5G and AI technologies in surgeries

Image: Hands putting on a smartwatch on another person’s arm for monitoring health condition

Smartwatches and Psychiatry: A New Perspective


Smartwatches, commonly associated with fitness tracking, could also serve as valuable tools in psychiatry. According to a study published in Cell and led by Mark Gerstein, data from wearable devices has the potential to improve the understanding of psychiatric illnesses and their genetic components.
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Image: High-tech operating room with a large robotic arm; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Fraunhofer IPA

The role of 5G technology in hybrid operating rooms


The 5G-OR project, an international collaboration between German and French research teams, is exploring how 5G and AI technologies can enhance the safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of surgeries. By developing high-tech hybrid operating rooms, the project paves the way for remote surgeries, improved patient monitoring, and real-time data exchange.
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Image: Person wearing VR glasses and practicing a surgical procedure with a robotic arm in a simulation; Copyright: TH Köln / Turhan Civelek

TH Köln / Turhan Civelek

Realistic surgical simulations with AI, VR and haptics


A VR training environment with haptic feedback is intended to realistically depict surgical situations and allow risk-free training of surgical procedures. Prof. Björn Krüger describes the goals of the VIRTOSHA research project.
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Image: Person standing in front of a large screen with brain scans; Copyright: Liz Kaye, Indiana University

Liz Kaye, Indiana University

The use of AI in brain cancer diagnosis, monitoring and treatment


New recommendations, published in The Lancet Oncology, provide new guidance for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the diagnosis and treatment of brain cancer. The goal is to enable more objective tumor measurements and improve patient care through standardized AI applications.
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Image: Symbolic image for the work in the SmartGAIT Lab at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences; Copyright: Koblenz University of Applied Sciences

Koblenz University of Applied Sciences

Studying at the intersection: sports medicine technology


By combining engineering and sports medicine, students in Germany at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences are being prepared to develop new solutions for patients and athletes. In an interview with MEDICA-tradefair.com, course director Prof. Lukas Scheef describes the unique aspects of this engineering degree.
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A presenter and four female entrepreneurs sit on stage during a talk at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

"Connecting Women Leaders in Healthcare" – at MEDICA 2024


The MEDICA INNOVATION FORUM has been the meeting place for topics from areas such as AI, mobile health, wearables and robotics for years. At MEDICA 2024, the forum also brought together female leaders from the healthcare sector for the first time.
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A man at a stand at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair wears a diagnostic instrument around his head; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

BrainTrip’s virtual neuroscientist: AI meets neurology


At MEDICA 2024, BrainTrip showcased their solution "NeuroAI" to improve brain health diagnostics. The technology uses AI and machine learning to enhance early detection of neurological conditions such as dementia and stroke. With its advanced analysis capabilities, it enables healthcare professionals to work faster, and more precisely.
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A woman is wearing wearable headgear, the lumen glasses for people with visual impairments, and walking around at the MEDICA start-up; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Seeing with AI and automotive technology – .lumen


.lumen specializes not only in the medical sector, but also in the automotive sector. And the software start-up will be demonstrating how these two areas fit together at MEDICA 2024: they will be presenting their .lumen Glasses in the MEDICA START-UP PARK. This wearable allows people with visual impairments to navigate their surroundings independently - just like a self-driving car.
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Image: Example illustration of the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion test; Copyright: UZH


AI supports the detection of antibiotic resistance


A pilot study at the University of Zurich is the first to demonstrate the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in identifying antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Researchers used the GPT-4 model to support the diagnostic process in the laboratory and thus relieve the burden on medical professionals in the fight against increasing antibiotic resistance worldwide.
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Image: DNA samples lying on a cell culture dish near a microscope

Exploring the power of AI in genomics


New AI-driven solutions promise to improve whole genome sequencing and diagnostics, offering insights into genetic diseases and complex conditions such as Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes. In this interview with MEDICA-tradefair.com, Dr. Uirá Souto Melo explains the technology behind the work, the challenges it faces, and the vision for the future.
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Image: Monitors on a desk showing various kinds of data; Copyright: Anna Schroll/Leibniz-HKI

Anna Schroll/Leibniz-HKI

Investigating gut microbiome in tumor cachexia


The EU-funded "MiCCrobioTAckle" project is set to explore the role of the gut microbiome in cancer-related cachexia and develop new treatment strategies. Coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI), the project will also provide advanced training for 12 PhD candidates, shaping future leaders in microbiota medicine.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Taking the right pills at the right time


Automated packaging systems can make medication intake much easier. Patients who have to take several tablets at different times of the day often face the challenge of dosing their medication correctly. Incorrect doses can have serious consequences.
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Image: Five people standing next to each other and smiling into the camera; Copyright: DGKL


AI improves leukemia diagnostics: award for Dresden researchers


Dr. Jan Middeke and Dr. Jan-Niklas Eckardt from Dresden University Hospital have received an award from the German Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL) for their work on improving leukaemia diagnostics using artificial intelligence (AI). The award, worth 15,000 euros, recognizes their research into AI-assisted detection of leukaemia in the bone marrow.
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Image: Close-up of the Optrell mapping catheter; Copyright: umg/hzg, Eva Meyer-Besting

umg/hzg, Eva Meyer-Besting

First time in Germany: use of the new mapping catheter


The Heart Center of the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) is the first in Germany to use the Optrell mapping catheter - a procedure that makes the treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias more precise and efficient. The new instrument creates high-resolution “maps” of the heart and makes it easier to identify problematic areas for targeted therapy.
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Image: Person in protective clothing conducting research in a laboratory and holding a tablet in their hands

Optimizing infection diagnostics with AI, masks and antibody tests


Due to the increasing global challenges within infection diagnostics, it is becoming ever more important to develop new methods and technologies. Antibiotic resistance, changing disease patterns and new types of infections underline the importance of specific medical technology solutions.
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Image: Image from a simulation of an electric field from the upper body and heart in the chest of a human; Copyright: arterioscope - TU Graz

arterioscope - TU Graz

Early detection: machine learning in cardiovascular diagnostics


Researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed a method for the early detection of cardiovascular diseases before symptoms occur. Using a machine learning model that analyzes electric fields, potential diseases can be precisely identified. This technology could improve diagnostics and reduce invasive interventions.
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Image: Tablet lying on a table, a person in a doctor's coat reaches for the tablet with both hands

AI: New testing framework to ensure the quality of training data


A testing framework has been developed at Germany’s national metrology institute, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), to ensure the quality of training data for medical AI applications. The framework, as well as a tool for the automated testing of algorithms, will be available to all developers.
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Image: Sensors record data on a person's arm and a monitor in the background displays data

Real-time monitoring for better health: Smart sensors in use


Real-time medical monitoring using modern sensors is fundamentally changing patient care. With the ability to continuously and precisely measure vital signs, these technologies enable close monitoring and contribute to the early detection of health problems.
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Image: Comparison of two tissue sections of a lung, on the left a traditional histological section in pink, on the right a digitized and color-coded tissue section; Copyright: Dr. Yuri Tolkach

Dr. Yuri Tolkach

AI-supported platform improves lung cancer diagnostics


A new AI-based digital platform, developed by a research team at the University Hospital of Cologne, enables rapid and precise analysis of lung cancer tissue sections. The platform, which is based on advanced algorithms, could significantly improve the quality of diagnostics and provide new insights into the treatment of lung cancer.
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Image: Two men standing next to each other, each holding a pair of VR glasses; Copyright: Rolf Müller/Universitätsklinikums Bonn (UKB)

Rolf Müller/Universitätsklinikums Bonn (UKB)

VIRTOSHA: Training in surgery using VR technology


A research team from Bonn University Hospital, Cologne University of Applied Sciences and other partners is working on the VIRTOSHA project, which is developing a virtual reality training environment for surgical procedures.
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Image: Robots interacting with people in a room; Copyright: University of Stuttgart, Institute for Artifical Intelligence

University of Stuttgart, Institute for Artifical Intelligence

Robotics Institute Germany: Progress through AI-based robotics


The newly founded Robotics Institute Germany (RIG) has started its work. The aim of the consortium, led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is to establish Germany as the world's leading location for AI-based robotics. The project is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with 20 million euros.
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Image: Researcher in a white coat standing in a laboratory; Copyright: Markus Fischer/Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

Markus Fischer/Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

AI for the precise characterization of breast cancer stages


A new study by the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) shows how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the categorisation of breast cancer stages.
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Image: Person examining another person's legs for deep vein thrombosis using an ultrasound device

AI-based wearable for early detection and prevention of deep vein thrombosis


The VDE is participating in the EU project ThrombUS+, which aims to improve risk assessment and prevention of deep vein thrombosis with a portable vein analyzer and an AI-based diagnostic device. In an interview with MEDICA-tradefair.com, Dr. Thorsten Prinz describes the three-and-a-half-year project.
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Image: Person demonstrating the use of a gastrointestinal model to test AI-driven ingestible sensors in a lab setting; Copyright: Khan Lab at USC Viterbi School of Engineering

Khan Lab at USC Viterbi School of Engineering

Smart pills with AI: Advancing gastrointestinal health monitoring


Researchers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering have developed advanced ingestible sensors that utilize AI and wearable electronics to provide real-time 3D monitoring of gastrointestinal health. These innovative smart pills can detect stomach gases and track their location within the body, offering potential for early disease detection.
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Image: AI-based measurement tool for images

AI-based mapping of the brain’s choroid plexus


A research team has received approximately one million US dollars from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop an AI-based method for three-dimensional measurement of the choroid plexus in human brain scans. This project aims to enhance our understanding of these structures, which play a crucial role in brain and spinal cord function.
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Image: A hand holds a cell phone with a health application open

FAQ: Interesting facts about DiGA development for providers


In Germany, digital health applications (DiGA) are an important part of modern medicine. In addition to mobile apps, these also include web-based applications, software for medical devices, telemedicine platforms, VR applications and wearable sensors. It is important that they support, improve or enable healthcare through the use of digital technologies.
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Image: Robot in the foreground in a research laboratory; Copyright: Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Andreas Heddergott / TUM

GARMI: Assistance robot with diverse capabilities


Care robot GARMI from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is becoming increasingly versatile and intelligent. It combines various skills, supports people in their everyday lives and enables telemedical examinations.
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Image: Simplified model of the low-field magnetic resonance tomograph; Copyright: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Cost-efficient MRI diagnostics for the Global South


Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics have developed a new method for cost-efficient medical imaging. This method combines low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with hyperpolarization and artificial intelligence to improve image quality.
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Image: endoscopic instrument is being prepared for a gastroscopy

AI supports diagnostics during gastroscopies


A Czech-Bavarian research team is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) for gastroscopy to support doctors in the diagnostic process. The "GI-Insight" project is being led by Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and Charles University in Prague and aims to increase the precision and safety of gastroscopies.
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Image: Two women in specialist medical clothing operate a mammography system; Copyright: lakobchuk


Mammography: Transpara supports early breast cancer detection with AI


The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into medical diagnostics has brought about transformative changes, particularly in the early detection of breast cancer. One innovative solution: Transpara.
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Image: wearable bioelectronic system displayed on a finger in green gloves; Copyright: Wei Gao, California Institute of Technology

Wei Gao, California Institute of Technology

Smart bandages: Advancing chronic wound treatment


A team of researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is developing advanced electronic bandages and other tools to improve the monitoring and healing of chronic wounds. These wearable bioelectronic systems, tested in animal models, have the potential to enhance wound care through controlled drug release and electrical stimulation.
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Image: A man jogging looks at his wristwatch and wears a wearable on his other arm

New technologies in sports: from injury prevention to sports management


Athletes are under great pressure to consistently deliver top performance. Technological aids are increasingly being used to support them in this. Artificial intelligence (AI) in particular shows great potential to change sports in the long term and effectively support athletes.
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Image: A doctor performs a training operation with the help of AI, wearing a special cap and vest with sensors; Copyright: MEDICA

Artificial intelligence: the new member of the surgical team


In the "Digital Scrubs" project, researchers from medicine, IT and industry are working on improving working conditions for surgeons by visualizing the operating team's alertness and signs of stress in real time. For this, artificial intelligence and biometric sensors are being used in the operating room.
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Image: Illustration of a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal complication caused by a venous thrombosis.

