Personal protective equipment: ramping up medical mask production to 50,000 pieces per day

Personal protective equipment: ramping up medical mask production to 50,000 pieces per day

Interview with Patrick Scholz, Business Unit Manager Lightweight Production Technology, and Philip Jongebloed, Department of Production Machinery, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT


Image: Smiling young man with short dark hair - Patrick Scholz; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPT

Patrick Scholz

Image: Smiling young man with blond hair, glasses and a blue suit - Philip Jongebloed; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPT

Fraunhofer IPT

Image: A white medical face mask is coming out of a production line; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPT

Medical face masks are being produced by the new assembly line since the end of May.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz