficient care. At MEDICA 2019, we discover what technology can already provide today and where it is being used.
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Robot assisted hippotherapy – Interview with intelligent motion GmbH


Nobody will expect to meet horses at MEDICA. Even though, visitors can learn more about hippotherapy that is aimed at patients with neurological deficits – for example through MS or in rehabilitation after stroke. Better yet, they can take a seat at a horseback themselves. This is possible thanks to “hirob” here at the stand of the intelligent motion GmbH from Austria.
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For a strong back – Interview with Spine Care Technologies


Anyone sitting too long, working at a computer or moving the wrong way has to deal with them regularly: back pain. At MEDICA 2019, Spine Care Technologies is presenting an alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals.
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Better perception for young and old – Interview with MediTECH Electronic


Perception varies from person to person. However, there must be a certain basis so that everyday life can be mastered without problems. Whether for young or old people, for medical practices or for use at home - hearing, balance and the ability to learn, can be trained with the products from MediTECH Electronics. We learn more about these innovations at the exhibitor's stand at MEDICA 2019.
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Sports medicine: Neuromuscular training for optimal performance


Movement, strength and coordination - after injuries as well as in healthy athletes, these three components must be intact for movements to run smoothly. At the Beta Klinik in Bonn, Dr. Markus Klingenberg, a specialist in orthopaedics, trauma surgery and sports medicine, offers neuromuscular training with a playful character that can be adapted to the patient's needs.
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Training partner robot – This is the rehabilitation of the future


In medicine, robots are already taking over tasks that only a few years ago were exclusively in human hands. Especially in the field of rehabilitation, they will play a major role in the future. In the "RoSylerNT" project of the German Sport University Cologne, a robot arm from KUKA is being used here for training purposes. Find out why a robot is the right training partner!
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Functional Imaging: The puls of modern oncology


Medical imaging techniques have developed considerably in recent decades. In addition to morphological imaging techniques more and more functional imaging techniques are used in oncology that can continously record the functions of specific organs locally and regionally in real time. These are groundbreaking for diagnostics, therapies and preoperative preparations.
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Shock wave therapy: Personalized treatment in orthopedic everyday-life


Tendinitis, myofascial pain syndromes or fractures - shock wave therapy is a noninvasive method with no side effects that promises relief. The intensity of the shock waves can be customized to meet patients’ needs and yields fast positive results. In addition to advising doctor’s offices, clinical facilities, and universities, Kröner Medizintechnik GmbH also offers treatment, support, and care.
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Multi-organ chips: Drug research without animal testing at vasQlab


New active substances that are suitable for drugs are initially tested in animal experiments. However, the results cannot always be transferred to the human organism. At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Prof. Ute Schepers from vasQlab explains how active substances can be tested in human tissue without endangering human health.
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RAS-Q - Mobile blood gas exchange for COPD patients


According to WHO, about 251 million people worldwide had Chronic Obstructive Pumonary Disease in 2016. COPD denotes not a single, but several diseases that are caused by smoking and air pollution, among others. Patients at a later disease stage often need ventilation and are thus bound to the location of their devices.
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Endoprostheses - Ultrasound to detect loosening?


Many patients suffering from arthrosis or other kinds of damage in the hip joint need an endoprosthesis at some point. However, this prosthesis can loosen again after some time, so that it must be replaced. In order to delay this replacement surgery for as long as possible, the TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences develops a new diagnostic method.
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Where imaging and radiation meet – Radiotherapy with the MR-Linac


In conventional radiotherapy, the tumor is first localized using CT and MRT images in order to calculate the irradiated areas. The major drawback in this case: the subsequent radiation only shows bone structures in the body but not the tumor itself. As a result, the radiated area is often larger than necessary. In our video you will learn how the MR-Linac can be used for more precise radiotherapy.
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