Sterile supplies: AI-based recognition of surgical instruments with Cir.Log

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Automated imaging during operations – How a self-propelled C-arm relieves the OR staff


The OR is the most cost-intensive area of any hospital, so efficiency is the ultimate goal here. But this becomes difficult when large devices are included in sugery, for example intraoperative imaging devices such as a C-arm: Preparing and setting them up costs time, during which the surgical staff cannot work and during which the patients still lie on the table.
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A man gives a lecture to an audience on a stage at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Healthcare politics at the heart of the action – German Hospital Conference


The German Hospital Conference is an institution at MEDICA: For years, this conference has been bringing together decision-makers from German hospitals and associations from this sector for a professional exchange.
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Image: A doctor performs a training operation with the help of AI, wearing a special cap and vest with sensors; Copyright: MEDICA

Artificial intelligence: the new member of the surgical team


In the "Digital Scrubs" project, researchers from medicine, IT and industry are working on improving working conditions for surgeons by visualizing the operating team's alertness and signs of stress in real time. For this, artificial intelligence and biometric sensors are being used in the operating room.
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Image: A service robot moves through a double door in the surgery department of a clinic; Copyright: LMU Klinikum

LMU Klinikum

Make way for rolling assistants! More robotics within hospital logistics


Increasingly, hospitals are faced with the task of working efficiently despite staff shortages and cost pressure. Increasing automation, which is already widespread in other sectors, could offer solutions. While attention on medical robotics has been focused primarily on highly specialized tasks in the operating theatre, handling logistical tasks in hospitals is becoming increasingly important.
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Image: Surgical instruments in a metal sieve; Copyright: Chalabala


Sterile supplies: AI-based recognition of surgical instruments with Cir.Log


The Cir.Log project between Charité Facility Management GmbH (CFM) and Fraunhofer IPK aims to increase the efficiency of sterile processing in hospitals and improve patient safety. Essentially, the aim is to create a smooth transition from current workflows to a more efficient, technology-supported system.
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Green Hospital – Saving resources through waste management


A lot of energy, water and other resources are consumed in the daily operation of a hospital. At the same time, hospitals generate high CO2 emissions and a large amount of waste, which must be disposed of safely and hygienically. There is potential for hospitals to make savings here if they take a close look at their waste disposal and optimize it.
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Assistance technologies for the care sector


The care sector is facing major challenges: Demographic change, the shortage of skilled workers and the physical demands of the profession will make it increasingly difficult to maintain good care in the future. The CareTech OWL research network at Bielefeld University aims to find solutions to this.
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Virtual nursing training in the OR


In the operating room, every move has to be precise. This applies not only to the surgical staff but also to the surgical assistants. Whether it's sterile products or consumables, the proper handling of them is essential for a smooth workflow.
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Image: Scanning electron microscopy, 30,000x magnification, colored: Even distribution of the antimicrobial coating on the textile fibers; Copyright: Empa


Antimicrobial hospital curtains - Bacteria, stay out!


A coating process can be used to treat fabrics in such a way that bacterial and viral pathogens are killed or inhibited in their growth. In hospitals, the coated textiles could be used in future as antimicrobial curtains between patient beds, for example.
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Image: A woman in a green jacket with brown hair sits in front of a screen and smiles into the camera; Copyright: University of the Basque Country

University of the Basque Country

Models that predict poor clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients


Factors associated with hospital admissions, ICU stays and mortality in patients who have had SARS-CoV-2 are identified, and clinical prediction rules are developed.
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Image: Woman is wearing a ring-shaped wearable that transmits data to a smartphone; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

Telemedicine: how remote treatment can improve care


In the MEDICA DEEP DIVE, we look at the state of telemedicine today. Join us as our experts talk live about exciting practical applications and provide a glimpse into the future.
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Image: Empty hospital bed with partition in a clinic; Copyright: davidpradoperucha


Sustainability: What is the carbon footprint of a hospital bed?


Researchers from the University of Waterloo completed the first-ever assessment of a Canadian hospital to reveal its total environmental footprint and specific carbon emission hotspots.
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Image: Model of a human skull with a square-shaped hole, that contains a model of the brain. Next to it is the arm of a surgical robot holding an instrument; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

Robots in the OR: flexible, precise, tireless


Robots promise a precision and accuracy in the OR that human hands cannot achieve. But even if they relieve the surgeon in many places, control ultimately remains with the human being.
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Picture: A man in a white coat holds a medical tube in his hands; Copyright: UKW / Stefan Dreising

UKW / Stefan Dreising

Sustainable endoscopy: Würzburg University Hospital reduces CO2 footprint


In a pilot project, the University Hospital of Würzburg has succeeded in significantly reducing the CO2 footprint in endoscopy. The focus was on consumables. Prof. Alexander Meining initiated the project together with his colleague Dr. Dorothea Henniger.
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Image: an intern shows an senior physician something on a tablet. The two stand on a glass gallery in a hospital; Copyright: monkeybusiness


Into the hospital of the future: data, digitization and artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) and its use is on everyone's lips right now. How AI will change and shape our future is being hotly debated. AI applications are also trending in healthcare. But before they can deliver on their huge expectations, the basics have to be met.
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Increasing the time available for treatment in intensive care units: Smart assistance system "Mona" bundles data


