Many of us don't even realize how much impact space medicine research has had on the development of cutting-edge medical technologies used on Earth. Telemedicine, robotics and miniaturization in particular have made great strides through innovations for space.04/07/2024
The Modular Field Hospital from Médecins Sans Frontières enables fast and flexible medical aid in crisis areas. The tent camp is quick to set up, adaptable and yet offers working conditions that are similar to those in standard hospitals, despite extreme restrictions.31/10/2023
With novel technology and the integration of artificial intelligence, a new MRI scanner promises to significantly improve medical imaging. The scanner is characterized by its high performance and enables a more precise analysis of image data by means of an AI functionality.10/10/2023
A research team of scientists has jointly launched the DAIOR project ("Distributed Artificial Intelligence for the Operating Room"). Within the framework of the project, the project partners are working on realizing the operating room (OR) of the future with help of artificial intelligence (AI) and robot assisted telemedicine.22/09/2023
Researchers from the University of Waterloo completed the first-ever assessment of a Canadian hospital to reveal its total environmental footprint and specific carbon emission hotspots.22/08/2023
In a pilot project, the University Hospital of Würzburg has succeeded in significantly reducing the CO2 footprint in endoscopy. The focus was on consumables. Prof. Alexander Meining initiated the project together with his colleague Dr. Dorothea Henniger.07/07/2023
Researchers develop and test highly efficient, environmentally friendly and stable antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal) coating technologies in the NOVA project.20/06/2023
The University Hospital of Bonn (UKB) is the first hospital in the world to examine and monitor children receiving ECMO therapy with a mobile magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. This was possible thanks to a funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.27/03/2023
The researchers of Fraunhofer IZM have integrated a miniature radar system into an LED ceiling light that can track and recognize movement patterns and locate people or objects in a room.17/03/2023
Building a hospital is a large project that involves many experts and countless workers and contractors. They are all coordinated to reach a common goal: a building that serves the wellbeing of patients. MEDICA exhibitor Axis Medical has a lot of experience with this – read more in our interview!24/02/2023
Changing the tune of hospital medical devices could improve public health, according to researchers at McMaster University and Vanderbilt University.