Portable diagnostic device for early detection of deep vein thrombosis


A new EU-funded project called ThrombUS+ aims to detect vein thrombosis at an early stage. Vein thrombosis poses a significant health risk, often occurring without symptoms and potentially leading to life-threatening pulmonary embolisms. The project is developing a portable solution that enables continuous monitoring and immediate detection.
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Image: Woman working on a computer with data and support from an AI

Supporting nursing staff: AI in long-term care


Inpatient care in Germany is facing major challenges. According to Statista, the number of people in need of care will increase by 50 percent by 2030, while the supply of nursing staff is expected to continue to decrease.
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Image: A service robot moves through a double door in the surgery department of a clinic; Copyright: LMU Klinikum

LMU Klinikum

Make way for rolling assistants! More robotics within hospital logistics


Increasingly, hospitals are faced with the task of working efficiently despite staff shortages and cost pressure. Increasing automation, which is already widespread in other sectors, could offer solutions. While attention on medical robotics has been focused primarily on highly specialized tasks in the operating theatre, handling logistical tasks in hospitals is becoming increasingly important.
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Image: Da Vinci SP system set up in an OR; Copyright: 2024 Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc.

Da Vinci SP system: the next generation of robotic-assisted surgery


The introduction of the Da Vinci Single Port (SP) system enables the Mainz University Medical Center to expand its field of application for minimally invasive surgery in general surgery as well as visceral and transplant surgery. Robotic-assisted surgery improves medical practice through the use of state-of-the-art technology that enables more precise and less invasive procedures.
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Image: A female scientist with a tablet computer in her hand sits at a workbench in a laboratory – use of AI in the lab; Copyright: YuriArcursPeopleImages


Artificial intelligence in the laboratory: current developments and applications


Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of modern laboratories. AI systems based on machine learning and algorithmic analysis are used in various scientific and medical disciplines to automate processes, increase efficiency, and gain new scientific insights.
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Photo: an artificial parrot; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

AI assistants enhancing patient care


Chatbots are already integrated into many areas of our daily lives. Could what is already being used for customer inquiries for insurance companies and the like also work in a medical context?
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Image: A man looks through a microscope in the foreground, while a woman stands in the background and explains something to him; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/Andreas Wiese

Messe Düsseldorf/Andreas Wiese

World Laboratory Day: Laboratory medicine in transition


World Laboratory Day takes place annually on April 23. It is intended to draw attention to the work in laboratories and the achievements of laboratory employees. MEDICA-tradefair.com takes the day as an opportunity to highlight current trends that continue to shape these work environments. These trends will also be a main focus of the MEDICA LABMED FORUM at MEDICA 2024.
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Image: Two researchers are standing side by side, smiling for a photo in a bright corridor with windows, likely within a university or research facility; Copyright: CHUM


Liver cancer treatment: Utilizing magnetic field-guided microrobots


A new medical technique utilizing magnet-guided microrobots for treating liver tumors has been developed by a Canadian research team, offering a potential new approach in oncology.
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Image: A close-up view of a person examining a patient's skin with a dermatoscope, a specialized device used for inspecting skin lesions that can be indicative of conditions like melanoma

Enhancing melanoma detection in primary care with AI


In a study by Linköping University, an AI-based mobile app has shown high precision in diagnosing skin melanoma, offering new hope for early detection. This research marks a significant step forward in utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) for health diagnostics in primary care settings.
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Image: Surgical instruments in a metal sieve; Copyright: Chalabala


Sterile supplies: AI-based recognition of surgical instruments with Cir.Log


The Cir.Log project between Charité Facility Management GmbH (CFM) and Fraunhofer IPK aims to increase the efficiency of sterile processing in hospitals and improve patient safety. Essentially, the aim is to create a smooth transition from current workflows to a more efficient, technology-supported system.
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Image: Photo of person’s neck with the AI-assisted wearable device — a black adhesive square — attached outside the throat; Copyright: Jun Chen Lab/UCLA

Jun Chen Lab/UCLA

UCLA engineers develop a new wearable device for voice restoration


UCLA bioengineers have introduced an AI-assisted wearable device, a significant stride in speech technology for individuals with voice disorders. This adhesive neck patch could change how people with pathological vocal cord conditions or post-laryngeal cancer surgeries communicate, offering a new beacon of hope for those who find speaking a challenge.
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Image: Three variations of the ultrasound sticker displayed on a fingertip for scale; Copyright: Northwestern University

Northwestern University

Ultrasound sticker for monitoring post-surgical recovery


Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed an ultrasound sticker, offering a new way for clinicians to monitor patients' organ health and deep tissue post-surgery.
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Image: There is a machine with a microscope. On the right side of the picture, there is a screen; Copyright: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany

Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany

Advanced cell sorting with laser and AI


The Fraunhofer Institutes for Laser Technology ILT and for Production Technology IPT developed a new AI-assisted high-throughput process that enhances cell isolation. This presents vast implications for personalized medicine, drug development, and clinical research.
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Image: An image in white and green visualizes the procedure of this new AI model; Copyright: Ida Häggström

Ida Häggström

Harnessing AI for medical imaging of lymphatic cancer cases


Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology unveil an AI model capable of detecting lymphatic cancer with 90 percent accuracy, improving medical imaging analysis. This new technology promises to enhance diagnostic capabilities and streamline patient care.
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Image: Woman holding a cell phone in her hand in front of her face and speaking into it

AI recognizing heart failure through voice analysis


In the future, artificial intelligence will monitor patients with advanced heart failure telemedically by the sound of their voice. This will make it possible to detect and treat deterioration at an early stage. The Berlin start-up Noah Labs UG has developed the AI required for this.
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Image: The picture shows a woman from behind who has a scar on her right shoulder. The background is neutral.

Advancing surgical precision: ROSA shoulder system


Zimmer Biomet, a leading medical technology company, has achieved a significant milestone with the FDA clearance of its ROSA Shoulder System for robotic-assisted shoulder replacement surgery. This innovation marks the world's first robotic surgery system specifically designed for shoulder replacement procedures.
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Image: This image shows two screens. The one of the right shows the word AI and the left some text. On the right side, there is a man looking at the screens.

Prototype applies AI to advance colorectal diagnosis


Portuguese researchers from the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and the IMP Diagnostics Molecular & Anatomic Pathology laboratory have unveiled the world's first prototype applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to colorectal diagnosis.
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Image: The image shows a hand with slight burn injuries

UGRSKIN: artificial skin as a game-changer in burn treatment


The University of Granada (UGR) has pioneered a solution for burn treatment with its artificial skin “UGRSKIN”. Developed by the Tissue Engineering Research Group, this advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) has improved the approach to treating severe burns, offering patients new hope and enhanced outcomes.
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Image: The picture shows a graphic of a pink colored mitochondria. The background is black.

Determine stroke risk early with tear fluid, mitochondria and AI


Over 100 million people globally suffer from strokes annually, with ischemic strokes being the most common. However, many strokes go undetected, leading to severe consequences like dementia or depression. Prof. Olga Golubnitschaja from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) has spearheaded a comprehensive approach to assess stroke risk early, focusing on predictive medicine.
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Image: A woman is holding a hand prosthesis that holds an orange. A sensor is attached to one arm of the woman, the sensor is connected to the prosthesis with a cable; Copyright: Andreas Schmitz/TU Mu

Andreas Schmitz/TU Munich

Hand prostheses: AI enables more intuitive use


Previous robotic prostheses only respond to their users' movement intentions to a limited extent. A new control method being developed at the TU Munich could help: A network of 128 sensors and the use of artificial intelligence could allow people to control their prosthetic hands more intuitively and naturally.
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Photo:two green boxes on a table ; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Technological solutions to combat the chronic staff shortage


The shortage of skilled workers is a far-reaching challenge, especially in the healthcare sector. At MEDICA 2023, we were on the lookout for creative solutions.
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Image: Laboratory technician places a tube with a urine sample in a centrifuge for diagnosis; Copyright: kolesnikovsergii


Smart infection diagnostics: UTI detection with AI


Traditional detection for Urinary tract infections (UTIs), involving manual microscope examination of urine samples, is slow and time consuming. To improve efficiency, urine screening machines analyze various parameters like bacteria and white blood cells. However, interpreting this data is complex.
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Image: Three colored images of skin tissue next to each other; Copyright: Nikoletta Katsouli/TUM

Nikoletta Katsouli/TUM

Diabetes: AI skin scanner detects disease progression


A team from TU Munich applied the optoacoustic imaging method Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) together with AI to measure the severity of diabetes by assessing microvascular changes in the skin.
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Image: Hands of a female doctor who is looking at MRI pictures of the brain on a tablet; Copyright: YuriArcursPeopleimages


Floy: AI start-up improves evaluation in imaging


Floy from Munich brings AI in imaging into practical application and is already present in numerous German radiology practices. The start-up's software is designed to support radiologists in diagnostics and prevention by reliably detecting critical incidental findings.
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Image: The graphic visualizes the 3D bio-printing method. It shows two needles injecting hydrogels and fibers; Copyright: Universität Bayreuth

Universität Bayreuth

Advanced 3D printing technology improves tissue engineering


Advancements in 3D printing technology are improving tissue engineering, offering promising prospects for the artificial production of biological tissues. Researchers at the University of Bayreuth have developed a changing technique that combines hydrogels and fibers, opening new avenues for tissue fabrication.
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Image: Two doctors are holding an infrared temperature thermometer gun, which can take thermal infrared images of breasts analysing possible breast cancer tumors; Copyright: Nazarbayev University

Nazarbayev University

Early breast cancer detection with AI-powered tool


In a new development, NTU Singapore researchers have introduced PINN, a state-of-the-art computer program that utilizes AI and heat-imaging technology to detect early breast cancer swiftly and accurately.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Assistance technologies for the care sector


The care sector is facing major challenges: Demographic change, the shortage of skilled workers and the physical demands of the profession will make it increasingly difficult to maintain good care in the future. The CareTech OWL research network at Bielefeld University aims to find solutions to this.
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Image: A smart bracelet worn on a person’s arm; Copyright: Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

Monitoring Atrial Fibrillation with smart bracelet


Atrial fibrillation, the most prevalent heart rhythm disorder impacting 33 million people worldwide, can have serious consequences if left untreated. To address this pressing issue, researchers have unveiled a technology aimed at identifying and managing individual factors contributing to atrial fibrillation.
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Image: Person holding a sample in a petri dish; Copyright: Freepik


Enhancing urinary tract infection diagnosis with AI


Researchers at Fraunhofer Austria and the AULSS2 Marca Trevigiana Institute in Treviso have leveraged artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the diagnosis of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Their advanced AI-based method promises to significantly reduce the workload of laboratories and expedite diagnosis times.
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Image: Close-up and 3D illustration of cream-colored molecules on a black background; Copyright: Determined


A sugar analysis could reveal different types of cancer


In the future, a little saliva may be enough to detect an incipient cancer. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have developed an effective way to interpret the changes in sugar molecules that occur in cancer cells.
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Image: Close-up: A doctor looks at a brain scan; Copyright: XiXinXing


Evaluating brain tumours with artificial intelligence


One application area of artificial intelligence (AI) is in medicine, especially in medical diagnostics. For instance, scans can be analysed automatically with the help of algorithms. An international and interdisciplinary team led by researchers from TU Darmstadt recently investigated whether AI can better evaluate images of brain tumours.
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Image: AI-based segmentation of melanoma metastases in a tumor; Copyright: USZ


Understanding and fighting tumors better with new algorithms


The University Hospital Zurich, the University of Zurich and the diagnostics company Roche are expanding their collaboration in cancer research. In the fully digitalized Morphomolecular Pathology Laboratory, they are developing algorithms that can further improve the effectiveness of immunotherapies.
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Image: Blue and white logo from the EU consortium CERTAINTY; Copyright: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft


CERTAINTY: virtual twin for improved cancer immunotherapies


Together with partners from science, industry and the healthcare sector, the project team led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI aims to develop a virtual twin that will improve treatment with personalized cancer immunotherapies in the future.
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Image: Robotically controlled rotating magnetic field to control the millirobot wirelessly through an aorta and kidney; Copyright: University of Twente

University of Twente

Miniature marvels: wireless millirobots successfully navigate arteries


For the first time ever, wireless millirobots navigated a narrow blood vessel both along and against arterial flow. Researchers from the University of Twente and Radboudumc inserted the screw-shaped robots in a detached aorta with kidneys where they controlled them using a robotically controlled rotating magnet.
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Image: Biomechanical carbon hand prosthesis for disabled people on the table in the office, another white prosthesis in the background; Copyright: ionadidishvili


Hand prostheses: Artificial intelligence makes gripping more intuitive


A better understanding of muscle activity patterns in the forearm supports a more intuitive and natural control of artificial limbs. This requires a network of 128 sensors and artificial intelligence based techniques.
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Image: Representation of an experimental hybrid OR at Fraunhofer IPA in Mannheim; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Fraunhofer IPA

DAIOR research project: Distributed AI improves telesurgery


In the DAIOR research project, doctors and technicians are working on the evaluation of surgical data from multimodal sources using artificial intelligence (AI). One of the project goals is to support robot-assisted telesurgery in real time.
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Image: Radiologist does mammograms for woman to check for breast cancer; Copyright: astakhovyaroslav


AI can identify women with high risk of breast cancer screenings


The use of AI makes it possible for women with a high risk of breast cancer to be identified in mammography screening examinations so that the cancer can be caught earlier. An international research group led from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden can now show that the method is effective in different European countries.
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Image: Two women sitting next to each other looking at a tablet projecting a health record; Copyright: YuriArcursPeopleimages


Artificial intelligence: Will an algorithm soon be writing doctors' letters?


Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS are currently developing a "doctor's letter generator" that could soon produce documents in the shortest possible time. With 150 million doctors' letters being written in Germany every year, this would save hospitals and medical practices an enormous amount of time.
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Image: Man with black hair and dark glasses in front of a green background, Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal; Copyright: Universität Bayreuth

Universität Bayreuth

Kulmbach Live-in Lab: holistic research on digital health


The possibilities for researching human behaviour with the help of artificial intelligence are being taken to the next level in Kulmbach: The Live-in Lab there is Europe's leading laboratory for digital, AI-supported research into human behaviour in everyday life. It has now been opened.
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Photo: a woman sits in front of a computer screen and looks at an MRI image; Copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Smart software for MRI examinations


The start-up relios.vision GmbH has developed the SmartContrast software. Using artificial intelligence, it can reduce the dose of contrast agent used in MRI examinations of the brain by two thirds.
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Image: Close up: Positive COVID rapid test in a tray; Copyright: elenabednykh


AI used in new COVID-19 test improves accuracy


A new AI-assisted molecular diagnostic platform capable of identifying variants of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases has been developed by scientists in the UK. The low cost, portable device could play a crucial role in preventing future pandemics due to its accuracy and versatility.
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Image: Kim Peper (in the middle) stands on the GyroTrainer board. Elisabeth Jensen (front left) determines the individual stiffness, right: Jan Lang; Copyright: Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Andreas Heddergott / TUM

GyroTrainer with AI: Individual back training machine


The GyroTrainer is an intelligent training device that resembles a balance board. It uses artificial intelligence to adjust the difficulty level to the individual patient’s current ability.
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Image: 3D simulation of an active material in a geometric shape resembling a dividing cell; Copyright: Singh et al. Physics of Fluids (2023) / MPI-CBG

Singh et al. Physics of Fluids (2023) / MPI-CBG

New computer code for mechanics of tissues and cells in three dimensions


Open-source supercomputer algorithm predicts patterning and dynamics of living materials and enables studying their behavior in space and time.
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A man in a suit walks through the MEDICA exhibition hall with a microphone; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

eHealth, mHealth, AI, and much more – Highlight tour in the MEDICA START-UP PARK


Every year, the MEDICA START-UP PARK attracts a lot of visitors. Young, up-and-coming companies present their products here – often for the first time ever. This stand has already been the starting point for the success stories of some companies that are now internationally active. At MEDICA 2023, we are once again taking the opportunity to talk to promising start-ups.
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Two men in suits in an exhibition hall at MEDICA, one interviewing the other; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Breath the spirit of MEDICA 2023 – Highlight tour with Director Christian Grosser


Topics like artificial Intelligence, automation and robotics, and sustainability are shaking the medical industry – and both MEDICA and COMPAMED reflect that. We are walking through the trade show halls of MEDICA with Christian Grosser, Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, to talk about this: What are his impressions of this year’s MEDICA and COMPAMED?
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Image: Background image of modern computer equipment with CT brain scans on screens at workplace; Copyright: seventyfourimages


MEDICA 2023: Simple and enhanced analysis and visualization of medical image data


A team of researchers from Kaiserslautern and Leipzig is working on a system that automatically analyses and visualises medical data, including their uncertainties.
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Image: A person wearing white disposable gloves examines a woman's back with a magnifying glass; Copyright: Medical University of Vienna

Medical University of Vienna

Skin cancer diagnoses using AI are as reliable as those made by medical experts


An Austrian-Australian research team led by dermatologist Harald Kittler from MedUni Vienna investigated the extent to which diagnosis and therapy of pigmented skin lesions benefit from it in a realistic clinical scenario.
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Image: Person lying on the stretcher of an MRI scanner while a doctor puts headphones on her head; Copyright: svitlanah


3-Tesla MRI Scanner: A Glimpse into the Future of Medical Technology


With novel technology and the integration of artificial intelligence, a new MRI scanner promises to significantly improve medical imaging. The scanner is characterized by its high performance and enables a more precise analysis of image data by means of an AI functionality.
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Image: Woman extends her arms above her head for a breathing exercise; Copyright: DragonImages


Breathment: AI-based breathing exercises for health


For people with respiratory diseases, breathing can be a challenge. Breathment, a start-up from Munich, wants to change that. With their app, they want to help COPD patients with rehabilitation and disease management.
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Image: Elderly gentleman lies on CT scanner with his head to the camera; Copyright: imagesourcecurated


Smarter CT scans may approach the level of MRI


In certain cases, a new method can provide as much information from brain images taken with computed tomography (CT) as images captured with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
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Image: Two men stand in a server room and look into the camera equipped with a fisheye lens; Copyright: Linköping University

Linköping University

A step towards AI-based precision medicine


Researchers at Linköping University in Sweden have developed an AI-based method applicable to various medical and biological issues. Their models can for instance accurately estimate people’s chronological age and determine whether they have been smokers or not.
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Image: Example of ChatGPT response; despite asking the ChatGPT the exact same questions about orthopedic symptoms, the ChatGPT offered different diagnoses on different days; Copyright: TMDU

Division of Medical Design Innovations, TMDU

Can ChatGPT diagnose a condition?


A research group led by Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) finds that when common orthopedic symptoms are given, ChatGPT’s diagnosis and recommendations are inconsistent.
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Image: A man in a suit, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ahrens, posing in a bright hallway; Copyright: BIPS


White paper: improving record linkage for health research


In Germany, it is currently difficult to link health data from different sources. The Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS is now presenting a white paper on this topic.
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Image: Female doctor searches patient information from the medical records system using a computer; Copyright: Yulia_Panova


ScPoli enables multi-scale representations of cells and samples


Computer scientists at Helmholtz Munich developed a generative model named ScPoli that performs data integration of high-quality large-scale datasets of single cells.
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Image: Fraunhofer IPA’s experimental hybrid operating theatre in Mannheim; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Fraunhofer IPA

Research project DAIOR: Distributed artificial intelligence for the OR


A research team of scientists has jointly launched the DAIOR project ("Distributed Artificial Intelligence for the Operating Room"). Within the framework of the project, the project partners are working on realizing the operating room (OR) of the future with help of artificial intelligence (AI) and robot assisted telemedicine.
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Image: Mammography snapshot of a patient's breasts on the monitor with mammography test; Copyright: ORION_production


AI model to improve accuracy of breast cancer tumor removal


A new clinical and research partnership has created an AI model that can predict whether or not cancerous tissue has been fully removed from the body during breast cancer surgery.
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Image: Doctor sits at a laptop and points at the screen with a pen; Copyright: paegagz


Algorithm to predict disease relapses


A University of Texas at Arlington research team has received a $450,000 grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences to use statistical machine learning to review patient data and better predict which patients will need additional treatments.
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Image: Professor Dr. Anna-Maria Dittrich and Dr. Matthias Gietzelt (with tablet) stands in a building passage and smiles for the camera; Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH

Karin Kaiser / MHH

CALM-QE: Personalized diagnostics in asthma and COPD


The MHH Children's Hospital is participating in a nationwide project to better predict individual disease courses in non-infectious lung diseases using standardised data from health care and environmental data.
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Image: A group of Asian startups point to a whiteboard; Copyright: davidpradoperucha


Cure Xchange Challenge: initiative to incubate innovations by healthcare start-ups


Cure, a healthcare innovation campus in New York City, has opened applications for its Cure Xchange Challenge, a bold initiative to incubate innovations by healthcare start-ups and entrepreneurs across disciplines and sectors to responsibly and equitably use artificial intelligence (AI) in health.
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Image: Portrait photo of a man (Steef Kurstjens) with red-brown hair in a white doctor's coat; Copyright: European Society for Emergency Medicine

European Society for Emergency Medicine

ChatGPT suggests most likely diagnoses in the emergency medicine department


The artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT performed as well as a trained doctor in suggesting likely diagnoses for patients being assessed in emergency medicine departments.
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Image: A man is looking at a screen with imaging data; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

AI in diagnostics: a trustworthy companion


In our MEDICA DEEP DIVE, we address AI solutions for imaging in practice and talk about how trust in AI technologies can be ensured. Be there live when our experts share their knowledge!
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Image: A blue 3d printed wrist splint on a hand; Copyright: Courtesy of Faraz Faruqi and Stefanie Mueller

Courtesy of Faraz Faruqi and Stefanie Mueller

AI-driven tool to personalize 3D-printable models


MIT researchers developed a generative-AI-driven tool that enables the user to add custom design elements to 3D models without compromising the functionality of the fabricated objects. A designer could utilize this tool, called Style2Fab, to personalize 3D models of objects using only natural language prompts to describe their desired design.
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Image: Woman with blonde hair and a light blue blouse smiles at the camera. There are trees in the background; Copyright: Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet

Breast cancer: more cases detected with the help of AI


One radiologist supported by AI detected more cases of breast cancer in screening mammography than two radiologists working together, reports the ScreenTrustCAD study from Karolinska Institutet in The Lancet Digital Health.
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Image: A sign with the word Triage Room at the emergency entrance of a hospital or medical clinic; Copyright: ThamKC


AI-powered triage platform could aid future viral outbreak response


A team of researchers from Yale University and other institutions globally has developed an innovative patient triage platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that the researchers say is capable of predicting patient disease severity and length of hospitalization during a viral outbreak.
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Image: A person sits in front of a laptop, a graphic representation of a head in cross-section as an AI is displayed above the laptop; Copyright: AndersonPiza


Danger from chatbots: Do they need regulation as a medical device?


Chatbots like ChatGPT have great potential for medicine. But their unregulated use in healthcare poses a great danger because of their inherent risks. A Nature Medicine article by Prof. Stephen Gilbert et al. calls for medical device approval for chatbots and applications based on them.
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Image: A woman sits on the bed and holds her stomach in pain; Copyright: YuriArcursPeopleimages


AI could shorten the diagnostic journey of millions suffering from endometriosis


The quality of life of millions suffering from endometriosis – a painful disease where sensitive tissue grows outside of the uterus – could be improved by a new artificial intelligence (AI) system with technology developed by the University of Adelaide in South Australia, in partnership with researchers from the University of Surrey.
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Image: X-ray image of a lung; Copyright: Shaiith


AI shows how Aspergillus fumigatus gets comfortable in the lungs


Aspergillus fumigatus strains that infect humans have a significantly altered metabolism compared to other strains in the environment. At the same time, infection with the fungus leads to an apparent change in the human lung microbiome.
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Image: A mammogram image of a breast on a screen; Copyright: ORION_production


AI-supported mammography screening is found to be safe


Mammography screening supported by artificial intelligence (AI) is a safe alternative to today’s conventional double reading by radiologists and can reduce heavy workloads for doctors.
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Image: Robinder Khemani, MD, MsCl, Children's Hospital Los Angeles in a dark blue shirt; Copyright: Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Using machine learning to make ventilator support safer for children


Robinder Khemani, MD, MsCI, Attending Physician in Pediatric Intensive Care at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, is using machine learning to improve the outcomes of children put on ventilators.
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Image: Doctor is looking through a data sheet on his desk; Copyright: duallogic


AI will soon be able to write doctor’s letters


Around 150 million doctor’s letters are written every year in Germany. This takes precious time which could be used elsewhere. The “doctor’s letter generator”, which is currently being developed by scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS, could provide a solution for creating the document in a fraction of the time.
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Image: Diagram of a color coordinate representation of the heart chambers; Copyright: Dr. Axel Loewe, KIT

Dr. Axel Loewe, KIT

Machine learning: artificial neural networks localize extrasystoles


Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) use machine learning for the non-invasive localization of ventricular extrasystoles. This may facilitate and improve future diagnosis and therapy.
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Image: A doctor examines a patient's left shoulder for skin cancer; Copyright: Inside Creative House/Shutterstock

Inside Creative House/Shutterstock

Skin cancer diagnosis: reinforcement learning for improved performance of AI


An international research team led by Harald Kittler of MedUni Vienna has now explored a learning method in which greater accuracy in AI results can be achieved by incorporating human decision-making criteria.
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Image: A device for monitoring arm movements, part of the post-stroke rehabilitation system; Copyright: KTU


AI-based system will help people after stroke


The joint study by Rytis Maskeliūnas, a researcher at Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics (KTU IF), and Lithuanian researchers is focused on creating an artificial intelligence (AI)-based system that aims to facilitate the rehabilitation process.
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Image: Woman with brown hair in black blazer and white top, Bruna Gigante, poses for the camera; Copyright: European Society of Cardiology

European Society of Cardiology

AI and precision medicine may discover risk of cardiovascular disease


Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, among others, have now found that artificial intelligence seems to play a role in identifying the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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Image: Illustration: A new Scripps Research machine-learning system tracks how epidemic viruses evolve; Copyright: Imagery created using BioRender.com.

Imagery created using BioRender.com.

AI-based tracking and early-warning system for viral pandemics


Scripps Research scientists have developed a machine-learning system—a type of artificial intelligence (AI) application—that can track the detailed evolution of epidemic viruses and predict the emergence of viral variants with important new properties.
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Image: Child's arm above a table with colorful overlay is supported by a hand; Copyright: Rett Syndrom Deutschland e.V.

Rett Syndrom Deutschland e.V.

TeMoRett: XR and AI support motor function therapy in Rett syndrome


The TeMoRett project aims to develop technology-based motor rehabilitation for people with Rett syndrome. This rare genetic disorder predominantly affects girls and, in addition to the loss of spoken language, also leads to movement disorders of the hands. An interdisciplinary consortium was formed for the project.
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Image: Young woman in medical mask with smartphone makes a selfie; Copyright: natalyaraeva


App helps with early detection of eye diseases causing blindness


Two students on the Master's Degree in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) have developed a mobile app capable of detecting in a matter of seconds whether someone is suffering from glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy or cataracts, three of the world's most common causes of vision loss and blindness.
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Image: A stethoscope against a background of lined up ones and zeros, colored blue-purple; Copyright: istock.com/viorika


AI brings hope for children with lyosomal storage disease


Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in drug discovery. Advances in the use of Big Data, learning algorithms and powerful computers have now enabled researchers at the University of Zurich (UZH) to better understand a serious metabolic disease.
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Image: Woman hands holding human brain over green wheat field; Copyright: Masson-Simon


Brain: a varied life boosts functional networks


The findings in mice provide unprecedented insights into the complexity of large-scale neural networks and brain plasticity. Moreover, they could pave the way for new brain-inspired artificial intelligence methods.
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Image: an intern shows an senior physician something on a tablet. The two stand on a glass gallery in a hospital; Copyright: monkeybusiness


Into the hospital of the future: data, digitization and artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) and its use is on everyone's lips right now. How AI will change and shape our future is being hotly debated. AI applications are also trending in healthcare. But before they can deliver on their huge expectations, the basics have to be met.
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Image: Left: Chest radiograph Right: Visualization of the grounds for the AI's judgment; Copyright: Daiju Ueda, OMU

Daiju Ueda, OMU

AI classifies cardiac functions, heart disease


Osaka Metropolitan University scientists have unveiled an innovative use of AI that classifies cardiac functions and pinpoints valvular heart disease with unprecedented accuracy, demonstrating continued progress in merging the fields of medicine and technology to advance patient care.
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Image: Images of complex brain structures. On the left these structures are difficult to see, on the right they are shown more clearly; Copyright: Johann Danzl

Johann Danzl

Brain: LIONESS enables insights into complex tissue


In a new paper, an interdisciplinary team of scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) has come together to present a new way to observe the brain’s structure and dynamics – in a high resolution and without damaging the tissue.
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Image: Man in a dark blue jacket and shirt, Prof. Jakob N. Kather, stands in a corridor and smiles at the camera; Copyright: EKFZ


AI against bowel cancer: research project DECADE


The DECADE research project is the first to use swarm learning in cancer research. The German Cancer Aid is funding the joint project of several university hospitals with around 1.5 million euros.
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Image: Transparent image layering: A patient and her electronic patient file with key medical data; Copyright: Fraunhofer IGD

Fraunhofer IGD

Digital patient model: decision support for physicians and cost-saver


New perspectives for the healthcare sector: The support system for decision-making developed as part of the MED²ICIN project should increase the treatment success rate. It supports physicians in their decision-making process by pooling all of the information on an individual patient and comparing this to that of cohorts made up of similar individuals.
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Image: Professional technician testing robotic bionic arm at prosthetic manufacturinge; Copyright: 1footage


Digitization, AI, robotics: how healthcare will change over the next 50 years


A study by researchers at Mälardalen University (MDU) describes what our future healthcare industry may look like.
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Image: Prof. Stephen Gilbert, blond man in dark blue shirt, poses for the camera; Copyright: EKFZ/ A. Stübner

EKFZ/ A. Stübner

Chatbots like ChatGPT: approval as medical devices


The new Nature Medicine paper by Prof. Stephen Gilbert, et. al. addresses one of the most pressing international issues of our time: How to regulate Large Language Models (LLMs) in general and specifically in health.
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Image: Patient and doctor are looking at and discussing the x-ray of a spine; Copyright: Pressmaster


AI supports rehabilitation after spinal cord injury


An intelligent suit is hoped to significantly improve rehabilitation after a serious spinal cord injury. The AI-supported solution will be developed over the next three years by researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) working in collaboration with Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University Hospital.
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Image: Child being tested for viruses in the throat by a doctor using a test swab; Copyright: drazenphoto


Revolutionizing virus detection: the power of AI and CRISPR


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists and researchers have been tirelessly working to develop innovative and accurate tests to identify the presence of viruses. One breakthrough technology that has emerged is the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and CRISPR, which has revolutionized virus detection.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Increasing the time available for treatment in intensive care units: Smart assistance system "Mona" bundles data


All information can be accessed directly where it is needed - at the hospital bedside. The intelligent assistance system "Mona" offers exactly that. With it, the start-up Clinomic is implementing what intensive care physicians and nursing staff want.
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Image: A female lab worker puts a sample vial with blood from a rack into a centrifuge; Copyright: seventyfourimages


Blood biomarkers plus genomics in the prediction of disease risk


Being to identify people at high risk of chronic disease means that they can be targeted with prevention measures before they become sick. Polygenic risk scores, where genomic information alone is used to assess the risk of developing diseases, have been receiving a lot of attention recently.
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Image: A puzzle-like model of a lung made of building blocks on a red background; Copyright: yavdat


AI enables first integrated single-cell atlas of the lung


Can a human organ be mapped on a single-cell level to learn more about each individual cell? And can we learn how different these cells are from person to person? Helmholtz Munich researchers and their collaborators have taken up this challenge and developed the Human Lung Cell Atlas using artificial intelligence (AI)-based techniques.
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Image: Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther opened the

Staatskanzlei SH

AI from the universities in Kiel and San Francisco launched


A delegation from the CAU and UKSH joined Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther in opening the new infrastructure for AI in the USA in the night of 8 June 2023 (German time).
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Image: Device for scanning and diagnostic viewing of patients; Copyright: mstandret


AI in eye scans: improved diagnosis of inherited disease of the retina


Researchers from the UK and Germany have used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a system that they believe will enable more widespread provision of testing, together with improved efficiency.
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Image: Humboldt-Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler and Dr. Clara T. Schoeder analyse protein structures in front of a big screen; Copyright: Swen Reichhold

Swen Reichhold

Infectious diseases: digital 'vaccine library' against pandemics


The Institute for Drug Discovery led by Humboldt Professor Jens Meiler is to receive 1.9 million dollars (1.77 million euros) for the development of vaccines. The international Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) will fund computer-aided vaccine development at Leipzig University with the aim of building a digital ‘vaccine library’ of components and virtual antigen designs.
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Image: A man walks in a garden with an ankle exo suit on his lower left leg; Copyright: Biodesign Lab / Harvard SEAS

Biodesign Lab / Harvard SEAS

Ankle exosuit: more independence for post-stroke wearers


Designed for independent use in community settings, the new exosuit could help stroke survivors improve their gait outside of the lab and during their daily routines.
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Image: Dr. Matthias Gietzelt (left) and Professor Bavendiek in a cardiology examination room; Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH

Karin Kaiser / MHH

Cardiovascular diseases: individual risk assessment with ACRIBiS


MHH Cardiology participates in a nationwide project to improve risk assessment thanks to structured and standardized data.
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Image: Nils Wagner, a man with brown hair in a T-shirt, sits at a computer screen on which codes are displayed; Copyright: Dennis Gankin / TUM

Dennis Gankin / TUM

Algorithm helps search for the cause of hereditary diseases


A Munich research team has developed an algorithm that predicts the effects of genetic mutations on RNA formation six times more precisely than previous models.
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Image: A doctor conducts MRI diagnostics of the brain on the computer in a modern clinic; Copyright: svitlanah


AI tool for MRI may spot brain damage in college athletes


An artificial intelligence computer program that processes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can accurately identify changes in brain structure that result from repeated head injury, a new study in student athletes shows.
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Image: Elderly woman at home with heart pain holding her chest; Copyright: tommyandone


Heart failure: AI identifies five subtypes


Five subtypes of heart failure that could potentially be used to predict future risk for individual patients have been identified in a new study led by UCL (University College London) researchers.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Exoskeletons for everyday use: Non-invasive method for controlling prostheses


Modern prostheses are already smart, but they still have their limits. The Assistive Intelligent Robotics Lab at FAU is therefore also researching an intuitive and non-invasive method for controlling prostheses. In our interview, those involved tell us exactly what they are working on together with neurologists and surgeons from the Erlangen University Hospital.
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Image: The carrier of the ARM2U team, Kyle Briggs, competing with the prosthesis at a Cybathlon 2023 event; Copyright: BarcelonaTech (UPC)

BarcelonaTech (UPC)

Low-cost robotic arm created by students as an alternative to conventional prostheses


A low-cost robotic arm created by students as an alternative to conventional prostheses: The ARM2u biomedical engineering team, from the UPC’s Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), is working on new functions for their low-cost 3D-printed transradial prosthesis.
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Image: A man in a gray jacket and white shirt, Miroslaw Bober, smiles at the camera; Copyright: University of Surrey

University of Surrey

UK AI world leader in identifying location and expression of proteins


A new advanced artificial intelligence (AI) system has shown world-leading accuracy and speed in identifying protein patterns within individual cells.
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Image: The experts Luis Miguel Echeverry and Neus Martínez-Abadías at the Faculty of Biology of the UB; Copyright: Universidad de Barcelona

Universidad de Barcelona

Rare disease diagnosis: AI algorithms do not include human diversity


Most of the AI-generated algorithms have databases with populations of European origins and they ignore the genetic and morphological diversity of human populations of around the world.
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Image: A child in a black jacket is supported by an adult during a rehab exercise and is happy; Copyright: Rett Syndrom Deutschland e.V.

Rett Syndrom Deutschland e.V.

XR and AI: TeMoRett develops computer-assisted therapy


The Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) is coordinating the newly launched project "Technology-supported Motor Rehabilitation for People with Rett Syndrome" (TeMoRett).
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Image: Close up of test tubes in a laboratory; Copyright: leungchopan


AI helps create better, simpler hepatitis, COVID-19 tests


University of Florida scientists have used artificial intelligence tools to simplify a test that works for both hepatitis C and SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The simplified test happens in one small test tube in just a few minutes.
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Image: Senior Woman tests blood for glucose or sugar level for diabetes with glucometer; Copyright: Manuta


Big Data: predictive model for complications in diabetes


For their research, the team led by Rainer Oberbauer, Head of the Division of Nephrology and Dialysis at MedUni Vienna's Department of Medicine III, and Mariella Gregorich from MedUni Vienna's Center for Medical Data Science drew on data from major international studies.
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Image: Screenshot from the DeMAG webserver. DeMAG predicts benign mutations in light blue and pathogenic ones in coral; Copyright: Agnes Toth-Petroczy, Nature Communications

Agnes Toth-Petroczy, Nature Communications

New tool facilitates clinical interpretation of genetic information


Max Planck and Harvard research teams develop DeMAG, a new method shared as an open-source web server (demag.org) to help interpret mutations in disease genes and improve clinical decision-making.
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Image: An example of virtual staining of tissue. Unstained tissue on the left, chemically stained tissue in the middle and virtually stained tissue on the right; Copyright: Pekka Ruusuvuori

Pekka Ruusuvuori

AI-based method to replace chemical staining of tissue


Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence-based method for virtual staining of histopathological tissue samples as a part of the Nordic ABCAP consortium.
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Image: Schematic illustration of organoid bioprinting with artificial intelligence ; Copyright: Cyborg and Bionic Systems

Cyborg and Bionic Systems

Bioprinting technology and AI enable high quality in vitro models


In the process of organoid manufacturing, bioprinting technology not only facilitates the creation and maintenance of complex biological 3D shapes and structures, but also allows for standardization and quality control during production.
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Image: medical syringe lies on several doses of vaccine; Copyright: erika8213


AI meets zebrafish: is this the future of drug discovery?


New drug candidates must undergo lengthy testing using animal models before being given to participants in human trials. This means many active ingredients must already be sorted out in test series because they either do not have the desired or even have an adverse effect. These test series require many test animals. The use of zebrafish larvae could lead to a reduced demand in this setting.
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Image: Computer algorithm on laptop display and some other objects on the table; Copyright: Pressmaster


Shining a light into the "black box" of AI


Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a novel method for evaluating the interpretability of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, opening the door to greater transparency and trust in AI-driven diagnostic and predictive tools.
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Image: Preview picture of video

MRI in a class of its own


Better images in less time – the new MRI at Cologne-Porz Hospital uses artificial intelligence to produce the most perfect images possible from inside the body. The flexible receiver coils play an important role in this, as they also significantly improve patient comfort.
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Image: Female doctor with purple ribbon, sign of Alzheimer's disease, pancreatic cancer, epilepsy, lupus day; Copyright: chormail


Solution to classify epileptic syndromes in near real-time


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), close to 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy, a chronic neurological disease, whose seizures are considered one of the main symptoms.
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Image: Close-up of a female hand holding the orange ribbon symbolizing the fight against leukemia; Copyright: JoPanwatD


AI finds targets for CAR-T cell therapy against acute myeloid leukemia


Unlike other forms of blood cancer, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cannot currently be treated with CAR-T cell immunotherapy. The reason is that specific molecular targets with which certain immune cells could specifically target AML cells are lacking, which would permit the immune system to attack cancer.
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Image: Close-up of a scientist wearing protective clothing looking through a microscope; Copyright: ckstockphoto


Smart microscopy works out where to take the picture


Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now developed a software solution for smart, data-driven microscopy, which makes this possible.
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Image: Microscopic image: Mouse lymph nodes with colored fluorescent markers; Copyright: AG Hoelzel/UKB

AG Hoelzel/UKB

Artificial intelligence to help tumor immunology


Developing methods to predict the nature of the tumor microenvironment is the goal of researchers from the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 and the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) led by Prof. Kevin Thurley at the University of Bonn.
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Image: Virtual 3D illustration showing robotic arms operating on a brain; Copyright: Petra Ritter/BIH

Petra Ritter/BIH

European test infrastructure for AI and robotics in healthcare


The Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) is part of the EU project TEF-Health (Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics), which aims to establish a test infrastructure for artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in healthcare.
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Image: A man in a blue shirt, Professor Dr Alexander Schönhuth, standing next to a wall and smiles at the camera; Copyright: Bielefeld University/Sarah Jonek

Bielefeld University/Sarah Jonek

Predicting outbreak of ALS disease with AI methods


Using artificial intelligence (AI) methods, researchers led by Professor Dr Alexander Schönhuth from Bielefeld University’s Faculty of Technology have succeeded in recording and deciphering the genotype profiles of 3,000 ALS patients and thus learning more about the development of the disease.
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Image: Researchers at HIPS work with zebrafish larvae to detect potential side effects of new drugs at an early stage; Copyright: Dietze / HIPS

Dietze / HIPS

HIPS and CISPA join forces to make future active ingredients safer


In the ImageTox project, the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) and the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security are pooling their expertise in the fields of drug discovery and artificial intelligence (AI).
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Image: Two men and a woman stand in front of a building and smile for the camera; Copyright: RUB, Marquard

RUB, Marquard

AI with infrared imaging enables precise colon cancer diagnostics


Researchers at the Centre for Protein Diagnostics PRODI at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, are using artificial intelligence in combination with infrared imaging to optimally tailor colon cancer therapy to individual patients.
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Image: Young female scientist in protective mask and glasses examining chemical or biological sample with microscope in laboratory; Copyright: Pressmaster


AI analyses cell movement under the microscope


The enormous amount of data obtained by filming biological processes using a microscope has previously been an obstacle for analyses.
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Image: A man in a blue coat, Araz Rawshani, poses for the camera.; Copyright: University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg

AI supports doctors’ hard decisions on cardiac arrest


Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have developed three such systems of decision support for cardiac arrest that may, in the future, make a major difference to doctors’ work.
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Image: A man in a blue suit during a demonstration of a massage robot in a clinic workshop room; Copyright: Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University

AI-powered massage robot to start product evaluation in the US, clinical trial in Singapore


Singapore robotics firm AiTreat will be embarking on a new product evaluation in the United States for their massage robot powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Mayo Clinic, USA.
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Image: Woman with ruptured blood vessel in eye, closeup; Copyright: amenic181


AI finds twisting of eye vessels could cause high blood pressure and heart disease


Research led by scientists at St George’s, University of London has discovered 119 areas in the genome that help to determine the size and shape of blood vessels at the back of the eye, and that an increase in ‘twisting’ of the arteries could cause high blood pressure and heart disease.
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Image: A man lies in a bed in front of the laptop and holds a pill case in his hand; Copyright: Iakobchuk


AI can help patients interpret home tests for COVID-19


George Mason University researchers found that computerized symptom screenings can supplement at-home COVID-19 tests to better confirm the diagnosis for patients and clinicians.
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Image: Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal smiles at the camera in an institute building; Copyright: privat.


Smart clothing and Artificial Intelligence: Diagnosis and monitoring of neurological diseases


International research groups led by Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal, Professor of Digital Health at the University of Bayreuth, have developed a novel set of tools for diagnosing and monitoring neurological diseases based on body-worn sensors (wearables) and artificial intelligence.
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Image: Dr Rytis Maskeliūnas poses smiling in front of the camera, Copyright: Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

Altered speech may be the first sign of Parkinson’s disease


Lithuanian researcher from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Rytis Maskeliūnas, together with colleagues from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), tried to identify early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease using voice data.
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Image: Kid in wheelchair is happy with father on the beach, Excited to see the sea on a vacation; Copyright: gaysorn1442


Wearable tech, AI, clinical teams combine to change face of clinical trial monitoring


A multi-disciplinary team of researchers has developed a way to monitor the progression of movement disorders using motion capture technology and AI.
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Image: The word


AI detects rare forms of dementia


Researchers at MPI CBS and University of Leipzig Medical Center have used new artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques to detect rare forms of dementia on MRI images.
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Image: A pregnant woman getting her blood pressure measured; Copyright: dasha11


SMART Start: Digitization in prenatal care


Pregnancy means many prenatal visits. Regularly scheduled checkup appointments are important to help expectant mothers get ready for the healthiest pregnancy possible. The question is: Could some parameters be measured and monitored via smart devices from the comfort of one’s own home? The SMART Start project explores this issue.
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Image: Close-up Of A Man Checking Blood Sugar Level At Home With Glucometer And Test Strips; Copyright: dolgachov


Type 2 diabetes: Machine learning can predict poor glycemic control from patient information systems


The risk for poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted with confidence by using machine learning methods, a new study from Finland finds.
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Image: Fictional 3D illustration of three robotic arms operating on a human brain, Copyright: Petra Ritter / BIH