All information can be accessed directly where it is needed - at the hospital bedside. The intelligent assistance system "Mona" offers exactly that. With it, the start-up Clinomic is implementing what intensive care physicians and nursing staff want.
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Image: View on the main entrance of a modern hospital building, a car stops in front of it; Copyright: jdskiles2


Hospital construction: WHO recommends Politecnico di Milano design guidelines


The World Health Organization presented the new design recommendations for new hospitals to be built in the European Region, the result of a research partnership with the Politecnico di Milano. The document was prepared by the Design & Health Lab in the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and the Built Environment at the Politecnico.
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Image: Dr. Matthias Gietzelt (left) and Professor Bavendiek in a cardiology examination room; Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH

Karin Kaiser / MHH

Cardiovascular diseases: individual risk assessment with ACRIBiS


MHH Cardiology participates in a nationwide project to improve risk assessment thanks to structured and standardized data.
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Image: Female physician in a hospital is throwing trash into a trash can; Copyright: karrastock


CirculAid: funding for a circular economy in healthcare


The health care system and its activities consume a lot of resources. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the existing problem due to the increased need for hygiene and protective equipment. Urgent action is needed to protect the environment and combat climate change by reducing consumption and improving resource efficiency.
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Image: The SPUR tool, a plastic dispenser, can help patients living with Type 2 Diabetes take their medications correctly; Copyright: Kingston University

Kingston University

Medication adherence tool predicts hospital admissions of Type 2 Diabetes patients


A pioneering behavioural diagnostic tool developed by Kingston University, London and healthcare technology company Observia to help patients take their medication as prescribed is the first holistic model in the world to accurately predict hospital admissions and readmissions in people living with Type 2 Diabetes, according to a new study.
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MRI in a class of its own


Better images in less time – the new MRI at Cologne-Porz Hospital uses artificial intelligence to produce the most perfect images possible from inside the body. The flexible receiver coils play an important role in this, as they also significantly improve patient comfort.
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Image: Hospital buildings behind a forest and a wheat field; Copyright: IndustryAndTravel


Hospital construction: challenging projects for good healthcare


Building a hospital is a large project that involves many experts and countless workers and contractors. They are all coordinated to reach a common goal: a building that serves the wellbeing of patients. MEDICA exhibitor Axis Medical has a lot of experience with this – read more in our interview!
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Product design in medical technology


Good design not only pleases the eye or the hand. It also guarantees intuitive and safe use and a long service life. Especially in medical technology, this can make a big difference – for staff as well as patients. Medical designers are therefore in great demand. At MEDICA 2022, we talked to two of them about their profession.
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Image: A man with beard in a blue shirt, Michael Schutz, professor of music cognition and percussion, smiles for the camera; Copyright: McMaster University

McMaster University

Redesigned medical alarms can better alert staff, improve patient experience


Changing the tune of hospital medical devices could improve public health, according to researchers at McMaster University and Vanderbilt University.
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Image: Professional portrait photo by Emilia Möller Rydberg; Copyright: Wingborg/University of Gothenburg

Wingborg/University of Gothenburg

Fewer surgically treated ankle fractures with clear-cut treatment routine


It has been shown that the percentage of ankle fractures that undergo surgery could be substantially reduced, from more than 30 per cent to 10 in the most common type of fracture. The key is a clear-cut treatment routine that benefits both patients and caregivers, according to a doctoral dissertation at the University of Gothenburg.
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Image: Overview graphic on sustainable growth; Copyright: mihacreative


Green Hospital: Carbon neutral thanks to sustainable technology


In light of climate change, the healthcare industry is putting increasing emphasis on sustainability besides digitization and labor shortages. In the future, hospital facilities will be judged by their carbon footprint and their contribution to climate neutrality.
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Sustainable hospital – Cardiac catheter in the raw material cycle


Particularly in hospitals, a lot of waste is generated due to the large number of disposable products. In the case of cardiac catheters, this is doubly annoying, as they contain precious metals such as platinum and copper. A pilot project has therefore been launched at the Heart and Diabetes Center NRW to return used catheters to the raw materials cycle.
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Intensive care unit rethought: Latest technology and architecture at St. Marien Hospital


Old shell, new interior: Since October 2022, the core-renovated intensive care unit at St. Marien Hospital in Siegen has been back in use after a one-year renovation period. The latest technology and a modern room concept ensure better medical care. Reason enough for to take a look at the ward.
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Robots – helping hand in the hospital


Robots have already been part of our everyday live for some time now, whether in our private life or at many workplaces. But how can the automatic helpers be helpful as an assistant in everyday hospital life? We got to know some great ideas at MEDICA 2022.
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Setting new standards in mobile X-ray – Solutions for tomorrow AB


Instead of bringing the patient to the X-ray unit, would it not be better to bring the X-ray unit to the patient? Solutions for tomorrow is a med-tech company creating innovative products that change the X-ray experience for hospitals, clinics and patients. At MEDICA 2022, we took a look at it.
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In the name of hygiene and safety: modern hospital equipment


In addition to the obvious medical care of patients, infection prevention in hospitals is also a major topic. Which devices are essential in the fight against bacteria, pathogens and co. and what actually happens to potentially contaminated medical waste?
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Digital patient model for chronic diseases – A dashboard for more targeted diagnoses and therapies


