Pre-eclampsia diagnosis in focus: MOMM Diagnostics' rapid test

Pre-eclampsia diagnosis in focus: MOMM Diagnostics' rapid test

Interview with Mathias Wipf, PhD, CEO & CO-Founder, MOMM Diagnostics


Image: Smiling man with short black hair and short beard – Mathias Wipf;  Copyright: private

Mathias Wipf, CEO & CO-Founder, MOMM Diagnostics

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Image: icon showing laboratory equipment; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
Image: Sitting pregnant woman holding her belly with both hands; Copyright: djoronimo

The Swiss start-up MOMM Diagnostics has developed a blood test that can be used to diagnose the dangerous pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia at an early stage. The test is intended to make the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia faster and more reliable.

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