Petra Ritter / BIH

€60 million committed to establish AI and robotics in healthcare


The EU project TEF-Health aims to test and validate innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics solutions for the healthcare sector and accelerate their path to market.
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Image: Two doctors in scrubs look at a screen during an AI-assisted colonoscopy; Copyright: Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB)

Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB)

AI improves colorectal cancer screening in Lynch syndrome


Researchers at the National Center for Hereditary Tumor Diseases (NZET) at Bonn University Hospital (UKB) have now found that artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the effectiveness of colonoscopy in the presence of Lynch syndrome.
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Image: person wearing VR glasses for biofeedback training with a doctor in a treatment room; Copyright: microgen


The digital patient: The next big step for healthcare


The "digital patient" is a model that encompasses everything from patients who use VR headsets to meet with their doctor in the metaverse to those who use smart technologies to find a possible diagnosis.
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Image: Small moldecules - illustration in orange; Copyright: Aalto University

Aalto University

Gaining unprecedented view of small molecules by machine learning


A new tool to identify small molecules offers benefits for diagnostics, drug discovery and fundamental research. A new machine learning model will help scientists identify small molecules, with applications in medicine, drug discovery and environmental chemistry.
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Image: A young woman in a white shirt operates her bionic prosthetic arm; Copyright: StudioVK


A prosthetic limb that can read my mind


A team at FAU is investigating how intelligent prostheses can be improved. The idea is that interactive artificial intelligence will help the prostheses to recognize human intent better, to register their surroundings and to continue to develop and improve over time.
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Image: A portable device with a large touchscreen and green handles at both sides – the Wound Viewer from Omnidermal; Copyright: beta-web/Roth


Wound Viewer from Omnidermal: using AI to monitor wounds


Caring for chronic wounds is a tedious task for caregivers and physicians, as these wounds take a long time to heal and may easily worsen. They also require a lot of documentation to plan and monitor treatment. With the Wound Viewer from Omnidermal Biomedics, a device is available that supports medical staff in this task.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Laboratory: how smart gadgets support everyday work


At MEDICA 2022, you can see why smart assistants are needed in the laboratory and which gadgets have made it into everyday laboratory work, thus reducing the workload of the specialists there and increasing efficiency.
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Image: Preview picture of video

The artificial eye – imaging and AI


Four eyes see more than two – but do artificial eyes also see more than real ones? In any case, radiologists will increasingly rely on the support of algorithms in the future. These programs do not tire, even when looking at countless images. At MEDICA 2022, we met companies that already rely on AI in imaging.
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Image: A middle-aged female doctor makes video call on a laptop while sitting at a desk; Copyright: insidecreativehouse


Low-code medical protocols automation with Mindify


To ease physicians’ clinical routines, medical technologies like data collecting and analyzing software can be helpful. The company Mindify developed a solution, that helps patients while unburdening physicians at the same time. The MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM showcases various technologies to enhance healthcare and connect patients, clinics and physicians.
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Image: Hand holding sushi in the background while a photo of it is displayed in the foreground on a cell phone with options for information; Copyright: envato/boomeart


Doinglab: Nutrition management with AI


Watching your diet based on various health issues can sometimes be tiring. To make the process easier and help patients to monitor their intake, the start-up Doinglab developed an artificial intelligence technology that can recognize and understand food. FoodLens provides detailed information about the food with just a picture.
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Image: Laptop showing an AI logo on the screen, in front of it sits a person holding a stethoscope; Copyright: M. Brombach / EKFZ

M. Brombach | EKFZ

AI-supported medical device certification: "We want electronic approvals"


The KIMEDS project aims to develop an AI-supported safety solution across the entire lifecycle of medical software to shorten the time from development to certification of innovative medical technology. The goal is to provide best medical care for patients, prompting a close project collaboration between science, industry, and regulatory authorities.
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Image: An elderly person is fitted with a modern hearing aid; Copyright: halfpoint


Novel sensor system with AI-driven biomarkers for patients with heart failure


UNISONO aims to develop a novel system combining an ear-worn sensor with speech recognition.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Digital patient model for chronic diseases – A dashboard for more targeted diagnoses and therapies


In the MED²ICIN lead project, a digital patient model for chronically ill persons has been developed. A particularly clear, web-based dashboard shows, among other things, the course of the disease, medication responses and recommendations for action. In addition, the data can be compared with a large pool of data from other patients.
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Image: A flexible endoscope being prepared for a treatment; Copyright: GabiStock


Body follows head: Bridging the gap between rigid and flexible endoscopes


A successful endoscopic intervention hinges on two key factors: the endoscope must have excellent maneuverability and high structural rigidity. Unfortunately, today's devices cannot meet both requirements at the same time. Tim-Lukas Habich wants to change that by bridging the gap between flexible and rigid robots.
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Image: A medical professional places their hands on a table and holds a stethoscope. One of their hands is a myoelectric prosthesis; Copyright: LightFieldStudios


Smart surgery, endoscopy, robotics: rethought and optimized for the times


Overall technical progress does not stop at the operating rooms of this world. Whether it's completely new ideas or robotic optimizations of classic methods – research teams are coming up with contemporary answers to long-standing questions using the diverse possibilities of the present day.
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Image: 3D rendering of an operating room with C-arm and robotic-assisted surgery system; Copyright: tridsanu


Accessing the surgical area: Digitization is coming to the OR


Innovative medical technology is driving the digitization of healthcare institutions and is opening a world of possibilities. This is especially the case for minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery.
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Image: Brain monitoring software is displayed on a monitor; Copyright: Tuomas Svärd, Antti-Jussi Haapala, Jukka Kortelainen

Tuomas Svärd, Antti-Jussi Haapala, Jukka Kortelainen

Cerenion: AI software improves brain monitoring


Intensive care patients need to be monitored closely in all areas. For a better overview of the brain functions, Cerenion developed software called C-Trend. With artificial intelligence, the care for intensive care patients can be significantly improved.
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Image: Thierry Nordmann (left) & Lisa Schweizer are standing in the lab, each with a pipette in hand and a microtiter plate in front of them; Copyright: Susanne Vondenbusch-Teetz, MPI for Biochemistry

Susanne Vondenbusch-Teetz, MPI for Biochemistry

Deep Visual Proteomics: tracking down cancer


Proteins are frequently called the building blocks of life because they are found everywhere, including in our cells. This makes them an important factor when it comes to diseases. As a result, mapping the protein landscape can be a crucial ally in the fight against diseases. Now, a German-Danish team has developed a method that provides researchers with unprecedented insights into cancer.
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Image: scanning electron microscope image of red blood cells in the blood clot; Copyright: Empa


Personalized treatment of acute stroke: diagnostics with 3D virtual histology


Every minute counts when someone is having an acute stroke. If the cause is a vascular blockage caused by a blood clot (thrombus) in the brain, detailed insights into the thrombus composition is critical to remove or dissolve it successfully and help restore blood flow. But that’s often easier said than done when "time is brain".
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Image: Preview picture of video

Virtual treatment relieves therapists – Gamification for a successful therapy


Immerse yourself into strange worlds, solve tasks, experience adventures – computer games look especially realistic in Virtual Reality. Medicine is also making good use of virtual worlds: With CUREO, the CUREosity GmbH from Düsseldorf has developed a VR system for physiotherapy and Ergotherapy.
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Image: Two male researchers analyzing data sets on a computer screen; Copyright: Felix Petermann | MDC

Felix Petermann | MDC

Project "ikarus" provides new insights for cancer research


Artificial intelligence (AI) is about to become a game changer, especially in diagnostics. However, there are still limits to the use of AI. Dr. Altuna Akalin had to recognize this as well. The head of the Max Delbrück Center's (MDC) technology platform for "Bioinformatics and Omics Data Science" developed "ikarus" with his team.
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Image: Two drops of water on a screen that shows a pattern of colored bars; Copyright: ktsimage


Big Data in genetics: reaching diagnosis through heaps of data


Most laboratory tests only produce small amounts of data that are already sufficient for successful diagnosis. It becomes more difficult with genetic questions: whether it is about a genetic disease or the properties of tumors, there are large amounts of data that must be considered. Both research and medicine need help to identify the connections and patterns in the data to find a diagnosis.
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Image: Two men are sitting in front of a laptop computer and are talking about an image on the screen - Josch Konstantin Pauling, Nikolai Köhler; Copytight: LipiTUM


MoSBi: Algorithm identifies disease subtypes


Doctors have always used symptoms, imaging, and laboratory data to define and diagnose diseases, but at times it is simply not enough: while patients may have the same illness, it may exhibit different changes at the molecular level. A team from the Technical University of Munich has developed the so-called MoSBi algorithm and makes it available to researchers to identify molecular differences.
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Image: Gloved hand holds a cell culturing vessel in front of a screen with the depiction of a genetic analysis; Copyright: westend61


Big Data: Helper and game changer in laboratory medicine and genetics


Big data, the use of large volumes of data in diagnostics and research, is giving medical science a powerful boost. Especially in laboratory medicine, big data can provide unprecedented support as doctors must consider a multitude of data and parameters to facilitate accurate medical decision-making.
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Image: surgical team of three people around a cardiac surgeon in an operating room looking at an echocardiogram on a screen; Copyright: westend 61


Is it a heart attack or something else? How artificial intelligence can support diagnostics


Chest pain, shortness of breath, a brief loss of consciousness – warning signs that suggest a heart attack. But it might also be Takotsubo syndrome, also known as stress cardiomyopathy or broken heart syndrome with symptoms that resemble a heart attack. Yet it is of utmost importance to differentiate between the two conditions to initiate the right treatment.
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Image: Two female researchers examine the odor of a sample in a laboratory setting; Copyright: microgen@gmail.com


Digital nose facilitates early detection and diagnosis


Many diseases can be treated successfully if they are diagnosed early. Research into a “digital (electronic) nose” is one promising development to facilitate early detection and diagnosis. That’s because body odors and their molecular composition are an early indicator of various diseases that often remain undetected in the early stages.
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Image: A disposable microneedle patch is presented: Copyright: Laboratory for Nanobioelectronics / UC San Diego

Laboratory for Nanobioelectronics / UC San Diego

Multi-tasking wearable continuously monitors glucose, alcohol, and lactate


Imagine being able to measure your blood sugar levels, know if you’ve had too much to drink, and track your muscle fatigue during a workout, all in one small device worn on your skin. Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a prototype of such a wearable that can continuously monitor several health stats—glucose, alcohol, and lactate levels—simultaneously in real-time.
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Image: smartphone with diabetes app, in front lays the smart insulin pen; Copyright: Nico Arnold | diafyt MedTech

Nico Arnold | diafyt MedTech

Managing diabetes with diafyt thanks to self-learning and smart technology


We all make mistakes from time to time or forget to do things. But people with diabetes can have serious health problems if they miscalculate or inject the wrong insulin dose. A research team from the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) and a startup from Leipzig aim to make living with diabetes easier.
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Image: Man holds hand to his back with visualized visible spine; Copyright: PantherMedia / Wavebreakmedia

PantherMedia / Wavebreakmedia

Treating chronic pain phases with an AI-powered app


The treatment of chronic and acute pain phases centers on the patient’s pain profile. The treatment strategies must be flexible to facilitate customized adjustments. The AI-powered pain treatment solution by medicalmotion offers support and makes individualized exercise recommendations to manage the individual needs of pain patients with neuromusculoskeletal disorders.
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Image: A young woman with a fever thermometer sits in front of her laptop and has an online conversation with her doctor; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

Telemedicine as an alternative: contactless and secure diagnoses


Concrete diagnoses are the be-all and end-all in medicine. The Corona pandemic made the conditions for good diagnostics more difficult. Telemedicine offers an alternative - not only in times of pandemic. It is important to exploit the full potential of technical possibilities. Robot-assisted examinations and artificial intelligence can make an important contribution to symptom recognition.
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Image: A woman is sleeping in her bed, next to her a smartphone; Copyright: PantherMedia/kleberpicui


