Electric bandage promotes faster healing of chronic wounds

Image: DNA samples lying on a cell culture dish near a microscope

Exploring the power of AI in genomics


New AI-driven solutions promise to improve whole genome sequencing and diagnostics, offering insights into genetic diseases and complex conditions such as Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes. In this interview with MEDICA-tradefair.com, Dr. Uirá Souto Melo explains the technology behind the work, the challenges it faces, and the vision for the future.
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Image: Sensors record data on a person's arm and a monitor in the background displays data

Real-time monitoring for better health: Smart sensors in use


Real-time medical monitoring using modern sensors is fundamentally changing patient care. With the ability to continuously and precisely measure vital signs, these technologies enable close monitoring and contribute to the early detection of health problems.
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Image: Smiling man with blue shirt, short gray hair and beard holding a foot orthosis - Prof. Martin Kohlhase; Copyright: Sarah Jonek/HSBI

Sarah Jonek/HSBI

Diabetic foot syndrome: Help through orthosis with sensors


A sensor-equipped orthosis is being developed at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences to improve patient self-management during the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome.
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Image: Picture of a water-powered, electronics-free dressing (WPED) for electrical stimulation of wounds; Copyright: Rajaram Kaveti

Rajaram Kaveti

Electric bandage promotes faster healing of chronic wounds


Researchers from North Carolina State University and Columbia University have developed a cost-effective bandage that uses an electric field to accelerate the healing of chronic wounds. In animal tests, this electric bandage improved wound healing by 30 percent compared to conventional bandages.
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Image: The monitoring patch next to a 25-cent coin for scale.; Copyright: University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo

Monitoring of critical health data with wearable patch


Researchers at McMaster University and the University of Waterloo have developed a pain-free, wearable patch that continuously monitors blood glucose, lactates, and other critical health indicators, sending results to a smartphone. This new wearable device could transform health monitoring and improve patient care.
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Image: Dorsal root ganglia expressing CGRP after muscle injury; Copyright: Mikaël M. Martino

Mikaël M. Martino

Unveiling the role of sensory neurons in tissue repair


Research from Monash and Osaka Universities highlights the key role sensory neurons play in tissue repair and regeneration, marking a significant advancement for regenerative medicine.
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Image: The bare feet of a man with dark discoloration and ulcers; Copyright: halfpoint


Diabetes: Sensor sole warns of foot ulcers


People with long-term diabetes often struggle with pressure sores and chronic wounds on their feet. These occur due to circulatory and sensory disorders. Careful monitoring of one's own feet is necessary for prevention. A newly developed insole with sensors, in combination with telemedicine, is intended to prevent the formation of foot ulcers.
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Image: Three researchers smiling at the camera while showcasing their app on a tablet; Copyright: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

WellFeet app: Empowering diabetic patients


Singaporean researchers, led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have introduced a mobile application named WellFeet, designed to educate individuals living with diabetes and their caregivers about the disease and assist them in monitoring daily activities, including medication, physical activity, and diet.
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Image: A gloved hand is handling a compact electronic device, which appears to be a sensor for medical diagnostics, in a laboratory setting; Copyright: RMIT University

RMIT University

Optical sensor technology aims to improve diabetes glucose monitoring


A new non-invasive glucose monitoring optical sensor, poised to transform diabetes management by providing pain-free glucose level measurements, has been developed by researchers at RMIT University.
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Image: The background is black and in the foreground, there are some sugar tubes and pastilles. Furthermore, there is the almost transparent organ-on-chip; Copyright: Silke Riegger, 3R-Center

Silke Riegger, 3R-Center

Diabetes: technology enhances molecular understanding


With over seven million individuals in Germany affected by diabetes, science still faces challenges in drug research. However, under the leadership of Prof. Peter Loskill from both the NMI and the University of Tübingen, scientists have devised a method that markedly enhances our understanding at the molecular and cellular levels within the pancreas.
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Image: Three colored images of skin tissue next to each other; Copyright: Nikoletta Katsouli/TUM

Nikoletta Katsouli/TUM

Diabetes: AI skin scanner detects disease progression


A team from TU Munich applied the optoacoustic imaging method Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) together with AI to measure the severity of diabetes by assessing microvascular changes in the skin.
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Image: Medical suction cup balanced on a fingertip; Copyright: Transire Bio

Transire Bio

Suction cup as a direct route for medication into the bloodstream


Many diseases require weekly or even daily injections of medication into the blood. To make this gentler for patients, researchers have developed a suction cup for the inside of the cheek. The suction cup allows drugs to be administered non-invasively directly into the blood. With the founding of the start-up Transire Bio, this is now to become marketable.
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Image: Close-up of a human gray blue eye; Copyright: David Callahan

David Callahan

Eye implant may be used to treat diabetes


Researchers in Sweden have developed a microscale device for implantation in the eye, which presents new opportunities for cell-based treatment of diabetes and other diseases.
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Image: Dartmouth computer science professor Temiloluwa Prioleau holds a type of wearable glucose monitor that provided data for the study; Copyright: Photo courtesy of Temiloluwa Prioleau

