Training surgery with the OrthoMiniGames system

Training surgery with the DynamicHIPS system

Interview with Dr. Mario Lorenz, Research Associate, Chair of Production Systems and Processes, Chemnitz University of Technology


Image: Man with glasses and short hair in a blue jacket - Dr. rer. med. Mario Lorenz; Copyright: TU Chemnitz

Dr. Mario Lorenz

Image: Dr. Mario Lorenz demonstrates the Virtuoso, which surgeons can use to practice the removal of the femoral head; Copyright:

Dr. Mario Lorenz, Research Associate at the Chair of Production Systems and Processes, demonstrates the Virtuoso, which allows surgeons to practice the removal of the femoral head.

Image: A man demonstrates the Virtuoso, which allows surgeons to practice the insertion of the shaft; Copyright:

Sebastian Knopp, Research Associate at the Chair of Production Systems and Processes, demonstrates the Virtuoso, which allows surgeons to practice the insertion of the shaft.

Image: Woman with glasses - Melanie Prüser; Copyright: beta-web/Klein

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