Last-resort antibiotics: "We can identify carbapenemases within half an hour"

Last-resort antibiotics: "We can identify carbapenemases within half an hour"

Interview with Prof. Axel Hamprecht, Professorship of Antibiotic Resistance in Gram-negative Bacteria, Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, University Hospital Cologne


Image: Smiling man with dark hair, beard and glasses - Prof. Axel Hambrecht; Copyright: privat

Prof. Axel Hamprecht

Image: A lab technician is using a pipette to fill a solution into a petri dish; Copyright: Trautmann

Until now, phenotypic drug resistance testing takes place in a culture. It can take several hours or days. Patients often do not have this much time in case of severe infection.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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