AI: Will an algorithm soon be writing doctors' letters?

Image: Pregnant woman checks health data in an app on her cell phone

The "Welcome" project - a digital bridge for families of premature babies


The birth of a premature baby is a significant experience for parents, which begins with intensive medical care and often brings uncertainty and challenges after being discharged from hospital. The "Welcome" project offers an innovative solution to ease the transition from hospital to home.
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Image: The image shows two portraits of men on the left and right sides, with a portrait of a woman in the center; Copyright: Elvira Eberhardt / Ulm University, FSJD-CERCA

Elvira Eberhardt / Ulm University, FSJD-CERCA

Digital training platform to boost mental health in adolescents


The international EU project IMPROVA, with key contributions from Ulm University, has developed an eHealth platform aimed at improving the mental health of adolescents. An 18-month field study involving schools in four countries, including Germany, will assess its effectiveness through comprehensive surveys involving students, parents, and teachers.
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Image: High-tech operating room with a large robotic arm; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Fraunhofer IPA

The role of 5G technology in hybrid operating rooms


The 5G-OR project, an international collaboration between German and French research teams, is exploring how 5G and AI technologies can enhance the safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of surgeries. By developing high-tech hybrid operating rooms, the project paves the way for remote surgeries, improved patient monitoring, and real-time data exchange.
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Photo: an artificial parrot; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

AI assistants enhancing patient care


Chatbots are already integrated into many areas of our daily lives. Could what is already being used for customer inquiries for insurance companies and the like also work in a medical context?
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Image: In the foreground, there is an older woman smiling and pointing at a tablet. In the background, there is another woman wearing a white coat and smiling at the first woman

Monitoring heart patients at home – the e-health tool


The Amsterdam University Medical Center announces the implementation of the HartWacht (HeartGuard) app to enhance patient care at its Heart Centre. Developed by the Cardiology Centers Netherlands (CCN), this e-health tool enables remote monitoring of blood pressure and arrhythmias, empowering patients to manage their conditions from home effectively.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Market authorization for digital medical devices – anything but simple


At MEDICA 2023, we spoke to exhibitors who advise manufacturers of digital medical devices during the authorization process or who are launching digital medical devices on the market themselves. In the video, you can find out what is particularly important in the authorization process and where the stumbling blocks lie.
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Image: Representation of an experimental hybrid OR at Fraunhofer IPA in Mannheim; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Fraunhofer IPA

DAIOR research project: Distributed AI improves telesurgery


In the DAIOR research project, doctors and technicians are working on the evaluation of surgical data from multimodal sources using artificial intelligence (AI). One of the project goals is to support robot-assisted telesurgery in real time.
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Image: Two women sitting next to each other looking at a tablet projecting a health record; Copyright: YuriArcursPeopleimages


Artificial intelligence: Will an algorithm soon be writing doctors' letters?


Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS are currently developing a "doctor's letter generator" that could soon produce documents in the shortest possible time. With 150 million doctors' letters being written in Germany every year, this would save hospitals and medical practices an enormous amount of time.
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Photo: a woman sits in front of a computer screen and looks at an MRI image; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Smart software for MRI examinations


The start-up GmbH has developed the SmartContrast software. Using artificial intelligence, it can reduce the dose of contrast agent used in MRI examinations of the brain by two thirds.
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Image: A female doctor in a white coat sits at a desk and uses a smartphone; Copyright: jm_video


Mindable App approved for the treatment of panic disorders and claustrophobia


A team led by Dr. Thomas Lang, psychology professor at Constructor University, has developed an app that patients can use to bridge waiting times to receive therapy.
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Image: A man in a wheelchair uses a mirror therapy app via tablet; Copyright: Routine Health GmbH

Routine Health GmbH

PAMELA – Prevention and management of phantom limb pain via app


The loss of an arm or leg has a huge impact on quality of life. In addition to the restrictions that an amputation means for daily activities, those affected often suffer from phantom pain, which is difficult to treat.
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Image: Portrait photo of Stefanie Brückner. A woman with brown hair in a striped shirt; Copyright: Anja Stübner, EKFZ für Digitale Gesundheit

Anja Stübner, EKFZ für Digitale Gesundheit

Informed consent to the use of personal health data


Millions of people worldwide use health and wellness applications to record health-related parameters such as symptoms, step count or heart rate in their everyday lives. This citizen-generated health data provides previously unknown information about a person's experience of illness and health.
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A woman interviews a man in a suit in front of a trade fair stand at MEDICA; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

USA, what's new? – Highlight tour at the US Pavilion


MEDICA connects medical technology companies and their customers from around the globe. In 2023, more than hundred US companies exhibit at the US pavilion in hall 16, for example. For our highlight video tour, we paid the pavilion a visit. Join us to learn who is behind the organization of the pavilion and what some of the exhibitors are showcasing at MEDICA.
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Two men in suits in an exhibition hall at MEDICA, one interviewing the other; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Breath the spirit of MEDICA 2023 – Highlight tour with Director Christian Grosser


Topics like artificial Intelligence, automation and robotics, and sustainability are shaking the medical industry – and both MEDICA and COMPAMED reflect that. We are walking through the trade show halls of MEDICA with Christian Grosser, Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, to talk about this: What are his impressions of this year’s MEDICA and COMPAMED?
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A man in a suit walks through the MEDICA exhibition hall with a microphone; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

eHealth, mHealth, AI, and much more – Highlight tour in the MEDICA START-UP PARK


Every year, the MEDICA START-UP PARK attracts a lot of visitors. Young, up-and-coming companies present their products here – often for the first time ever. This stand has already been the starting point for the success stories of some companies that are now internationally active. At MEDICA 2023, we are once again taking the opportunity to talk to promising start-ups.
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Image: Three images representing the three areas of the DHU project; a doctor selecting digital icons in the air, an online and offline meeting; Copyright: Digital Health Uptake

Digital Health Uptake

Digitization: "A common vision is missing."