In the MED²ICIN lead project, a digital patient model for chronically ill persons has been developed. A particularly clear, web-based dashboard shows, among other things, the course of the disease, medication responses and recommendations for action. In addition, the data can be compared with a large pool of data from other patients.
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Image: scanning electron microscope image of red blood cells in the blood clot; Copyright: Empa


Personalized treatment of acute stroke: diagnostics with 3D virtual histology


Every minute counts when someone is having an acute stroke. If the cause is a vascular blockage caused by a blood clot (thrombus) in the brain, detailed insights into the thrombus composition is critical to remove or dissolve it successfully and help restore blood flow. But that’s often easier said than done when "time is brain".
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Image: Animation of a hospital room with ceiling supply unit and LED lighting; Copyright: Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH

Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH

Healing Environment: thoughtful design improves patient care


Most people would not immediately consider hospitals places that create a "feel-good atmosphere". And yet, the environment plays a key role in a patient’s healing process and recovery. As a leading medical and safety technology product manufacturer, Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH knows how to create a design that blends function with comfort.
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Image: The KARMIN room, with (from left to right) wet room, nursing area, bed and visitor zone at the window; Copytight: Tom Bauer |TU Braunschweig

Tom Bauer |TU Braunschweig

Architecture rather than antibiotics: patient room takes center stage


Hospitals take many precautions – including hygiene concepts – to prevent the spread of infection but are still unable to eliminate all pathogens. Since 2016, an interdisciplinary research team has been studying how architecture and design can help prevent the spread of highly infectious and multidrug-resistant pathogens as part of the KARMIN project.
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Image: A female nurse is pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair through a park; Copyright: s_kawee


Smart hospital design – it benefits all of us


When we think of modern hospitals, we often think of high-tech medical devices, patient beds surrounded by machines, or networked operating rooms. Yet it is not only the equipment in patient rooms that leads to a better and faster recovery. A hospital that delivers a positive experience for patients, their families, and medical staff centers on smart design from the very beginning.
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Image: Construction plans of a building; Copyright: FabrikaPhoto


Project: hospital construction


In addition to medical care, the recovery of patients in the hospital is a key factor. In order for this to take place in the best possible way, the focus in the planning phase should also be on optimal workplace design for medical staff. How can the balancing act between design and functionality be achieved and what will the hospital of tomorrow look like?
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Image: Black, box-like device that directs a small, blue flame towards a light switch; Copyright: Fraunhofer IST/Paul Kurze

Fraunhofer IST/Paul Kurze

Cold plasma: Contactless disinfection of surfaces


One of the most time-consuming tasks in hospitals is the manual cleaning and disinfection of high touch points and surfaces such as door handles, buttons, and switches. These are areas where microorganisms are spread by direct skin contact. The “MobDi – Mobile Disinfection” research project is developing a robot that automatically cleans and disinfects these areas. It will use cold plasma.
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Image: A room in a hospital with white floor, ceiling, walls and cabinets; Copyright: Prostock-studio


Hygiene and sterilization: Hightech for clean surfaces


Due to the Corona pandemic, a lot of attention is currently focused on the protective effect of medical masks. But especially in medical work areas, the protection against aerosol transmission is not enough, because a lot of pathogens can be transmitted trough direct contact with people or surfaces. Hygienic measures against contact infections like these are very costly, though.
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Image: Cleaning staff at a hospital is wiping the floor of an OR; Copyright: karrastock


Disinfection: Solutions to stop pathogens from spreading


Disinfection and sterilization are the most reliable and best way to ensure patient safety in healthcare settings. Whether it is at the point of care when the patient is either at the hospital or medical practice, or wherever medical devices are manufactured and packaged in a sterile environment – the transmission of pathogens and microorganisms can have severe health impacts.
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What intensive care patients really need – Communication via eye-tracking systems


Patients at the intensive care unit are not always able to communicate with their environment, even if they are conscious. The BG University Hospital Bergmannsheil in Bochum, Germany, now aims to enable them to communicate using an eye-tracking system. Learn in our video interview how this system works, how it was established and what obstacles still need to be overcome.
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Image: Patient having a throat examination performed by the remote-controlled robot; Copyright: TU Munich


Telediagnostic solutions: expert exams with no physical contact


Applications of telemedicine surged in popularity in efforts to reduce the COVID-19 infection risk for both medical professionals and patients. Unfortunately, the services typically lack a proper diagnostic option.
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Image: IT infrastructure of a man was encrypted by ransomware; Copyright: PantherMedia / Andriy Popov

PantherMedia / Andriy Popov

Increasing cyber security awareness of hospital staff


Medical facilities are considered a critical infrastructure sector. Staff members must receive regular cyber security training to ensure proper IT infrastructure management and prevent shortfalls in medical care.
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Image: Female physician is sitting at a desk in front of a laptop and is taking a note; Copyright: PantherMedia/undrey


Digital HR management – Help against skilled worker shortage


Qualified staff is the most valuable resource in the healthcare sector. But this resource is threatened because it is under extreme strain – not only since the Corona pandemic but for many years already. Healthcare facilities could experience a dramatic aggravation of the skilled worker shortage in the coming years because of this.
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Image: Hand-made duty roster; Copyright: PantherMedia  / Mathias Fengler

