Sensor-Based Smart Glove Enables Parkinson's Diagnosis

Sensor-Based Smart Glove Enables Parkinson's Diagnosis

Interview with Professor Ioannis Iossifidis, Head of Robotics and BCI Laboratory, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences


Image: Ioannis Iossifidis; Copyright: private

Professor Ioannis Iossifidis, Head of Robotics and BCI Laboratory, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences

Image: Man sitting next to an older woman wearing vr glasses on a couch; Copyright:

The test system should be usable in smaller clinics as well.

Image: Two people holding hands; Copyright:

With the help of the test system, an earlier diagnosis should be possible.

Image: Woman with glasses - Melanie Prüser; Copyright: Melanie Prüser