Telediagnostic solutions: expert exams with no physical contact

Telediagnostic solutions: expert exams with no physical contact

Interview with Dr Dr. Maximilian Wolfgang Berlet, resident physician at the University Hospital, and MSc Jonas Fuchtmann, member MITI research group, TU Munich

Image: Patient having a throat examination performed by the remote-controlled robot; Copyright: TU Munich

In addition to the basic diagnosis of vital signs, the system can also be used to perform a pharyngeal examination, as is necessary when testing for COVID-19.


Image: Man in suit with white shirt smiles at camera -  Dr. Maximilian Wolfgang Berlet; Copyright: TUM

Dr. Maximilian Wolfgang Berlet

Image: Man in a suit with white shirt smiling at the camera - Jonas Fuchtmann; Copyright: TUM

MSc Jonas Fuchtmann

Image: Woman with short hair smiling - Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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