Photo courtesy of Temiloluwa Prioleau

Wearable devices show who may need more help managing diabetes


A new Dartmouth study in the journal Science Advances suggests that how well people with diabetes manage their blood sugar depends on their experience with the condition and their overall success in controlling their glucose levels, as well as on the season and time of day.
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Image: Senior Woman tests blood for glucose or sugar level for diabetes with glucometer; Copyright: Manuta


Big Data: predictive model for complications in diabetes


For their research, the team led by Rainer Oberbauer, Head of the Division of Nephrology and Dialysis at MedUni Vienna's Department of Medicine III, and Mariella Gregorich from MedUni Vienna's Center for Medical Data Science drew on data from major international studies.
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Image: Pregnant woman sitting on bed checking her blood sugar level with glucometer; Copyright: AnnaStills


Type 2 diabetes: risk displayed in early pregnancy blood samples


Researchers from the University of Turku discovered that women who developed prediabetes after pregnancy had aberrations already in their early pregnancy blood serum metabolomic profile.
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Image: Illustration of wounds on cultured skin cells heal while stimulated with electric current; Copyright: Science Brush | Hassan A. Tahini

Science Brush | Hassan A. Tahini

How electricity can heal wounds three times as fast


Using electric stimulation, researchers in a project at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and the University of Freiburg, Germany, have developed a method that speeds up the healing process, making wounds heal three times faster.
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Image: A smart bandage rests on a gloved finger.; Copyright: Caltech


‘Smart’ bandages monitor wounds and provide targeted treatment


Most of the time, when someone gets a cut, scrape, burn, or other wound, the body takes care of itself and heals on its own. But this is not always the case. Diabetes can interfere with the healing process and create wounds that will not go away and that could become infected and fester.
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Image: Esperanza Varela, María Teresa Anarte and Mónica Carreira, researchers at the University of Malaga, posing at the entrance of the Faculty of Psychology; Copyright: University of Malaga

University of Malaga

MyDiaMate app strengthens mental health for adults with type 1 diabetes


International researchers –from the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and Spain– work together to develop an app that improves physical and emotional well-being in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D).
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Image: The SPUR tool, a plastic dispenser, can help patients living with Type 2 Diabetes take their medications correctly; Copyright: Kingston University

Kingston University

Medication adherence tool predicts hospital admissions of Type 2 Diabetes patients


A pioneering behavioural diagnostic tool developed by Kingston University, London and healthcare technology company Observia to help patients take their medication as prescribed is the first holistic model in the world to accurately predict hospital admissions and readmissions in people living with Type 2 Diabetes, according to a new study.
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Image: Immune cell trafficking in diabetic cataract formation.; Copyright: HAWK


Imaging: role of immune cells in early diabetic cataract development


The team of researchers, led by Prof. Dr. Ali Hafezi-Moghadam, Director of the Molecular Biomarkers Nano-Imaging Laboratory (MBNI), in collaboration with Professor Dr. Christoph Rußmann, Dean of the Health Campus and a Visiting Professor at MBNI, found early signs of damage in the eye before the onset of type 2 diabetes.
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Image: A closeup of a foot on red fabric pads; Copyright: CC BY-SA 2.0.

CC BY-SA 2.0.

More accurate way of checking the blood flow in the feet of patients with type 2 diabetes


Aston University scientists have discovered a more accurate way of checking the blood flow in the feet of patients with type 2 diabetes.
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Image: Close-up Of A Man Checking Blood Sugar Level At Home With Glucometer And Test Strips; Copyright: dolgachov


Type 2 diabetes: Machine learning can predict poor glycemic control from patient information systems


The risk for poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted with confidence by using machine learning methods, a new study from Finland finds.
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Image: Small moldecules - illustration in orange; Copyright: Aalto University

Aalto University

Gaining unprecedented view of small molecules by machine learning


A new tool to identify small molecules offers benefits for diagnostics, drug discovery and fundamental research. A new machine learning model will help scientists identify small molecules, with applications in medicine, drug discovery and environmental chemistry.
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Image: A disposable microneedle patch is presented: Copyright: Laboratory for Nanobioelectronics / UC San Diego

Laboratory for Nanobioelectronics / UC San Diego

Multi-tasking wearable continuously monitors glucose, alcohol, and lactate


Imagine being able to measure your blood sugar levels, know if you’ve had too much to drink, and track your muscle fatigue during a workout, all in one small device worn on your skin. Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a prototype of such a wearable that can continuously monitor several health stats—glucose, alcohol, and lactate levels—simultaneously in real-time.
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Image: smartphone with diabetes app, in front lays the smart insulin pen; Copyright: Nico Arnold | diafyt MedTech