Digitization is a perennial topic in the healthcare sector. Much has been written about the opportunities and dangers. But why is progress so slow in Germany and where do other EU countries stand?
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Image: A man in a suit, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ahrens, posing in a bright hallway; Copyright: BIPS


White paper: improving record linkage for health research


In Germany, it is currently difficult to link health data from different sources. The Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS is now presenting a white paper on this topic.
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Image: A caregiver sits at a desk in the foreground and takes notes while another caregiver talks on the phone in the background; Copyright: DC_Studio


Digitization in hospitals: not just an end in itself, but a transformer


The course urgently needs to be charted to make healthcare secure for the future. The Asklepios Trend Report, which was published for the first time this summer, highlights the key developments that will shape our healthcare system for the foreseeable future. Digitalization plays a key role in this as confirmed by a patient study also commissioned by the group.
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Image: A person sits in front of a laptop, a graphic representation of a head in cross-section as an AI is displayed above the laptop; Copyright: AndersonPiza


Danger from chatbots: Do they need regulation as a medical device?


Chatbots like ChatGPT have great potential for medicine. But their unregulated use in healthcare poses a great danger because of their inherent risks. A Nature Medicine article by Prof. Stephen Gilbert et al. calls for medical device approval for chatbots and applications based on them.
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Image: Young woman in medical mask with smartphone makes a selfie; Copyright: natalyaraeva


App helps with early detection of eye diseases causing blindness


Two students on the Master's Degree in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) have developed a mobile app capable of detecting in a matter of seconds whether someone is suffering from glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy or cataracts, three of the world's most common causes of vision loss and blindness.
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Image: Professional technician testing robotic bionic arm at prosthetic manufacturinge; Copyright: 1footage


Digitization, AI, robotics: how healthcare will change over the next 50 years


A study by researchers at Mälardalen University (MDU) describes what our future healthcare industry may look like.
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Image: Group picture with 16 people, at Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin in spring; Copyright: Alex Dolce, Florida Atlantic University

Fraunhofer IZM

Pregnancy: intelligent patch for remote monitoring


A patch equipped with highly sensitive electronics is meant to collect and evaluate vital data. In addition, the sensors will be integrated into baby clothing in order to improve the future of medical monitoring for newborns with the highest level of data security.
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Image: A female lab worker in protective clothing scans a barcode on a blood sample; Copyright: svitlanah


6G in healthcare: better wireless technology for better care


While the 5G cellular technology standard is becoming more widespread in the public sector, development on its successor has already started. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched an initiative to lay the foundations for 6G. This communications technology can also be significant for the healthcare sector.
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Image: Woman with glasses in a pink blazer, Dr. Sonia Lippke smiles for the camera; Copyright: Constructor University

Constructor University

Post- and long-COVID syndrome: eHealth interventions can help


Psychological and physical exercises digitally instructed can improve the health of post- and long-COVID patients. These findings were confirmed in a current meta-analysis by a team led by Sonia Lippke, professor of health psychology and behavioral medicine at Constructor University in Bremen.
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Image: UBCO and a man in a wheelchair demonstrates a mobile app can help motive people living with a spinal cord injury who can walk keep active.; Copyright: UBC Okanagan

UBC Okanagan

Health app: getting active with partial spinal cord injury


A UBC Okanagan researcher has been testing the effectiveness of a mobile app that encourages people living with a spinal cord injury—but can walk—to get active.
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Image: Woman examines an x-ray of a head via a hologram in a dark room; Copyright: - Yuri A - Yuri A

6G Health kick-off: better healthcare with 6G networking


Starting now, the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) is developing fundamental technology components for 6G-based medical applications in the research project "6G-Health" (Holistic Development of High-Performance 6G Networking for Distributed Medical Technology Systems).
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Image: Shot of a doctor having a video call with a patient on the computer in her office; Copyright: micens


Treating patients 'in hospital' – even from far away


Research is revealing that some patients living far away from specialist health service provision choose not to use these services because of the long distances they have to travel.
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Image: A man in a white shirt is having a heart attack; Copyright: Rawpixel


Bracelet sensor assesses troponin levels to aid heart attack diagnosis


An experimental wrist-worn device was found to predict troponin-I and obstructed arteries with 90% accuracy in five minutes, according to research.
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Image: Logo of the EU project miGut-Health, black, violet and green colors on a white background; Copyright: Eurice Office

Eurice Office

Personalised health blueprint to prevent and predict inflammatory bowel disease


Project led by PMI member Prof. Andre Franke aims to empower people affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis by developing interdisciplinary solutions for improved disease prevention and health promotion.
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Image: A man lies in a bed in front of the laptop and holds a pill case in his hand; Copyright: Iakobchuk


AI can help patients interpret home tests for COVID-19


George Mason University researchers found that computerized symptom screenings can supplement at-home COVID-19 tests to better confirm the diagnosis for patients and clinicians.
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Image: Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal smiles at the camera in an institute building; Copyright: privat.


Smart clothing and Artificial Intelligence: Diagnosis and monitoring of neurological diseases


International research groups led by Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal, Professor of Digital Health at the University of Bayreuth, have developed a novel set of tools for diagnosing and monitoring neurological diseases based on body-worn sensors (wearables) and artificial intelligence.
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Image: Kid in wheelchair is happy with father on the beach, Excited to see the sea on a vacation; Copyright: gaysorn1442


Wearable tech, AI, clinical teams combine to change face of clinical trial monitoring


A multi-disciplinary team of researchers has developed a way to monitor the progression of movement disorders using motion capture technology and AI.
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