Respiratory diseases: "AI helps patients track symptom severity"


When they are presented with respiratory disease, physicians listen to the lungs and airways to assess the sound of the patient’s breath and cough. Artificial intelligence now helps patients with respiratory diseases even outside of the doctor’s office: "ResGuard Med" monitors coughing during the night, detects the worsening of symptoms and issues an alert.
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Image: two people looking at an ECG; Copyright: PantherMedia/photographee.eu


Diagnostics as a service: stroke prevention with the dpv-ritmo system


Atrial Fibrillation is the most common type of persistent heart arrhythmia, affecting around half a million Germans alone. People with atrial fibrillation have a greater risk for ischemic stroke, making early and effective treatment critical to prevent serious complications. Unfortunately, many patients don’t even know they have atrial Fibrillation.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Mass accidents – Measuring vital signs from the air with "FALKE"


The flight system "FALKE" (German for "falcon") could improve care during MCI events (mass casualty incidents). Using different camera systems and AI, it could be able to determine nature and amount of the different injuries. It could also measure the vital signs of injured persons to help the control center gain a better overview of the situation.
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Image: Hand-made duty roster; Copyright: PantherMedia  / Mathias Fengler

AI: Automating healthcare workforce planning


The shortage of healthcare workers is a social challenge that must be properly addressed. Pradtke GmbH teamed up with the Bochum Institute of Technology gGmbH and contec GmbH in the research project titled "AI-powered healthcare workforce planning and management" (KI-unterstützte Personaleinsatzplanung und-steuerung im Gesundheitswesen, KI-PEPS).
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Image: A person with a smartphone in hand is standing in front of a computer-generated model of the liver; Copyright: PantherMedia/happysuthida


AI-driven laboratory diagnostics with medicalvalues


Lab results are often complex and not easy to interpret. For many diseases, a medical diagnosis requires the analysis and combination of different values. That’s why one of the themes at the MEDICA LABMED FORUM at MEDICA 2021 highlighted "Integrative and AI-driven diagnostics" - and illustrated how AI can help interpret laboratory results and values.
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Image: A person in a lab coat is holding a device with an antenna extended into a glass; Coypright: Universität des Saarlandes

Universität des Saarlandes

Coronavirus: Using odors to detect an infection


Rapid COVID-19 tests can be rather uncomfortable as samples are typically collected with a deep nasal or throat swab. Scientists now explore an alternative to rapid diagnostic tests based on a patient’s breath.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Mysterious patterns – Infrared thermography for sports medicine performance diagnostics


Using a high-resolution infrared camera, sports scientists from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have discovered how blood flow in the human skin changes during exercise. They now want to exactly quantify these changes with machine vision and thus gain knowledge for performance diagnostics and beyond.
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Image: The Vemo System® with a patient and therapists; Copyright: Reactive Robotics

Reactive Robotics

Robotics in Intensive Care Units: "Stand Patients up on Their Feet and Let Them Walk"


Robotics have made their way into many areas in healthcare. So far, intensive care units had not utilized robotic systems. Now there is an application that facilitates ICU care tasks.
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Image: a woman is getting her eyes scanned for diseases; Copyright: PantherMedia / Robert Przybysz

PantherMedia / Robert Przybysz

Deep Learning: How artificial neural networks can support diagnostics


The use of artificial intelligence and deep learning in medical diagnostics is growing rapidly. Ubotica’s neural network is based on deep learning and detects the presence of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images. Dr. Holger Pfeifer talks about the project successes, and reveals the obstacles researchers must continue to overcome in adopting deep learning systems.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Digital and automated laboratory – Robots as multifunctional helpers


A lot of laboratory tasks require high precision on one hand, on the other they tend to be repetitive and tiring. While humans can only work for a limited time here while staying effective, robots are able to work without taking a break. The start-up bAhead wants to make collaborative robots, CoBots, adaptable helpers with the help of AI. We learn more from CEO & Founder Rainer Treptow.
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Image: Preview picture of video

The laboratory industry between Corona and AI


The laboratory industry is currently in commotion: the whole world is watching when it comes to news from the Corona pandemic. But tests and the sequencing of new variants are not the only stress factors: robotics, networking and AI are finding their ways into laboratories and turn existing processes upside down. We talked to some of the exhibitors at MEDICA 2021 about this.
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Image: Entrance of the Messe Düsseldorf, at the floor a MEDICA logo next to the writing “MEDICA – Welcome”; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

MEDICA 2021: Return to the fair halls!


The last year was quite different, since MEDICA had to take place online due to the Corona pandemic – but in 2021 we return to the fair halls in Düsseldorf again! There are not only about 2.900 exhibitors from 70 nations expecting you, but also a rich program in our forums and conferences. We took an advanced peek on some of the exciting highlights for you in our Topic of the Month.
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Image: Hand is holding a smartphone with an opened health app; Copyright: Health2Sync


AI in healthcare: How to build a technology ecosystem


Taiwan has long been a model for the implementation and use of new technologies. It is thus only natural that Taiwanese companies are forerunners when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare. This is also one of the topics of this year’s MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM.
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Image: The new procedure is intended to detect the causes of back problems more efficiently; Copyright: SZB


Back problems: AI will provide personalised diagnosis


Back problems are generally regarded as a widespread disease with many sufferers struggling with pain. A team of researchers from TU Kaiserslautern, the University Medical Centre in Mainz and several companies is working on a method that will enable more efficient monitoring of malpositions and strains on the back. Artificial intelligence methods are also being used.
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Image: a robot arm holding a small glass; Copyright: PantherMedia / Bork

PantherMedia / Bork

The smart lab: Between manual work and digitization


In the laboratory, there is some work that is time-consuming and monotonous – making it the perfect place for digital solutions such as artificial intelligence or robotics. But what work can these systems really take on in a meaningful way, in which areas of the lab are they present today, and where do they still need to be improved?
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Image: Data sheets and ampoules on a desk; Copyright: PantherMedia / eaglesky (YAYMicro)

PantherMedia / eaglesky (YAYMicro)

Diligent helpers in data analysis: How AI becomes transparent and reproducible


Huge amounts of data are generated in the laboratory every day, which have to be analyzed by hand. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play as a perfect helper: Because it evaluates such data volumes faster than humans ever could. The only problem with AI is: when it is developed, there is hardly any guideline or standard that makes AI systems comparable with each other.
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Image: woman wearing sports clothing stretches her leg, she wears a smart watch; Copyright: PantherMedia/Maridav (YAYMicro)

Wearables: smart helpers in sports medicine


Heart rate monitoring, step-counting, sleep tracking: Wearable technologies keep evolving, offering more and more useful applications. Usually worn close to and/or on the surface of the skin, they are equipped with special sensors to detect and analyze information concerning physical signals or ambient data. This allows wearers to get immediate biofeedback.
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Image: a woman with dark hair doing sit ups, wearing a fitnesstracker; Copyright: Robert Bosch GmbH

Robert Bosch GmbH

Avoid injuries, improve training – with self-learning sensors


Artificial intelligence, sensors, wearables: they all collect and process data from their wearers. They are particularly popular in sports, because users no longer have to rely on their intuition, but can optimise their training based on sober, exact data. However, wearables are often criticized for being not only practical gadgets but also data krakens.
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Image: A female runner is kneeling at the roadside and using her smartwatch; Copyright: PantherMedia/I_am_Daniel


Running: how to prevent injuries with sensors and AI


The most common injury that affects runners stems from overuse, not falls. Early warning signs include changes in motion. Successful injury prevention could pick up on this aspect by detecting and responding to these deviations at an early stage. It is the focus of the "Smart Injury Prevention" project.
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Image: Person on a treadmill wears a smart watch which shows his or her heart rate; Copyright: PantherMedia/apid

More than trendy accessories: training optimization with the help of wearables


Wearables are increasingly being used in sports medicine, for example, to prevent injuries or to provide users individually with real-time data about their fitness and health. By analyzing this data, risks for sports injuries can be identified early and training can be customized to the user's needs and goals.
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Image: Four men next to a CT - Peter Brotchie, Dr. Ruwan Tennakoon, Prof. John Thangarajah, Dr. Mark Page; Copyright: St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

New AI tech for early detection of prostate cancer


Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer and a leading cause of death by cancer in Australian men. Early detection is key to successful treatment, but men often dodge the doctor, avoiding diagnosis tests until it is too late.
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Image: Doctor in medical gowns types on a tablet; Copyright: PantherMedia/rogerphoto


Accelerating digitization of hospitals through innovation


Helping hospitals in Germany build a long-term digitization strategy - that is the declared goal of the young founding team of the innovation go platform, which started at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. The project is funded by EXIST, a support program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
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Image: Preview picture of video

Smart implant – Healing fractures autonomously with smart materials


Lower leg fractures put a great strain on patients due to their long healing process. In the future, an intelligent implant could control how the bone grows together again and thus optimize the healing process. In our video, you can learn from the developers at Saarland University how this works and what role artificial intelligence plays here.
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Treatment table in an intensive care unit in a hospital; Copyright: PantherMedia / sudok1

PantherMedia / sudok1

Smart Expert System Assists Medical Diagnostics


A current research project develops a system designed to support critical care physicians in the future. The research project "A Learning and Interoperable Smart Expert System for Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (ELISE)" uses data collected via machine learning algorithms to assist diagnostic decision-making.
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Image: a person holding a smartphone with both hands, a healthcare app is opened; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

Digital healthcare: Treating patients at home


Digital health apps (DiGA) are increasingly becoming part of patients' everyday lives. Since the "apps on prescription" are thoroughly tested by the BfArM before approval, they are currently only tailored to individual diseases. In this Topic of the Month, we take a look at the place DiGAs already occupy in healthcare today and how they will continue to develop in the future.
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Image: Two hospital employees fill a shelf in a storage room with medical supplies; Copyright: PantherMedia/SimpleFoto


Hospital logistics: three action steps to future success


Behind every hospital are sophisticated and complex logistics that must run like clockwork to keep things going. But how good are the processes when it comes to managing patient care and hospital staff? There are many weak links that can be avoided. Comprehensive digitization and efficient, targeted healthcare workforce management are required to set up hospital logistics for future success.
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Image: Physician looking at the print-out of an ECG curve next to a patient; Copyright: PantherMedia/voenkor


FDA: Breakthrough Device Designation to ECG analysis platform


Tempus, a leader in artificial intelligence and precision medicine, announces that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has granted the company Breakthrough Device Designation for its ECG Analysis Platform.
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Image: A woman sitting in front of a device for an eye examination; Copyright: PantherMedia/Med_Photo_Studio


Alzheimer's disease: early detection using an eye exam


Alzheimer's disease is still incurable, but if detected early enough, countermeasures can improve treatment and slow the progression. Unfortunately, there is still no reliable early detection test at this juncture. This might soon change thanks to a non-invasive spectroscopy of the retina.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Digital twin heart – Computer model for an optimized therapy success


Heart surgery is difficult even for experienced surgeons and therapeutical success is not always certain. Physicians need to rely on their experience when choosing and planning the correct intervention. A computer model could help them in the future: The digital twin heart could be fed with patient data and then simulate whether an intervention will be successful.
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Image: Rescue team in action; Copyright: PantherMedia/HayDmitriy


