Disinfection: antibacterial coating on surfaces in the ICU -- MEDICA-tradefair.com

Disinfection: antibacterial coating on surfaces in the ICU

Interview with Prof. Wolfgang Bäumler, Research Associate, Polyclinic Dermatology Department, University Hospital of Regensburg


Image: Smiling man with short, grey-black hair and a dark suit - Prof. Wolfgang Bäumler; Copyright: Universitätsklinikum Regensburg

Prof. Wolfgang Bäumler

Image: A long hallway in a hospital with a lot of doors; Copyright: PantherMedia/dlpn

Switches, door handles, handrails, beds and equipment carts - hospitals have a lot of surfaces by which pathogens are able to spread. Automatic disinfection would safe a lot of work here and also improve infection prevention.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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