Knopka LLC and Movesense Ltd: cooperation forged at MEDICA

Knopka LLC and Movesense Ltd: International cooperation forged at MEDICA

Interview with Ivan Osadchyy, Knopka LLC, and Jussi Kaasinen, Movesense Ltd


Image: Smiling man with short brown hair and beard and a blue shirt - Ivan Osadchyy; Copyright: Knopka LLC

Ivan Osadchyy

Image: Smiling man with short blond hair, glasses and light blue shirt - Jussi Kaasinen; Copyright: private

Jussi Kaasinen

Products and exhibitors related to this topic

Image: A round, red button and a round, black sensor with a white M on the palm of a hand; Copyright: Knopka LLC/Movesense Ltd

The wireless callbutton from Knopka LLC (left) and the wearable ECG sensor from Movesense Ltd (right) are used together in the Hospital of First Medical Union in Lviv, Ukraine.

Image: Smartphone with an app that shows heart frequence; Copyright: Movesense Ltd

The wearable sensors from Movesense monitor several cardiovascular parameters of patients. If problems occur, they facilitate a quick alarm to nursing staff.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz