Augmented Reality for better laboratory results

Augmented Reality for better laboratory results

Interview with Lynda Metref and Fabian Kappeler, Helbling Technik Wil AG


Image: A smiling woman with a dark blouse, long, dark hair and glasses - Lynda Metref; Copyright: Helbling Technik Wil AG

Lynda Metref

Image: A smiling young man with a striped shirt, short dark hair and glasses - Fabian Kappeler; Copyright: Helbling Technik Wil AG

Fabian Kappeler

Image: A young laboratory technician with AR glasses uses a pipette, he is surrounded by different bubbles with text; Copyright: Helbling Technik Wil AG

The smart, AR-supported pipetting system could support laboratory work in different ways. As a result, employees would ba able to concentrate on their actual work again.

Image: A pipette, a microwell plate and a glass with markings are positioned in front of a screen that shows these items as well; Copyright: Helbling Technik Wil AG

Using a camera, image recognition and markings, laboratory items can be tracked. This can avoid mistakes during experiments.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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