AI: Automating healthcare workforce planning


The shortage of healthcare workers is a social challenge that must be properly addressed. Pradtke GmbH teamed up with the Bochum Institute of Technology gGmbH and contec GmbH in the research project titled "AI-powered healthcare workforce planning and management" (KI-unterstützte Personaleinsatzplanung und-steuerung im Gesundheitswesen, KI-PEPS).
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Image: Image showing part of an ECMO machine – a square part through which blood is channeled; Copyright: PantherMedia/Richmanphoto


Digital recruiting – A generational issue


Overworked, underpaid and – from the onset of the coronavirus pandemic – underappreciated. It is no wonder nobody wants to work in hospitals anymore. Today’s hospitals must get creative to attract skilled healthcare professionals. Facilities can use digital technologies to appeal to and hire future talent. Unfortunately, many human resources departments have not yet embraced this approach.
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Image: Female physician is sitting at her desk, holding a sign with the words

PantherMedia/ndanko (YAYMicro)

Digital strategies to mitigate hospital staff shortages


Whether it pertains to medical careers or healthcare occupations: Hospitals are struggling with a shortage of qualified professionals. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting a major strain on healthcare systems and the public has taken notice. Yet even without pandemic surges, hospital jobs have an image problem. At the same time, employee demands have changed.
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Image: A vegan to flexitarian diet; Copyright: PantherMedia / marilyna

PantherMedia / marilyna

Climate Change: "Meat Should be Reserved for Special Occasions"


The global food system today directly and indirectly impacts personal and planetary health and burdens the health care system and climate as a result. Rethinking our diet and food choices and using technology can make a lasting difference on the health of people and our planet.
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Image: The Vemo System® with a patient and therapists; Copyright: Reactive Robotics

Reactive Robotics

Robotics in Intensive Care Units: "Stand Patients up on Their Feet and Let Them Walk"


Robotics have made their way into many areas in healthcare. So far, intensive care units had not utilized robotic systems. Now there is an application that facilitates ICU care tasks.
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Image: PD Dr. med. Arne Wieser and Prof. Dr. Christoph Haisch; Copytight: LMU University Hospital Munich

LMU University Hospital Munich

Room divider based on UV-C light inactivates SARS-CoV-2 aerosols


Despite myriad precautionary measures, virus-contaminated aerosols still pose a serious problem indoors. An invisible protective wall of UV-C ligh could provide a solution and reliably curb the spread of viruses and other pathogens in rooms in the future while allowing total freedom of movement.
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Relief through suitable nursing beds – Interview with Völker GmbH


Everyday life in nursing care is often stressful. Nursing beds can help to make the day as pleasant as possible for staff and patients. Yvonne Risch, Managing Director of Völker GmbH, explains at MEDICA 2021 what influence nursing beds and other furniture can have.
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Image: Operating table by JW Holdings Corporation; Copyright: beta-web/Molinari

OR equipment at MEDICA 2021: from operating tables to virtual reality


Operating room equipment is not limited to operating tables and surgical lights, but also includes monitors and virtual reality. All this and much more awaits visitors at this year's MEDICA. You can get an insight into the various products here.
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Image: a person holding a smartphone with a digital certificate; Copyright: PantherMedia / Sorapop Udomsri

PantherMedia / Sorapop Udomsri

Healthcare: "The digital transformation has only just begun"


The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to rethink the healthcare system: It gave way to contactless services over the phone or the internet. Why would we not continue to take advantage of this once the crisis will be over? The MEDICA ECON FORUM by TK at MEDICA 2021 will address this subject.
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Image: Hand is holding a smartphone with an opened health app; Copyright: Health2Sync


AI in healthcare: How to build a technology ecosystem


Taiwan has long been a model for the implementation and use of new technologies. It is thus only natural that Taiwanese companies are forerunners when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare. This is also one of the topics of this year’s MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM.
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Image: Man presenting something on a whiteboard to a group of people; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia Ltd.

New Work in Healthcare


Working remotely, flexible work arrangements, and digital tools for work support – all these aspects are part of the New Work concept. It's a term that most of us are familiar with, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. MEDICA 2021 will highlight how these concepts can be implemented in healthcare on Thursday, November 18, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the MEDICA HEALTH IT FORUM.
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Image: A female nurse is pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair through the lounge of a hospital; Copyright: PantherMedia/phovoir (YAYMicro)

PantherMedia/phovoir (YAYMicro)

Digital transitional care management - with CareNext


Some patients need continued inpatient or outpatient care after they have been officially discharged from the hospital after treatment. Finding an acceptable discharge placement to ensure continuity of care is a very time-consuming process for hospitals. A team of young entrepreneurs has created a solution to this problem with its “CareNext” platform, which it will showcase at MEDICA 2021.
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Image: a woman with wihte hair sitting in a bed, a young doctor sitting next to her bed; Copyright: PantherMedia / RostyslavOleksin

PantherMedia / RostyslavOleksin

Preventing patient falls using an anonymous monitoring system


Falls are one of the most common causes of patient injury in both hospital and nursing home settings. Without technical assistance, falls are difficult to predict and prevent. But even if care facilities use technology, it tends to be based on outdated approaches.
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Image: The KUKA robot sorts blood samples according to the color of their cap; Copyright: LT Automation

