Alone in the lab – robot Kevin relieves the staff

Alone in the lab – robot Kevin relieves the staff

Interview with Tobias Brode, Head of Business Unit Medical Engineering and Biotechnology, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA


Image: Tobias Brode; Copyright: privat

Tobias Brode

Image: Laboratory robot Kevin; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Thanks to the laboratory robot Kevin, the operating times of the devices can be extended to night time. This reduces the workload of the staff and increases the throughput of PCR tests, for example.

Image: Laboratory robot Kevin; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

When the employees come to the laboratory in the morning, Kevin has already labeled tubes and prepared samples. This saves them valuable time and they can start testing immediately.

Image: Laboratory robot Kevin; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Kevin provides support for pick-up and delivery tasks, for example when an employee needs something from the warehouse.

Image: Elena Blume; Copyright: P. Schmitz