Increasing training and use of new digital technologies in EU health services
Increasing training and use of new digital technologies in EU health services
A project to transform healthcare training and development across the European Union has launched. The Dynamic Digital Resilience for Medical and Allied Professions (DDS-MAP) in Health Services project aims to strengthen health systems and support the digital transformation of healthcare by understanding the digital learning needs of healthcare professionals and developing innovative learning programmes.
The project brings together 15 European partners consisting of Higher Education Institutions, NGOs, health authorities and health insurers.
UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems in 15-partner EU4Health-funded consortium coordinated by South East Technological University.
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The project is funded under the EU’s EU4Health programme, the bloc’s largest ever scheme for developing health systems across Europe. It will help healthcare professionals acquire and master new and emerging digital technologies, and manage the challenges associated with them.
DDS-MAP project leader and Dean of SETU School of Health Sciences, Professor John Wells said: “DDS-MAP recognises that health services are increasingly dependent on digital technologies to deliver both high-end and day-to-day care and services. These technologies are constantly changing and expanding within the healthcare space and at such pace of change, we know, often causes the healthcare workforce considerable anxiety. We know well through clinical experience and research, that for digital technology in health to reach its true potential, digital literacy among healthcare professionals is essential.”
UCD Project Lead, Professor Thilo Kroll said: “This is a very timely project as artificial intelligence, robotics, and digital solutions are transforming how healthcare is delivered and organised. It will design the foundation for future education of healthcare professionals and health systems innovation.”
DDS-MAP will gain understanding of the use of digital technologies amongst healthcare professionals in learning and professional practices by conducting a survey of digital competencies, training needs and capabilities across the EU. This is the first time that such a comprehensive assessment of digital learning and usage among healthcare professionals has been undertaken. Findings from the survey will inform the development and delivery of a training portfolio that has the potential to revolutionise healthcare training and development and pave the way for more dynamic and resilient health systems across the EU. The training portfolio will consist of four modules: three generic modules that can be adapted to meet the specific needs of the multiple disciplines within the health workforce; and a fourth module which will focus on health workforce resilience and personal well-being.
In addition to the pan European survey, the project will include two innovative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment: (1) Micro-credentialing to assess and certify skills development in the clinical setting; and (2) Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), which will be utilised in teaching and assessment.; Source: UCD Research and Innovation