Image: The KUKA robot sorts blood samples according to the color of their cap; Copyright: LT Automation

Fast, accurate, automatic: Simplifying workflows with laboratory robots


Unpacking and sorting of blood samples from general practitioners is a monotonous and time-consuming task. The Aalborg University Hospital has now automated the process: Up to 3000 blood samples every day are unpacked and sorted by two lab robots provided by LT Automation. Furthermore, the samples are temperature monitored and tracked, using the Intelligent Transport Boxes.
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Image: Representation of a sensor that locates free beds; Copyright: simplinic Gmbh

simplinic GmbH

Easing the burden on healthcare personnel: bed sensors facilitate fast location of available hospital beds


One lesson the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is hospitals are short on staff and time is a most valuable and scarce resource in health care that should not be wasted. That is why it only makes sense to automate repetitive and recurring tasks that are big time wasters and keep hospital staff from doing more important work.
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Image: a person holding two models of kidneys in front of the body; Copyright: PantherMedia / benschonewille

PantherMedia / benschonewille

Removing kidney stones thoroughly and without residue


Kidney stones are a widespread disease. In order to be able to reliably remove even the smallest remnants of them, Purenum GmbH, a spin-off of Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, developed a gel that encloses small fragments and can then be removed without leaving any residue. This year, the product mediNiK was certified and is thus ready for the market.
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Image: A female hospital employee is looking at patient data on a computer screen while holding a medication package in her hand; Copyright: PantherMedia/DragosCondreaW


Population health management: networking versus data silos


Data silos still prevail in the German health care system: providers store and collect patient data for their own purposes, making it not available to the entire organization. Many still mainly share this data in analog form. Comprehensive, integrated delivery networks would make many practices easier.
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Image: A modern hospital room with two beds; Copyright: Tom Bauer/TU Braunschweig

Tom Bauer/TU Braunschweig

Patient room of the future comes to Braunschweig


Architecture can prevent infections in hospitals. The walk-in model of a new type of patient room shows how this can be done. It was developed by a team from the fields of architecture, medicine and molecular biology in the KARMIN research project.
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Image: Doctor in medical gowns types on a tablet; Copyright: PantherMedia/rogerphoto


Accelerating digitization of hospitals through innovation


Helping hospitals in Germany build a long-term digitization strategy - that is the declared goal of the young founding team of the innovation go platform, which started at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. The project is funded by EXIST, a support program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
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Image: An emergency physician is measuring the blood pressure of an injured boy on a stretcher; Copyright: PantherMedia/Arne Trautmann

Emergency medicine: point-of-care diagnostic at the deployment site


The sooner diagnosis can be made during an emergency, the faster the patient receives help. While most diagnostics still take place at the hospital, emergency physicians use more and more mobile devices directly at the deployment site. This is how they can save precious time. We take a look at some point-of-care applications in our Topic of the Month.
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Mobile hygiene robot in the hospital – The cleaning force of the future


One of the most time-consuming tasks in a hospital is the disinfection of often-used surfaces like light switches or door handles. This is especially important during the corona pandemic. The "DeKonBot" by Fraunhofer IPA could support hospital staff here in the future. Learn in our video interview with Dr. Birgit Graf how the robot works.
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Image: artificial ventilation at a hospital room; Copyright: PantherMedia / ParStud

PantherMedia / ParStud

Making biohybrid lungs implantable


Diseases can affect the lungs in different ways that can be challenging. If the lungs are badly damaged and artificial ventilation (also called artificial respiration) is no longer effective, an ECMO machine comes into play. Right now, artificial lungs reside outside the body and cannot be implanted.
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Image: Two hospital employees fill a shelf in a storage room with medical supplies; Copyright: PantherMedia/SimpleFoto


Hospital logistics: three action steps to future success


Behind every hospital are sophisticated and complex logistics that must run like clockwork to keep things going. But how good are the processes when it comes to managing patient care and hospital staff? There are many weak links that can be avoided. Comprehensive digitization and efficient, targeted healthcare workforce management are required to set up hospital logistics for future success.
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Image: a man and a roboter in the theatre; Copyright: PantherMedia/ekkasit919


Exploring possible applications of robotic surgery


Robotics has been gaining importance in many areas of life for years, not least in medicine. Robots are already being used in the operating room today, but they do not always play the leading role – a circumstance that will certainly change in the long term.
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Image: A long hallway in a hospital with a lot of doors; Copyright: PantherMedia/dlpn

Disinfection: antibacterial coating on surfaces in the ICU


All hospitalized patients are susceptible to contracting a nosocomial infection, with ICU patients being particularly at risk. The effects of these hospital-acquired infections are often more dangerous than the original reason for the in-patient hospitalization. The "PACMAN" project is now testing an antimicrobial coating for frequently used contact surfaces at high risk of pathogen transmission.
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Image: Two people looking at a smartwatch; Copyright: PantherMedia/DraginImages


Wearables can detect COVID-19 symptoms and predict diagnosis


Wearable devices can identify COVID-19 cases earlier than traditional diagnostic methods and can help track and improve management of the disease, Mount Sinai researchers report in one of the first studies on the topic. The findings were published in Journal of Medical Internet Research.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Green Hospital - Sustainability at the University Hospital Bonn


Large hospital complexes such as the University Hospital Bonn can save millions when they implement well thought-out energy-saving measures. Michael Körber reports how the UKB is already implementing this with the help of combined heat and power units and a comprehensive sustainability concept. Manuel Merges describes how these projects were also possible with the help of external financing.
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Image: A blue, box-shaped device with a handle and a nozzle; Copyright: 99Technologies S.A.