Mobile and intelligent – emergency blood analysis


Things need to move fast in an emergency. Making the right call in this setting can be a challenge for emergency medical services – especially when symptoms are ambiguous, which is the case if a patient has difficulty breathing or exhibits a cardiovascular or poisoning emergency. A blood analysis is paramount to deliver a fast and accurate diagnosis. This is where mobOx comes in.
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Image: disinfection of a door handle around which coronaviruses are flying; Copyright: PantherMedia/AntonMatyukha

Necessity is the mother of invention – innovations in the corona pandemic


Keeping your distance, washing your hands, wearing a mask – such protective measures have been the order of the day since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic began. But appropriate products or procedures are not suitable for everyone, are often unavailable or, despite everything, carry a residual risk. The need for new, better solutions is high. But necessity is the mother of invention.
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Image: a woman wearing a wearable EEG that looks like a headband; Copyright: Evercot AI GmbH

Evercot AI GmbH

Good connection: AI and EEG work hand in hand


Artificial intelligences (AI) are able to help medical professionals detect diseases. This is based on medical data records from which the AI can draw conclusions about diseases. These conclusions are most accurate when the extraction of the data sets is directly linked to the processing.
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Image: Artist’s rendering of small robots with grapplers and searchlights that swim between red blood cells; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andreus

Autonomous medical technology: independently in the body


Therapies need to be carried out with high reliability by trained personal. This will not change in the future. But maybe we will be able to let systems in the patient’s body do some of the work. Some approaches are already aiming to make implants more independent so they will be able to flexibly react to changes. Read more in our Topic of the Month!
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Image: Artist’s rendering of small star-shaped machines between red blood cells; Copyright: PantherMedia/Michael Osterrieder

Autonomous medical devices: running well in your body


In theory, autonomous medical technologies can be used in a diagnostic or therapeutic capacity inside the body under certain conditions. This may not sound like a new invention at first. After all, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators have monitored and fixed abnormal heart rhythm for many years.
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Image: woman holding an asthma inhaler in one hand and a smartphone in the other; Copyright: PantherMedia/microgen

Asthma: Self-management thanks to apps and wearables


Today, managing one's own chronic disease is hardly possible without digital helpers – not least because of the corona pandemic. People with asthma also benefit from apps and wearables. They help patients connect better with doctors and better understand their own disease. Our Topic of the Month looks at why this is so important and what the digital services can do.
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Image: Sense Glucose Earring on a model; Copyright: The University of Huddersfield

The University of Huddersfield

Sense Glucose Earring for managing type 1 diabetes


A product design graduate from the University of Huddersfield has defeated thousands of entries from around the world to become one of the finalists of the 2020 Global Grad Show with their design for a discrete earring that monitors blood sugar levels and delivers feedback in real-time.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Robotic arms in the operating room – When the surgeon can work in a sitting position


Surgeons do not only need much concentration, but also strength and endurance. Robotic arms under their control can do part of this work. Prof. (Saitama Med. Univ.) Dietmar Stephan from the St. Marien Hospital Siegen describes in our video, how controls and haptic feedback can make surgery with a robot easier.
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Image: empty operating room with disinfection robot; Copyright: stock.adobe.com/allensima

Disinfection: a robot nips viruses in the bud


Hospitals are considered to be a primary route of disease transmission. That is why patient rooms, operating rooms, and waiting areas should be disinfected regularly and thoroughly - and not just during the coronavirus pandemic. At the virtual.MEDICA trade fair, ICA Traffic GmbH will showcase the HERO21 robot, a disinfection unit that uses UVC radiation.
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Image: Preview picture of video

virtual.MEDICA 2020: Three start-ups introduce themselves


We asked three start-ups to shortly introduce themselves in their own words in advance to virtual.MEDICA 2020. Come take a look!
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Image: The hand of a hospital employee at a device next to an intensive care bed with a patient in it; Copyright: PantherMedia/sudok1


AI predicts a patient's risk of postoperative complications


Whether it is a routine surgery or a personalized surgical intervention that perhaps has never been done before: There is always a residual risk involved. That’s why hospitals monitor and supervise patient care before, during, and after surgery to be ready for immediate intervention if needed.
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Image: Symbols from everyday hospital life as digital images coming from a stethoscope; Copyright: PantherMedia/everythingposs

Smart Hospital: Digitally Connected Healthcare


Every year, new technologies hit the market. They expand, update, and connect hospitals and healthcare facilities. But advancing digitization not only accelerates the speed of improvements, it also uncovers problem areas that must still be fixed.
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Image: Patient lying in a hospital bed with a monitor attached; Copyright: BEWATEC

ConnectedCare: hospital roadmap to becoming a Smart Hospital


Scheduling, bed management, and menu ordering – today’s hospitals take advantage of a variety of digital services. In the worst-case scenario, each service requires a different interface to the central information system, marking a major barrier that holds back digitization. With ConnectedCare, BEWATEC shows there is a better way.
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Image: Connected areas of a treatment displayed as icons; Copyright: PantherMedia/Sonar

The digital hospital: integration and digitization


Whether it's process automation, robotics in the OR and nursing areas, or the digitalization of patient records - in a smart hospital, everything comes together to form a connected hospital. Find out exactly how the Smart Hospital is being developed with the help of information platforms and projects in the Topic of the Month.
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Image: A miniaturized, round sensor under a fingertip; Copyright: TU Dresden

SmartLab: all-in-one automation, digitalization, and miniaturization


Laboratories have to analyze and interpret an ever-increasing number of samples for research and diagnostic services, generating lots of data in the process. At the same time, labs are required to produce quality results and operate with speed. Processes that could once be managed using laboratory notebooks and isolated systems must become smart in the future to improve lab efficiency.
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Image: View into a device that automatically processes laboratory samples; Copyright: PantherMedia/Sonar

The laboratory 4.0: networked analyses


There is likely no other branch of medicine where you can find as many high-tech devices as in modern laboratories. A major part of diagnostic and biomedical research is done here. A lot of individual steps in work processes need to be followed precisely to ensure the results’ quality. Also, a lot of data is generated here.
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Image: View into an automated laboratory machine that stores a lot of vials; Copyright: PantherMedia/kagemusha

The smart networking laboratory: when connected devices become one system


Diagnostics, biomedical research, screening active ingredient candidates - laboratories perform many functions and must be flexible. Growing and evolving healthcare demands mean labs have to process an increasing number of samples. Modern laboratory information management systems can already support high-throughput, but a smart laboratory environment can make things even more efficient.
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Image: medical symbols around the earth in the hands of a person; Copyright: PantherMedia/everythingposs


Israeli medical devices showcase digital innovations at MEDICA


For the annual MEDICA trade fair, companies from all over the world assemble in Düsseldorf. The Israel Export Institute has been a part of it for the last couple of years. They present medical devices and digital innovations from different Israeli companies at their joint booth.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Stroke therapy of the future: Stimulating entire networks


The Neurological University Hospital in Tübingen is a world leader in research on TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). In this report you will learn how the stroke therapy, which is always complemented by physiotherapeutic treatment, is being developed from a punctual to an entire network treatment in the brain.
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Image: Application of AR sonography; Copyright: Fraunhofer IGD

Fraunhofer IGD

Augmented reality ultrasound: putting the focus on patients


This is how a conventional ultrasound scan works: patients lie down on a table next to the ultrasound machine. A doctor uses a probe to scan the part of the body in question, while he or she looks at the pictures on a monitor. In other words, the physician either focuses on his/her hand on the patient or the monitor. The Fraunhofer IGD wants to change this process as part of the "sonAR" project.
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Image: Nurse checking surveillance monitor at the bedside and writing down patient data on a clipboard; Copyright: PantherMedia/Kzenon


Big Data: early warning system for the ICU


Patient monitoring systems in the ICU sound up to 700 alarms on average per patient per day, which boils down to one alarm every two minutes. An excessive number of them are false alarms. This generates vast amounts of data, which can make it difficult for doctors and nurses to identify the most critical alarms to manage. It also has a negative effect on the treatment of intensive care patients.
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Image: Surgeon sitting at a robot-assisted operating system; Copyright: panthermedia.net/wedmov

Robotic-Assisted Surgery with the daVinci-System


Robotic surgical systems are often used to perform minimally invasive procedures. The daVinci surgical system is still one of the market leaders and is especially well suited to perform prostatectomies, a surgical option for prostate cancer.
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Image: Robotic arm used for surgical operations; Copyright: panthermedia.net/markoaliaksandr

Innovative Robotic-Assisted Surgical Systems


More compact, more flexibility, and more precision - these are the main characteristics developers strive for as they advance robotic-assisted surgical systems for the operating room. Several technology providers have already shown how it’s done, including the makers of the popular daVinci Surgical System. Yet for robotic-assisted systems, the sky is the limit.
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Image: View of a robot-mounted system from above; Copyright: panthermedia.net/wedmov

Robots in the Operating Room: Improving Training and Safety


Surgical robots are transforming the operating room. They deliver many benefits but also present new challenges. That is why the efficient handling of robotic mechanisms must also be reflected in the respective training courses.
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Image: robotic system for assistance in surgery; Copyright: panthermedia.net/phonlamai

Robotics in the OR: Relieving the surgeon


In the operating room, minimally invasive procedures are increasingly used. Robot-assisted systems are a great help for the surgeon. They support the surgeon and are extremely precise. Through innovative research approaches, robotic systems are constantly evolving.
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Image: Smiling man is standing in nature with one had at his ear; Copyright: panthermedia.net/cristalov


In-ear sensors for monitoring vital parameters


Wearables offer practical solutions for the flexible measurement of data. The sensor from cosinuss° is worn directly in the ear and offers a precise monitoring of vital parameters.
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Image: young woman makes an ultrasound with the new system and shows patient the image on her smartphone; Copyright: Universitätsklinikum Bonn

Universitätsklinikum Bonn

Ultrasound to go: versatile partner on hospital rounds


The University Hospital Bonn has recently introduced an ultrasound device that's small enough to fit in your coat pocket. It's ready to use once you have connected it to a tablet or smartphone. The portable system makes bedside physical exams possible. The device primarily benefits students as it allows them to combine basic knowledge and clinical application.
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Image: A device with a large monitor and different control panels in a darkened laboratory; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA – PAMB

Fraunhofer IPA – PAMB

Cardiovascular diseases: using AI to navigate the catheter


Treatment of a heart attack or stroke caused by vascular occlusion must be prompt to prevent further damage to vital tissue. Unfortunately, the actual treatment is often preceded by a lengthy catheter-based procedure where the cardiologist manually guides the catheter to the affected vessel. AI might perform this task in the future.
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Image: person holding hand to the heart with a graphic depiction of a heart in front of them; Copyright: panthermedia.net/suriyaphoto

Cardisiography: A Non-Invasive Heart Screening Test


Coronary heart disease can come as a complete surprise and occur suddenly. Cardisiography was designed to lower the risk and make faster intervention possible. As a non-invasive heart screening test, cardisiography offers the possibility of early detection for heart diseases.
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Image: Heart symbols are floating over a smartphone in the hand of a physician; Copyright: panthermedia.net/thodonal

Digital cardiology: analyzing data beat by beat


Chronic cardiovascular diseases are a growing burden worldwide. Most of them are diseases of civilization that spread, where lifestyle is improving or where it is good already. But the healthcare systems are not growing equally to keep up with this development. We can make up for this by making cardiological care smarter with eHealth and mHealth.
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Image: Preview picture of video

AI in the hospital – Possibilities and limits


A hospital generates several thousands of gigabytes of data each day. The growing flood of data is no longer manageable for doctors. The great hope: artificial intelligence. Radiology is the main beneficiary. Dr. Felix Nensa from Essen University Hospital and Dr. Peter Langkafel from the Digital Health Factory tell us more about the possibilities and limits of learning machines.
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