Why is it so important to address dementia prevention on several levels and to not just concentrate on cognitive exercises?
Felix Bicu: The latest studies have clearly shown that only the combination of multiple treatment elements has a real impact on preventing the development of dementia. This makes sense as there are also different dementia risk factors, which include hearing loss, excess weight, and type 2 diabetes. That means if we engage in lots of brain training but ignore all other risk factors, any of the latter can trigger changes in the brain that can cause forgetfulness and in due course dementia.
The app is available for download in the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. What comes next for your app?
Dr. Stein: The app has been certified as a medical device, which was an important milestone for us as this means it is now available as a safe and effective product. Our next step focuses on user acquisition. Many who are affected by this condition aren’t even aware that memodio is available and there to help. That needs to change. It is also key that statutory health insurance funds promptly reimburse the cost of the app. We are currently negotiating selective contracts with several (German) health insurance companies as a result. We are also in the process of planning several studies to collect yet more data pertaining to the application of memodio by our users.
Are apps like memodio the future of healthcare?
Bicu: Mobile health apps have several advantages that conventional diagnosis or treatment methods cannot offer: They are available anytime and anywhere, require less staff, lower costs, and can transmit data easily and automatically.
Dr. Stein: Mobile apps are obviously not a panacea or miracle cure. However, they fulfill an important function: they can complement and even replace conventional treatment – especially for chronic diseases – with regular therapy sessions that patients conduct on their own at home. In our specific case, there is no other approved treatment for people with mild cognitive impairment - the precursor to dementia. That makes the memodio app the only form of treatment that is specifically approved to target the preliminary (early) stages of dementia. This is a milestone as it pertains to cognitive impairment treatment. What we would like to see in the future is for health apps to be recognized and seen for the promise they hold for innovative healthcare. Unlocking their full potential will be the key mission for the coming years.