Disinfection: let mist do the work


Healthcare settings require sharp weapons to fight both hospital-acquired infections and pathogens like SARS-CoV-2. Besides protective equipment, regular room disinfection is one of them. But they require time and are also prone to error if done manually. Fully automated solutions are needed to relief hospital staff from this exhausting work and perform it reliably. So, why not fog the room?
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Image: The hand of a hospital employee at a device next to an intensive care bed with a patient in it; Copyright: PantherMedia/sudok1


AI predicts a patient's risk of postoperative complications


Whether it is a routine surgery or a personalized surgical intervention that perhaps has never been done before: There is always a residual risk involved. That’s why hospitals monitor and supervise patient care before, during, and after surgery to be ready for immediate intervention if needed.
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Image: Symbols from everyday hospital life as digital images coming from a stethoscope; Copyright: PantherMedia/everythingposs

Smart Hospital: Digitally Connected Healthcare


Every year, new technologies hit the market. They expand, update, and connect hospitals and healthcare facilities. But advancing digitization not only accelerates the speed of improvements, it also uncovers problem areas that must still be fixed.
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Image: A physician talking on the phone and holding a tablet computer in his hand is standing in the lobby of a hospital; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia Ltd

The digitization of hospitals requires necessary investments


The coronavirus pandemic has shown us we can make swift changes and handle problems if we set our minds to it, especially thanks to tools of digitization. Hospitals in Germany can expect to see a boost in digital transformation because the Federal Government adopted the "Program to Future-Proof Hospitals" (Zukunftsprogramm Krankenhäuser).
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Image: Connected areas of a treatment displayed as icons; Copyright: PantherMedia/Sonar

The digital hospital: integration and digitization


Whether it's process automation, robotics in the OR and nursing areas, or the digitalization of patient records - in a smart hospital, everything comes together to form a connected hospital. Find out exactly how the Smart Hospital is being developed with the help of information platforms and projects in the Topic of the Month.
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Image: Montage of a wrist with an alarm button next to the floor plan of a hospital; Copyright: cibX GmbH

cibX GmbH

IoT in hospitals: keeping track of every zone


In a time of pandemic, the emergency departments of most hospitals are under intense pressure. Processes can get mixed up, while some systems are stretched to the breaking point. It is easy to lose track of patients, medical devices and rooms. This is where the cibX intelligent IoT solution comes in. Real-time localization and visualization enable safe and up-to-date process optimization.
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Image: Nurse checking surveillance monitor at the bedside and writing down patient data on a clipboard; Copyright: PantherMedia/Kzenon


Big Data: early warning system for the ICU


Patient monitoring systems in the ICU sound up to 700 alarms on average per patient per day, which boils down to one alarm every two minutes. An excessive number of them are false alarms. This generates vast amounts of data, which can make it difficult for doctors and nurses to identify the most critical alarms to manage. It also has a negative effect on the treatment of intensive care patients.
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Image: Intensive care unit with VitalSky installation over two beds; Copyright: Markus van Offern

VitalSky: how an artificial sky improves ICU patient recovery


Delirium occurs in 30 to 80 percent of patients in intensive care units. This cerebral impairment not only causes mental confusion and emotional disruption but also drastically increases the mortality risk of patients. A controlled circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycle is the prerequisite for delirium prevention. This is where the new VitalMinds concept from Philips comes in.
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Image: Intensive care bed equipped with high-tech devices; Copyright: PantherMedia/sudok1


Balancing high-tech with humanity – digitization in the Intensive Care Unit


No other hospital area features as much high-tech equipment as the intensive care unit. Each acute care hospital bed has four to ten devices that continuously monitor all patient vital signs and can replace nearly any organ. This creates big data that is often not used effectively. Yet it also holds promise and huge potential.
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Image: Monitoring monitor on the Intensive Care Unit; Copyright: PantherMedia/sudok1


In the Intensive Care Unit: smart solutions for better care


In recent months, its central importance for the healthcare system has become more visible in the public eye due to the corona pandemic: the Intensive Care Unit. Patients who are in a critical condition due to illness, injury or surgery are cared for here by numerous high-tech devices. In addition, more digital solutions are being introduced.
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Image: Hands formed into a bowl holding a green hemisphere with buildings, wind turbines and solar panels; Copyright: PantherMedia/sellingpix


Green Hospital: on the way to more sustainability


In times of climate change, interest in ecological alternatives and solutions has grown in the health sector, too. However, for the complex organism of a hospital this sometimes poses a great challenge. How can energy be saved despite continuous operation? To what extent are hygiene standards and waste reduction compatible? And what costs are associated with the Green Hospital?
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Image: room in a hospital; Copyright: PantherMedia / imagesupply

PantherMedia / ImageSupply

How Hospitals Can Foster Environmental Sustainability


When it comes to their environmental impact, hospitals present a challenge, yet can boost opportunities at the same time. They are an environmental burden due to a higher energy use resulting from frequently outdated technology. However, once they are modernized and switch to a sustainable concept, they can turn into a "green hospital".
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Image: A modernly furnished hospital entrance hall with large windows; Copyright: REGIOMED

