DIANA: Alliance for innovative point-of-care tests

DIANA: Alliance for innovative point-of-care tests

Interview with Dr. Dirk Kuhlmeier, Head of the Diagnostics Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI


"Our aim is to be able to map the entire value chain in diagnostics here in the region with this funding."
Image: Smiling man with short brown hair, glasses, and a white shirt - Dr. Dirk Kuhlmeier; Copyright: Fraunhofer IZI

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Image: Icon LAB & DIAGNOSTICS; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
Image: A pile of white lateral flow test cassettes; Copyright: SteveAllenPhoto999

Sustainability plays a major role in the development of future lateral flow tests, also in the DIANA alliance: every year, thousands of tons of plastic end up in the trash for these tests.

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