Israeli medical devices showcase digital innovations at MEDICA

Israeli medical devices showcase digital innovations at MEDICA

Interview with Tomer Epstein, Head of Medical Device & Digital Health Unit at the Israel Export Institute

Due to the Corona Pandemic, the Israel Export Institute unfortunately had to cancel its participation in MEDICA 2020. Mr. Epstein is no longer working for IEI.


Image: Tomer Epstein; Copyright: Tomer Epstein

Tomer Epstein, Head of Medical Device & Digital Health Unit, Israel Export Institute

Image: medical symbols around the earth in the hands of a person; Copyright: PantherMedia/everythingposs

Medical devices from Israel offer innovative solutions for the global market.

Image: Man looking through a microscope in a laboratory setting; Copyirght: PantherMedia  / VitalikRadko

With the Israeli medical devices point of care diagnostics can be conducted.

Image: Woman with glasses - Melanie Prüser; Copyright: Melanie Prüser