Green Hospital: not only ecological, but holistic sustainability


The REGIOMED Klinikum Lichtenfels is the lighthouse project of the "Green Hospital Initiative Bayern" (Bavarian Green Hospital Initiative), which launched in 2014 and aims to increase energy efficiency and promote sustainability in Bavarian hospitals. Lichtenfels took things one step further by constructing an optimized new building where sustainability is an integral part.
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Image: An older man lies on the ground and presses a hand to his head, his wife kneels next to him and calls an ambulance; Copyright: PantherMedia/AndrewLozovyi


Stroke care: When every minute counts


Stroke can affect anyone – older as well as younger people. The minutes after the stroke determine whether disability or death is the result. Only if acute care, inpatient treatment and rehabilitation are carried out in a targeted and effective manner, the chances are greater that only minor damage remains or that impairments even recede.
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Image: Drawing of a man and woman talking about a medication plan; Copyright:

eMMa: medication management app improves patient care


A conversation between the patient and the doctor is always at the start of the health journey. The idea is to set the stage and share important information. This process can be shortened if information is already available in digital form. In the future, patients can submit their medication plan via app thanks to "eMMa".
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Image: young woman makes an ultrasound with the new system and shows patient the image on her smartphone; Copyright: Universitätsklinikum Bonn

Universitätsklinikum Bonn

Ultrasound to go: versatile partner on hospital rounds


The University Hospital Bonn has recently introduced an ultrasound device that's small enough to fit in your coat pocket. It's ready to use once you have connected it to a tablet or smartphone. The portable system makes bedside physical exams possible. The device primarily benefits students as it allows them to combine basic knowledge and clinical application.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Disinfection methods of hospital drinking water - Fully automatic legionella prevention


Besides hand hygiene, drinking water hygiene is also on the to-do list of every hospital. A lot of money is invested to clean water pipes and to destroy legionella germs. An alternative solution for mechanical and thermal control is water disinfection using an automatic machine.
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Image: Aerial view of the unfinished hospital in the savannah; Copyright: Dagmar Braun

Dagmar Braun

Much-needed medical technology: a hospital for Togo


If life has given you many blessings, you should share them with others – and you also need to be a little crazy. That's Dagmar Braun's point of view. She initiated the construction of a hospital in Togo, Africa. The country currently lacks the system required to deliver comprehensive medical care. Surgical equipment and gynecology devices are much-needed to compensate for these deficits.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Smart Hospital - the hospital of the future


Digitalization offers many opportunities for the hospital of the future. The Smart Hospital focuses on networking and short distances and stands for targeted and efficient care. At MEDICA 2019, we discover what technology can already provide today and where it is being used.
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Image: Flags are blowing in the wind to the backdrop of a dark evening sky; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Medicine at the pulse of time: Innovations and trends at MEDICA 2019


Soon, the world's largest trade fair for medical technology will open its doors again: More than 5.000 exhibitors will present their newest products and ideas at MEDICA from 18 to 21 November. You will not only meet well-known companies here, but also lots of young start-ups. Or, you can visit the MEDICA forums and conferences to experience a rich program of lectures and discussions.
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Image: Volker Bruns; Copyright: Fraunhofer ISS

Fraunhofer ISS

AI software: "iSTIX opens your world to the possibilities of digital pathology"


The healthcare market offers a multitude of microscopes that make cells visible to the human eye. The same applies to AI-based software for image analysis. After taking the microscopic images, scientist are faced with large volumes of scans with usually low resolution. Yet when all aspects merge together, they open up a the world of digital pathology.
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Image: MEDICA START-UP PARK; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

MEDICA START-UP PARK: "For those, who want to experience the startup-spirit"


When the halls of MEDICA are open to the world to showcase medical innovations, one joint exhibition booth is guaranteed to attract special attention - the MEDICA START-UP PARK. The startups that present their advances in this setting are interesting to visitors and investors, yet long-time exhibitors and big businesses can also benefit from building relationships with these young companies.
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Image: Connection of medical devices; Copyright:

MEDICA START-UP PARK 2019: Experience tomorrow's innovations today


The medical market is booming - medical ideas and visions for the future are more in demand than ever. Especially at MEDICA START-UP PARK 2019 young founders want to present their product innovations. Develop business contacts, meet investors and experience an international environment in just one place. Discover in our Topic of the Month what makes MEDICA START-UP PARK unique.
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Image: Functions of the bio-T plattform; Copyright: bio-T Medical

Medical IoT: fully realizing the potential of medical device data


The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) plays an important role in monitoring patients in hospitals or performing measurements at home. Here medical devices are connected via cloud, where all patient measurement data are collected and analyzed. In the course of digitalization, the relevance of clouds in the medical sector is constantly increasing.
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Image: Wojcech Radomski; Copyright: StethoMe

Telemedicine: easy breathing with AI for respiratory tract


Pneumonia, COPD or cystic fibrosis – people with such lung diseases have to consult their doctor regularly. Little children have to undergo certain measurements by the doctor, too. In order to save people`s need to visit a doctor, telemedicine offers many ways to do examinations at home.
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Image: Robot looks at huge amount of CT images of the brain; Copyright:

