AI meets zebrafish: is this the future of drug discovery?

AI meets zebrafish: is this the future of drug discovery?

Interview with Dr. Jonas Baumann, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research


Image: Dr. Jonas Baumann; Copyright: HIPS | Ellen Merckel

Dr. Jonas Baumann

Image: Fluorescence microscope image of a zebrafish larva; Copyright: HIPS | Jonas Baumann

Fluorescence microscope image of a zebrafish larva in which neutrophil granulocytes, a subgroup of white blood cells, have been labeled green.

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Image: Syringe lies on top of several doses of vaccine ; Copyright: erika8213

The HIPS and CISPA combine their expertise in the fields of drug discovery and artificial intelligence. Using state-of-the-art machine learning methods, the institutions aim to make research into the modes of action of new drugs more efficient.

Image: Woman with short hair smiling - Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private