In this interview, Stefan Liszio talks about the problems that arise when children have to undergo an MRI scan, explains the importance of gamification in healthcare and describes how penguins help children overcome their fear of MRI exams.
Mr. Liszio, why is it so difficult for children to have an MRI scan?
Stefan Liszio: That's mostly because they don't fully understand the situation. It is noisy and tight in the MRI machine, yet it is crucial that children lie completely motionless in the scanner. And if they are unaware of what's happening, it's even more difficult for kids to cope with such a scary situation.
You developed the so-called Pingunauten Trainer app to tackle this difficult problem. How does your app help children overcome their fear of MRI exams?
Liszio: The simple, friendly and playful setting of our Pingunauten Trainer is able to communicate what happens in an MRI unit from a safe and nurturing space. The idea behind the app is to use virtual reality to teach the children what to expect, why this is so important and what their key responsibilities are, such as remaining motionless for example. We convey all of this in a casual and playful way and try to demystify the situation from the outset. Exposure therapy is the fundamental principle behind the idea. We approach the fear in a gradual step-by-step process. We start out in a typical waiting room, then slowly move closer and approach the MRI unit and ultimately watch our two companions, penguins Lars and Lotta have an MRI scan. In doing so, the children see how the characters react and behave and realize that they are not afraid of the exam. The culmination is when the children themselves are finally willing and able to get inside the MRI scanner.