The development of electrically conductive hydrogels that synergistically combine biomacromolecules and organic electronic materials is a decisive step forward. These can be assembled into miniaturized devices and circuits and used to measure and control biochemical, bioelectrical and biomechanical processes in living systems. Today, electronic systems are very good at handling information, interacting with the environment and even performing tasks autonomously. Direct communication between electronic systems and living matter, on the other hand, does not yet function optimally. One of the reasons for this is that electrical devices currently need to be well protected from moisture at all times.
"This can radically change what electronic systems can do, especially inside the body. Imagine that with this technology we can make medical implants that autonomously repair damage in the nervous system caused by injury or degeneration", says Professor Minev about the innovative application possibilities of his research.
The project will set standards and prerequisites for the further development of electronic tissue technologies to enable miniaturized implanted laboratories for next-generation (bioelectronic) medicine.
Prof. Ivan R. Minev holds the joint Else Kröner Professorship for Electronic Tissue Technologies at the IPF and the Else Kröner Fresenius Center (EKFZ) for Digital Health since June 2023.
The ERC project is a collaboration between IPF, EKFZ for Digital Health and the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus at the TUD Dresden University of Technology.; Source: Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.