AI in imaging: how machines manage our Big Data


In modern medicine, especially in the field of imaging, huge amounts of data are produced – so much that radiologists can hardly keep up with diagnosing the images. Artificial Intelligence could be the solution to this problem. But how exactly can it help in this task? How can man and machine work together? And what else will be possible in the future with the support of intelligent systems?
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Image: DLIR image of the aorta; Copyright: GE Healthcare

Deep Learning Image Reconstruction – what AI looks like in clinical routine


Artificial intelligence is no longer a dream of the future in medicine. Many studies and initial application examples show that it sometimes achieves better results than human physicians. At Jena University Hospital, the work with AI is already lived practice. It is the first institution in the world to use algorithms in radiological routine to reconstruct CT images.
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Image: CT image of the lungs with AI-supported automatic highlighting, quantification and measurement of anatomy and deviations; Copyright: Klinikum Nürnberg

AI in radiology: reliable partner for diagnosing CT images


More patients, more examinations, more CT images – in radiology there is too much work for too few physicians. CT scans are evaluated in the shortest possible time, which leads to anomalies being overlooked. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, works with constant speed and performance, which is why radiological routine increasingly relies on its support.
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Image: Robot points with his finger at CT images of the brain, in the background a CT device; Copyright:

Man vs. machine – the benefits of AI in imaging


Radiology is a field that produces large volumes of data, which can no longer be managed without the help of intelligent systems. This is especially true when it comes to the interpretation of medical images. While this takes physicians years of training and experience, several hours of work and the highest level of concentration, AI only requires a few seconds to accomplish the same task.
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Image: Participants of the German Medical Award 2018; Copyright: German Medical Award

German Medical Award

German Medical Award 2019 celebrates the future of (patient) care


The German Medical Award will take place on November 18, 2019, as part of the MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf. The ceremony emphasizes the commitment to excellence in cutting-edge care for patients. Doctors, clinical centers and companies in the medical and healthcare industry can demonstrate their achievements in medicine and management in hopes of receiving the coveted award.
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Image: A man is holding a hand full of pill blisters with antibiotics; Copyright:

Combating antibiotic resistance: One step ahead through technology


Antibiotic resistance is on the rise in all parts of the world, complicating medical treatment of serious bacterial infections in patients. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 33,000 people die each year from antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Europe alone. Bacteria that are resistant to multiple or even all known antibiotics pose an ever-increasing threat.
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Image: Two petri dishes with different kinds of agar plates on which bacterial cultures are growing; Copyright:

Antibiotic resistance: technical tricks against pathogens


An untreatable infection is a nightmare for physicians and potentially life-threatening to the patient. Unfortunately, more and more pathogens emerge that are resistant to drugs, especially antibiotics. We need to use our drugs smartly and come up with technical solutions as well to prevent our weapons from blunting in the future.
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Image: Marathon runner; Copyright:

Sports medicine – keep moving to stay healthy


Physical activity plays a big role in today's society. Whether you are an amateur or professional athlete – incorporating exercise into your life positively impacts your mental and physical health. Ideally, sport should be fun, pressure-free and not overburden you. But can you measure individual performance and align it with sports?
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Image: Boy uses robot arm in front of a monitor with computer game, next to it stands the therapist; Copyright: Helios Klinik Hattingen

Rehab with a robot – robot-assisted therapy in neurology


It takes consistent repetitions if rehab patients want to relearn skills after surviving a stroke. This requires extreme effort. The industrial sector uses robots to perform repetitive tasks or handle jobs that require strength. What has been a fixture in factories for decades is now also making its way into rehabilitation facilities.
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Image: Woman uses robot arm to grab something on the table; Copyright: RWTH Aachen/RPE & inRehaRob

Of exoskeletons and service robots – the future of rehabilitation


For most people, enjoying a good quality of life means having the ability to move freely, safely and independently. Intensive and costly rehabilitation is needed if this is no longer an option after a stroke for example. We are introducing some projects that deliver innovative robotic solutions.
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Image: Boy with robotic gait trainer on treadmill; Copyright:

Robotics – rehab with motors and sensors


They work with power, precision and tirelessly. This makes robots an ideal instrument for rehabilitation. In gait or motor training, movement sequences must be repeated thousands of times so that they can be learnt anew. What tires the patient and costs the therapist's time can easily be managed by robot-assisted systems. Learn more about the possibilities of robotics in rehabilitation.
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Image: triangular table at which three patients do various robotic rehabilitation exercises; Copyright: Hocoma, Switzerland

Walking is an issue of mind over matter – how robots assist rehabilitation


Humans are living longer than ever but still want to continue to live independently as they age. Meanwhile, our motor and cognitive abilities decline as we age, sometimes as the effects of a stroke. The number of people in need of long-term care is growing at breakneck speed. At the same time, fewer and fewer young people choose stressful careers as caregivers.
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Photo: Preview picture of video

Where imaging and radiation meet – Radiotherapy with the MR-Linac


In conventional radiotherapy, the tumor is first localized using CT and MRT images in order to calculate the irradiated areas. The major drawback in this case: the subsequent radiation only shows bone structures in the body but not the tumor itself. As a result, the radiated area is often larger than necessary. In our video you will learn how the MR-Linac can be used for more precise radiotherapy.
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