Green Hospital: Carbon neutral thanks to sustainable technology

Green Hospital: Carbon neutral thanks to sustainable technology

Interview with Michelle Dürksen, Sustainability Consultant, Atos


Image: Overview graphic on sustainable growth; Copyright: mihacreative.

What resources do hospitals have to achieve a Net Zero goal? At MEDICA 2022, our MHIF Tech Talk was about exactly that. Sustainability Consultant Michelle Dürksen reveals a few tricks in the interview.

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Image: A wall with a honeycomb installation. Some of the honeycombs are filled with plants.; Copyright: mstandret

The healthcare sector plays a role in climate protection that should not be underestimated. Hospitals should therefore not only be aware of their carbon footprint, but also reduce it. However, the topic still hardly plays a role.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz