Tethis S.p.A. announces enrollment of the first two patients in a clinical study of its See.d platform which allows automated standardized plasma and cell sample preparation for multiomic liquid biops


Tethis S.p.A.

Tethis S.p.A. announces enrollment of the first two patients in a clinical study of its See.d platform which allows automated standardized plasma and cell sample preparation for multiomic liquid biops

Milan, April 2, 2024 — Tethis S.p.A., a pioneer in the development of an innovative platform for liquid biopsy testing, is pleased to announce the enrollment of the first two patients in the clinical study TET-22-001. This study, titled “Feasibility evaluation of See.d pre-analytical platform performance: from whole blood to plasma and SmartBioSurface ® slides for liquid biopsy applications”, is being conducted at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy. 

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