Nico Arnold | diafyt MedTech

Managing diabetes with diafyt thanks to self-learning and smart technology


We all make mistakes from time to time or forget to do things. But people with diabetes can have serious health problems if they miscalculate or inject the wrong insulin dose. A research team from the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) and a startup from Leipzig aim to make living with diabetes easier.
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Image: a smiling man stands in front of a white 3D printer; Copyright: Gabriel Salg/Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg

Gabriel Salg/Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg

Using 3D printing to create insulin-producing cells


3D printing opens a world of endless possibilities – for both industrial and medical applications. A cross-national project recently created tissue that produces insulin, spelling hope for patients with diabetes.
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Image: a woman is getting her eyes scanned for diseases; Copyright: PantherMedia / Robert Przybysz

PantherMedia / Robert Przybysz

Deep Learning: How artificial neural networks can support diagnostics


The use of artificial intelligence and deep learning in medical diagnostics is growing rapidly. Ubotica’s neural network is based on deep learning and detects the presence of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images. Dr. Holger Pfeifer talks about the project successes, and reveals the obstacles researchers must continue to overcome in adopting deep learning systems.
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Image: A physician puts a bandage around the foot of a patient; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia (YAYMicro)

PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia (YAYMicro)

Chronic wounds: new, inexpensive wound dressing


An MSU-led team is developing an inexpensive biopolymer dressing to heal injuries like diabetic foot ulcers that affect millions of patients all over the world.
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Image: A man with a smartwatch on his wrist; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia Ltd

PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia Ltd

Controlling insulin production with a smartwatch


Many modern fitness trackers and smartwatches feature integrated LEDs. The green light emitted, whether continuous or pulsed, penetrates the skin and can be used to measure the wearer's heart rate during physical activity or while at rest.
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Image: Two small, angular-shaped, electrical devices that are held with tweezers; Copyright: Fraunhofer EMFT/Bernd Müller

Tumor therapy: drug delivery pump instead of injection


Drugs always have undesired side effects. Cytostatics are powerful drugs used to treat cancer. They reach almost all cells in the body, killing healthy cells as well as cancer cells in the process. A targeted delivery to the specific cellular site would be a gentler treatment.
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Image: Artist’s rendering of small star-shaped machines between red blood cells; Copyright: PantherMedia/Michael Osterrieder

Autonomous medical devices: running well in your body


In theory, autonomous medical technologies can be used in a diagnostic or therapeutic capacity inside the body under certain conditions. This may not sound like a new invention at first. After all, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators have monitored and fixed abnormal heart rhythm for many years.
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Image: Sense Glucose Earring on a model; Copyright: The University of Huddersfield

The University of Huddersfield

Sense Glucose Earring for managing type 1 diabetes


A product design graduate from the University of Huddersfield has defeated thousands of entries from around the world to become one of the finalists of the 2020 Global Grad Show with their design for a discrete earring that monitors blood sugar levels and delivers feedback in real-time.
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Image: Modern diabetes therapies; Copyright: beta-web GmbH

Digital and personalized diabetes management


Digital blood glucose measurement via a sensor on the arm, glucose values in an app and data evaluation with the help of software: diabetes experts, product specialists at Roche Diabetes Care Germany and a patient talk in our report on MEDICA.de about the future of diabetes treatment.
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Image: Ellipsoid of revolution with a gold coating to detect backscattered photons from the skin tissue; Copyright: Sven Delbeck/Fachhochschule Südwestfalen

Sven Delbeck/Fachhochschule Südwestfalen

Blood Sugar Monitoring: Using Infrared Instead of Invasive Techniques


Over six million people in Germany have diabetes. It is estimated that almost 400 million people are affected by this disease worldwide. Diabetes sufferers must prick their fingers several times a day to monitor their blood sugar.
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Image: Glucometer next to a smartphone that shows the blood glucose level; Copyright: panthermedia.net/simpson33

DiaDigital: making sense of diabetes apps


While they are very useful, health apps have one major drawback: anyone can release and distribute them unchecked. Only some apps require medical device certification. So how can users spot a great, safe and useful app? When it comes to diabetes apps, the “DiaDigital” seal of distinction is the answer.
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Image: digital capture of an eye; Copyright: panthermedia.net / cosmin momir

A digital look inside the human eye – when algorithms diagnose Diabetes


Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes has become very common and is often described as a lifestyle disease. More and more people are suffering from this chronic metabolic disorder. Next to established diagnostic procedures, digital retinal screening has shown to be successful - a promising technique that will also play an important role in the diagnosis of other diseases in the future.
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Image: Woman at the table operating a smartphone and surrounded by utensils for diabetes therapy; Copyright: panthemedia.net/Lev Dolgachov

Diabetes digital – smart support for diabetics


Monitoring blood sugar levels, counting carbohydrates, calculating insulin doses, and keeping accurate records - diabetes is a data-intensive disease that demands a lot of self-discipline and attention from the patients. Some concerns are patients neglecting to keep a food journal, "fudged" test results or calculation errors. Digital solutions help patients easily manage the large volumes of data.
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